Chapter Forty-Four: Wedding Plans

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I thought wedding planning would go a lot simpler than this but I was completely mistaken.

As I walk around my room, I try to think of where and what my wedding would look like. What I wanted it to look like.....

I look over at Angelina who flew out here for me and Tatiana who are both staring at me waiting for an hour to talk.

"Okay, we'll you know you want it to be blue." Angelina says and I nod. "Okay, how many people do you want there?" She asks and I slap my head. It's not like I have a mass majority of friends and family.

"Wrong question" Tatiana comments.

"How many people? Well I don't know. Ask the family and friends that don't fucking exist." I stammer and Angelina stands up, stopping me from pacing.

"Okay, how about I handle the people, invitations and Tatiana can handle the color scheme and look of the wedding." She says and I nod.

"The only thing you have to do is find the dress and appoint your bridesmaids." She tells me and I think.

"You, Tatiana.... OH MY GOD. I only have two girl friends!" I freak out yet again.

"I have two friends that would be glad to join. It's going to be okay, I promise" Tatiana says.

I nod my head, agreeing before walking around again. I mean why is this so hard. It has to be all these fucking hormones.

"You know whose fault this is?" I grit and they turn to me slowly.

"Alec's" I state and they both walk up to me with there hands up. "" I ignore Tatiana's

I turn to the door and open it, making my way to his room.

When I open the door and see he's not there. I mentally grunt and walk downstairs. "Sweet girl, why are you stomping?" Mrs. A asks. "He proposed to me" I grit and she laughs. 

"There are many girls who would love to be planning a wedding right now." She says and I huff.

"Why couldn't just hire someone. He hires people all the time."

"Why honey did you ever think maybe he wanted to make sure you liked everything. Yes he could whip something up but it's not going to be special to you if you don't have some kind of input." She says.

I hate when she does this.

Gives me logical answers and shit.

"I hate when you are right." I state and she pushes a snack towards me. "Eat this" She says and I grab the snack and eat it.

"It's hard to be angry when you make such good food." I state and she laughs again.


Later, I walk to Alec's room, knocking to see if he's there. "Come in" I open the door and see him sitting in his chair. "I am very mad at you" I walk over and sit on his lap.

"Why?" He responds, his attention still on the computer in front of him. "Because you tasked me with basically the biggest party ever. Its so hard to choose things. If I have to do this, you do too." I cross my arms and he finaly sits back, looking at me.

"Fine, what am I deciding on?" He asks, rubbing his hand on my thigh slowly. "Umm, the cake. You can decided what kind of cake we have." I say and he nods. "I'll give you my decision by the end of tonight." He tells me and I nod.

"Azazel will be here in a few minutes." He says and I smile. "Are you mad I'm taking him?" I ask him and he looks around. "Not mad just kind of bitter sweet. He been with me for years. One of my best men" He answers and I nod.


"Azazel?" He turns to me and walks over. "Sure, I could ask Alex but I still have to ask him. I was nervous to say the least, i've never had a personal guard before

"Yes Ma'am"

"I wanted to ask you something. You know since Alec and I will be getting married. I ask if I could um-" How do you say - "If I uh could have you." He nods but doesn't speak.

"Unless you don't want that. Then I totally understand."

"No. That's not it. Im glad you asked and Yes, I'd be honored." He tells me and I smile. I give him a huge, "You know you'll have to watch over my daughter too."

"How are you sure it's a girl?"

"Trust me it is. All the stuff she has me eating." I release, earning a laugh from Azazel. "You seem different. Stressed." He pointed out and I sigh. Azazel is always persistent. Always watching.

"I have to plan the wedding and so barley have friends or family." I respond, looking out one of the windows.

"You have a family. The mafia. And if you need someone to walk you down the aisle. I'd be honored to do so." He smiles and I give him a hug.

"I'd love that." I sniffle and he laughs. "Are you crying?" I roll my eyes. "No. It's just hormones."


The next few weeks were just filled with me planning for the wedding along with planning to be a mother.

"You sure she can't touch anything?" I ask and Alec i hands papers off to someone. "How are you so sure it's a girl?" He keeps asking me this stupid question.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I just know." I pick up his keys, handing them to him. "I wanna know." He murmurs and I stand up.

"So let's go find out."

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Hey guys, I just want to apologize for not updating on both stories. I recently got another job and it's my first time navigating 2 jobs as well as writing.

However i have found a schedule that works well so now I will be finishing the rest of book one and book two.

Thank you guys for reading and being patient with me. Let me know if you have any questions🤍🤍

 Let me know if you have any questions🤍🤍

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