Chapter 23

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"So, this is just a farce?"

Jeongyeon could see that Dahyun was struggling to keep up with her, but she was on too much of a role to try and relax.
"Well, yes, but-"

"Then why the hell are we even having this
meeting?" she asked, throwing the hallway
door open. Dahyun hurried beside her to the elevator.

"Well, Mr im prefers this to anything else."

Jeongyeon snorted. "If he already decided everything, I don't get why he wants to still have this dumb meeting. Do these men still think it's up for debate?"

Dahyun nodded. "Yeah. They don't know
what Mr im has decided until the end of the
meeting. Until then, they all present their cases and often argue with each other."

Jeongyeon looked at her brand-new watch. Nayeon had bought it for her years ago, but it was too fancy and rich for her and she had never had a proper occasion to wear it. Being the stand-in CEO for Im Corp was the perfect opportunity, though. Jeongyeon was also wearing the stunning pantsuit Nayeon had bought for her not too long ago.

Jeongyeon felt powerful in the suit, the shiny new heels and the watch. Her wedding band attracted attention and Jeongyeon was thoroughly enjoying herself. Poor Dahyun.

"This makes no sense, they're wasting resources. We could be diverting our time to
more important things, instead of wasting an
entire hour."

At that, Dahyun's face brightened. "Nayeon
thinks the same thing! Every time she tried to
talk to her father about it, he shut her down."

"That old dickwad."

They made it to the meeting room on the third
floor of Im Corp, and when Jeongyeon strode in with authority, Dahyun at her side, the men in the room were already seated and bickering. There was only one other woman, but she looked stressed out and Jeongyeon could guess that she was just an assistant. Jeongyeon looked to the woman and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Good afternoon. My name is Yoo Im Jeongyeon" she greeted, looking directly at the woman. "You are?"

The woman jolted. "Me?"

The men quieted immediately, confused. "Yes,
you," Jeongyeon responded, smiling still.

"My name is Emily."

"Lovely to meet you, Emily," Jeongyeon greeted warmly. She turned her attention to the men and her eyes hardened. "Gentlemen."

"Excuse me?" one of them sputtered, looking to Dahyun. "Who is this?"

Dahyun sat down at the corner of the table
and Jeongyeon took the seat at the end. "My name is Yoo Im Jeongyeon," she responded icily before Dahyun could open her mouth. "And if you have any questions about me, you are welcome to direct them to me, not my assistant. I am Nayeon's wife, and I will be running things for the day. We have," she looked to her watch," fifty-five minutes left. You may commence your bid to close the deal."

They stared at her in shock, but she took her
phone out and went on her social media.
Dahyun pretended to look through official
paperwork, but really, like she had said,
everything was already decided and signed.
The men started talking all at once. They
bickered back and forth as Dahyun tried
to placate them, and all the while Jeongyeon ignored them. She was surprised when the chair to her side moved and Emily took a seat.

"Forgive me, Mrs Im. May I sit?"

Jeongyeon nodded. "Of course. Do you need anything?"

Emily nodded. "This is my first day here. I just
wanted to thank you for acknowledging me first and asking for my name."

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