36 | a night with MARS pt. ii

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"Do you want to borrow my lip balm?"

I would think I'm offering her live grenade by the way Lauren stares at the plastic tube in my hand.

"That's okay. I brought my own." After a second, she adds, "Thank you, though."

       "Yeah, no problem."

Wishful thinking is what brings me into her dressing room, and it becomes the sting that stays behind when she hastily produces an excuse to leave.

I catch a glimpse of her in front of Jun walking in the opposite direction. They stare awkwardly at each other before she darts in the other direction. After successfully keeping himself afloat in her wake, Jun catches my eye and gives a small, timid wave, and I return the gesture with a smile

Seira enters while I brush powder across my t-zone.

"How very Windsor of you," she quips.

"And that's very Ventura of you," I remark of her blue dress with orange accents. "Tell Rix I said hi."

"Won't be his colors for much longer." Seira pulls out a stool and sits next to me. "How is Bash taking the news?"

"He's excited. They get along well."

"Have you read what they've been saying about them online?" I shake my head. "They're already teeing them up to hating each other. It's so gross. I get they thrive off drama, but you can't pull a rabbit out of thin air."

"Healthy competition is good for any sport but spectators never know what line not to cross."

"I'm sure they'll be fine," Seira replies. "Between the two of us, Rix is going to retire at the end of this contract. All of this adrenaline is getting to him."

"Good for him."

"Do you think they've all slept with their trophies at least once?"

"Absolutely." Seira leans into the mirror to fix her lashes.

"You're doing okay, yeah?"


"Just checking. You're always on the go. Want to make sure you're taking care of yourself and know that we're here for you."

Seira drapes her arm around my shoulders and gives a tight squeeze. "I never doubt that."

"I might have....overheard something. Before I left for Yeongam."

"It's hard to keep things a secret in our house. There are too many people."

"You know we all love you more than anything. We'd never resent you if that's what you wanted to do."

A few days before leaving for my trip, I overheard Marty talking to Seira about an offer she received from an overseas record label. Seira works a lot with artists in the kpop scene. With songwriting talents like hers, it makes sense, and she has always been sought after. Receiving an offer to sign solo was always inevitable, but the timing is less than ideal with MARS soaring to new heights after Escape Velocity.

Holding her back or binding her to some friendship obligation would be cruel. As much as I would miss her, seeing her happy is the ultimate goal, and we would never forgive ourselves if she ever thought she had to hold herself back for us.

"I'll be honest—I thought about it. It's not like it hasn't been brought up before. And I think I'd do well over there. But MARS is my home."

"You deserve more credit."

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