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The Framework

In this 'reality', Asta was known as the Goddess of Battle and Magic, being gifted the title by her father Odin. She had went with her brothers to Jotunheim to fight, resulting in Thor's death. She came to Earth soon after Loki was Crown'd King of Asgard, coming down to Earth to offer them assistance with their battle with the Inhumans. That is were she met Dr. Leopold Fitz, and Ophelia. The Hydra Agency were ever so greatful for her help, that after they won, had it that people only worshiped the Goddess. She came from the heavens and ended their war, how could they not praise her; at least that's what Ophelia continiously said. The more time Asta spent on Earth being worshiped, the Higher in the ranks she was in Hydra with Leopold and Ophelia, where the three became very, very close.

But threats knew them as The Doctor, The Princess, and Madam Hydra.


Asta had entered the lab within the Treskelion looking for a specific person. "Leopold!... Oh, you have company. Do you want me to meet with you later?" she says seeing as there was someone else, obviously an agent not a scientist, in the room with him as an inhuman was being tested on.

"No no, its quite alright dear." Fitz told her, gesturing for her to join them.

"Asta?" Skye/Daisy, questions a bit relieved to see her here, but confused to see her in a drastically different outfit, similar to how she remembers first meeting her, only far more dramatic.

"That's Your Grace to you." Fitz reminds the agent sternly.

"R-right. Sorry, uh, Your Grace." Skye stutters out, confused as the blonde pays her no mind as she sits on the Doctors desk to face him.

"How are things going with Grant Ward?" Fitz questions, not bothering to look at Skye, as his attention were on the inhuman and the princess now before him.

"They're good." she replies trying not to cringe as Asta sat unbothered as Fitz placed his hand on her dress covered thigh.

"I noticed your application for co-habitation had been approved." Fitz brings up, finally looking over at her.

"Yes." Skye says, unsure of what to say next.

May entered the lab quickly, "Sir?" she says as she approach the desk, "Your Grace." she says out of respect before continuing, "There's a report you need to see. Subversive activity at a school. A woman with a S.H.I.E.L.D.  I.D." she informs pulling up the info.

"Really?" Fitz says intrigued by the news.

"That's interesting." Asta says, standing once Fitz did, standing at his side, giving the agent her attention.

"The report was called in by a teacher, Phillip Coulson." May says before giving them the tablet to read over.

"Who's the girl?" Fitz questions as he skims over the report.

"Suspect was in her mid-20's, British." May tells him.

"Did you get her name?" Skye questions, joining the group. "Where was this."

The three look at her, "You can go." Fitz dismisses her. Asta watches as she leaves as Fitz continued to read it over before giving his orders. "I want any and all assets in the area in on this." He instructs, before handing May back the tablet before she leaves them.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., haven't heard that in a while." Asta says as she moves to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him in close to her.

"I know. That's what worries me." he admits to her in a quiet mutter.

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