4 months ago.
She was tired. Her shift today wasn't that long but Ruhanika hasn't been sleeping well. She got into her car and made her way towards her house. But luck wasn't on her side.Her car stopped in the middle of nowhere. The road was surrounded by trees on both sides. Honestly, someone can kill her and bury her there. Nobody will know.
Great. Issi ki kami thi.
(Only this was left)
Her phone did not have any signal. She can't even make a call. Or book a cab. Ruhanika looked up and groaned.
What have I ever done to you, bhagwan ji?
She started walking ahead in search of signal or people. It was 9 at night, surely there will be people somewhere, nobody sleeps this early.
She found people. Just the ones you're supposed to run away from. She cannot do shit to protect herself. All the fighting she knows comes from power rangers, and well they aren't exactly a reliable source. Ruhanika started walking faster as she saw them pacing towards her.
Now she was scared. She really should have believed her mother when she said that girls are not safe in delhi at night. She lives here alone. She doesn't even have someone to ask for help.
And these morons just keep increasing their speed. Can't they go away? Nope, nobody has ever been on her side. As she is now running, she almost gets hit by a car.
"Oh fuck! Are you okay? I am so sorry." A handsome man stood in front of her. He is tall. Messy hair, deep voice, even has an Expensive car. He looks like he belongs to a good family.
But should she trust him? Well, he is her last resolve.
"It's okay. I am not hurt. But can you help me? Those three men are following me and my car broke down and my phone does not have any signal. Please. I just need to go home." She is scared and tired. She is on the verge of crying. Tears are blurring her vision but she is trying to fight them back.
Aryan looks at the girl in front of him. She is beautiful but she looks really scared. Doesn't look like she is lying to be close to him. "Ofcourse I'll help you. Even my phone does not have signal, but please, get in the car. I'll drop you."
Ruhanika is hesitant but when she sees those men nearing her, she nods and quickly make her way towards the passenger seat. Aryan looks at the 3 men, who are clearly drunk. Glares at them and gets in the car.
Ruhanika gives Aryan her address, not the complete one, she is still vary of him. Though he seems like a genuine guy.
After fifteen minutes of driving, Aryan starts to feel like the silence is too heavy."What is your name? If you don't mind me asking."
"I don't and it's Ruhanika. Yours?
Aryan looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "You really don't know who I am?" She shakes her head with a frown. Is she supposed to know who he is?
"Well that explains why you haven't been looking at me continuously or why you were worried to step in the car or why you haven't given me your actual address. Well Ms. Ruhanika, I am glad. You're a smart woman but I assure you, you're completely safe. I am Aryan, by the way. Aryan Singh Rajvansh."Ruhanika was astound at how easily he knew about the address but his name changed something. Rajvansh was a big deal. And Aryan Singh Rajvansh was a rockstar. Her colleagues talked alot about him, his looks and his music. She is a fan of Victorian English music so she doesn't really know him or his songs.
"You're a rockstar, right? My colleagues talk about you alot. They are your big fans. "
"And you? I know you're not my fan, you didn't even know who I was and didn't treat me like a God, which I am glad about, just so you know. Do you like any of my songs? You might have listened to them on a radio or party or I don't really know what your scene is."
Ruhanika didn't want to lie but she did not with to hurt him with the truth either. He is doing her a favor afterall. She was not a good liar anyway so it doesn't matter."I um.... I actually have never listened to any of your music. Nothing against you, I just like a different genre of music."
Aryan laughed at her nervousness. It's not a crime to not know about his music. It's okay. He doesn't blame her. They reached her address. She gives him the real one, and he drops her in front of her apartment building.
"Well Ruhanika, it was nice to meet you."
"It was nice to meet you as well, and thank you so much. Also I am sorry about the whole music-"
"Please Ruhanika, it's absolutely fine. Not everyone knows about it anyway. I am just happy, that you're honest enough to say it to my face."
"Okay, I'll leave then. Thank you once again."
"You're welcome. Kismet mei raha to phir milenge." Aryan gave her one of his million dollar smile and she smiled back. Aryan drove away when he saw her entering her apartment building.
(If fate decides, then we'll meet again.)
He reached home where his family was sitting together. Waiting for him, it seems.
"What happened? Why did everyone stop talking and why are you looking at me like that? You all look weird. Except for you Swadheenta bhabhi, you like the queen you are and also you my gorgeous Meera bhabhi, still looking like a goddess." Meera smiled and Swadheenta rolled her eyes.
"Aryan, we want to talk to you." His grandfather's voice made him stand to attention.
"About what dadu?"
"About your Marriage. We have found a girl and well we wish for you to marry her. It's your decision though." Color drained out of Aryan's face and Ayaan stood next to him with a smirk on his face.
"Come on Aryan, it's just marriage." It was Ayaan's time to have fun.
"Shut up."
"Atleast think about it Aryan, she is a nice girl. Badi maa has met her." Swadheenta chimed in.
"She is a smart, confident woman. A doctor. Her name is Ruhanika. Atleast look at her picture." His badi maa's words caught his interest. He took the picture from her hands and yep. He just dropped his potential wife home.
Maybe it isn't such a bad idea. But he needs time to think.
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