+• Dating Staci Pratt •+

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+• Before going to Hope County •+

+• He would tell you many jokes or funny stories
+• He flirted with you a lot
+• he was outgoing and funny
+• cuddles with him are relaxing
+• He was talkative but you really didn't mind
+• Him kissing your cheek or lips
+• high fives or fist bumps when a mission went well
+• him sometimes holding your hand
+• yeah he would get jealous sometimes
+• overall he was outgoing

+• Being in Hope County •+

+• Once you had arrived at the Whitetail mountains, your top priority was to rescue Pratt from Jacob Seed
+• You would get captured by Jacob's men and be put in a cage with some other people, that's the only time when you would see Pratt
+• But when you finally rescued him, he wasn't clearly the same anymore
+• You knew what Jacob did to the people because you went through it, Pratt was paranoid and traumatized about what Jacob did to him
+• He would be talking about how strong he should be, he would follow you around like a lost puppy and he would flinch if someone raised their voice or hand. He wants to be strong for you and protect you
+• You knew it would take a long time for him to recover fully

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