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Sharp pain soared through Elizas body as she curled into fetal position, it felt as though someone was clawing her insides out, she let out a blood curdling scream as her guard came rushing into the room.

"Breathe Eliza, just breathe" He said as he held her body close to his, rocking her gently as he reached over to her nightstand, pulling out the painkillers the pack doctor had prescribed before handing her a glass of water.

"I just want to die" Her voice hoarse from all the screaming as sweat dripped down her sunken face. She was losing weight rapidly and could barely cope. Her mate was no where to be seen and only he could take the pain away, it felt as though she was in heat again, but it was impossible, they had mated and married since then, only way she could feel this pain is if he was being unfaithful, which she could never imagine was the case.

She finally fell back into her bed barely able to hold herself up, the pain killers they was giving her wasn't made for humans, only supernatural beings and it took more effect on her body then they had ever seen before.
"Where is Ivan?" She asked barely able to keep her eyes open.
"Alpha is busy with work my Luna" Jerome, the guards voice strained as he hated lying to the sweet girl who would do anything for anyone, who loved like no other, her kindness and love is what brought the pack back to life and he knew if she ever found out, they would lose it all. She just nodded before closing her eyes, her cracked and dry lips parted ever so slightly as her chest would rise and drop so slowly you would think she was dying, but she might as well be.

The next morning was worse, she woke up all alone again, Eliza peeled herself from her bed and wobbled towards the bathroom in hopes to wash some of the dried sweat off her, her body could barely hold her up anymore. She had lost more weight than anyone could have ever possibly imagined and her body was so weak now everyone around her was worried she wouldn't make it, everyone except her Alpha.

Within seconds of being in the shower her eyes began to flicker as black dots covered her vision.
"Jerome-" She barely whispered, in attempt to call out, before she completely collapsed, hitting her head on the sink next to the open shower in the process. Luckily for her , the guard had the best hearing due to his supernatural genetics and quickly ran to her aid only to find her face down on the floor with blood pooling around her head, he quickly grabbed the towel next to him without even thinking and scooped her up into his arms, he could just about hear her pulse, it was getting weaker by the second. He rushed her to the pack doctor whilst mind linking his Alpha.

'Alpha, it's the Luna'

'What now?!'

'She's in a bad way, Sir'

The Alpha shut off the mind link whilst he carried on with his "Business" of trying to produce a pup with someone else who could. Jerome began to shake with anger as he reached the pack doctor who was already waiting for him.

"Oh Eliza" She gasped when she saw her limp in the guards arms, blood dripping from her head as her pale face slept lifelessly. No one wanted it to come to this, but their ruthless Alpha didn't care.

She was set up with IV's and a pump straight to her stomach for the medication, she was given a feeding tube and oxygen until her body was strong enough to do it herself. They took blood tests just to make sure everything else was working fine, a mate cheating on a wolf was painful enough but a mate cheating on a human was deadly.

Eliza finally came around after a couple of days, but still no sign of Ivan. She sighed as she took the mask of her face sitting up to look around.
'It must of been bad' She thought to herself as her head began to throb. The Doc came in sensing her Luna awake instantly.

"Luna, I'm so happy to see you pulled through!" She said with a beaming smile. "As did our next Alpha! They are doing just fine" Her eyes soft as she went to the medicine cabinet at the end of the bed.

"Next Alpha?" Eliza asked confused as the Doctor smiled.

"You didn't know?" Elizas confused expression answered her question for her. "My Luna, you're pregnant!" Elizas heart skipped a beat as her hands automatically went to her stomach. The Doctor handed her a box of medication as she sat down beside her Luna.

"Eliza my darling, unfortunately you are human, and carrying an Alpha can be extremely dangerous, especially at birth but everything in here will help you, I'll bring you a new box every month with a repeat to help keep this smooth sailing". Eliza tried to take in the news as well as everything the doctor was telling her.

Eliza was so excited, she was beaming, they had waited so long for this miracle.
The second she was discharged she headed out to find her husband.
'Where's Alpha?' She asked her guard Jerome, typing away on her phone as she eagerly waited for a reply.

'Oh, uh, Alpha is resting, his not feeling too great'

Eliza wanted to let him rest so headed for the guest room down the hall, the pain in her stomach still there but she put it down to the pregnancy. She opened the door ready to get some rest herself when she was stopped in her tracks.

"Give me a pup you filthy whore!" The Alpha growled as the girl underneath him moaned.
"Yes Alpha! I will! Just don't stop!" Elizas hand flew to her mouth at the sight before her, hot tears streaming  without a single noise. The box dropped out of her hand catching the Alphas attention but she quickly picked it up and scurried out of the room.
Her one true love, her mate, her husband, the father of her child was cheating on her. She knew the pain meant something but everyone lied to her, even her own friend and guard.

She headed back to the room they shared as the tears continued the fall, her heart completely broken, she grabbed her suitcase she brought with her when she moved in and chucked the box in there before piling any clothes she owned on top as quickly as she could.

She whimpered as a strong hand gripped her arm pulling her back with such force that she fell to the ground landing on her stomach in the process. She winced, curling her body up holding her stomach protectively.
"What the Hell do you think you're doing?!" The Alpha growled at her, he was no longer her soft and loving Ivan that would do anything for her, he was cold and frightening.

"I'm leaving, Sir" She said, barely a whisper as she got back up. "I can't watch you with other women, the pain has been killing me" She whispered as she continued to pack.

"What did you expect?! You can't bare me an heir!" He yelled in her face as he ran his hand through his hair. "That's the only reason I would even accept you as a mate, I needed an Heir" She just nodded as she zipped up her bag.
'If only he knew' She thought to herself.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I really wish things were different" She said as she looked up at him. "If you reject me now, we can ask the Council for the divorce to be finalised today, I don't want anything from you, I just want you and your pack to be happy". The tears began to fall again as her voice broke. There was no way after all this she was going to raise a child with him.

"You don't have to ask me twice" He gritted out as he stormed out the room with Eliza on his tail ready to settle this, she was ready to be a mother, just not with him.


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