Past Is Past

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When the past becomes your present . . .

You were a transferee student;
You were from a large city then went here in a not-so-really-province;
You became my classmate;
You waved at me,
I also waved back.

We became close,
You asked me who do I like;
I told you it is a secret,
But you kept asking me who,
So I asked you back too:
Who do you like?
And you told me it is me,
I still remember that sound of my heartbeat.

It is already Friday,
Time flies so fast;
It is very fast to the point you would not notice that you are here already.

They say past is past,
But I could not stop thinking about you and I in the past,
Questions like: what if I told you I like you too?
Were you just kidding you like me, or you really do?

After a few months, you had your girlfriend,
And after a few weeks, you two broke up,
And I guess it was because of me, whom you always talked with,
I comforted you, and I felt guilty.

But as months went on,
We became closer;
You told me again you liked me,
I thought it was a joke again;
You said you were serious,
But I pushed it as a joke still,
Because you were always that kind of a playful guy.

They say past is past,
But I could not stop thinking about us in the past,
Questions like: why do you need to take that way?
Is the road moving crookedly, or it is just you?

I still remember the way you look at me,
The way you smile at me,
The way your eyes shine;
I still remember the way you told me so many times you liked me;
I still remember your favorite color;
I still remember our deep talks and conversations;
I still remember how cute and cool you were in your hoodie;
I still remember all,
But I am late,
I was too late to confirm my feeling;
I am late, you left.

I have realized past is past,
So I stopped thinking about you and I in the past,
Questions like: what if I told you I like you too?
Were you just kidding you like me, or you really do?

I stopped thinking about those questions anymore.

Well, I guess I am not the one for you;
No, I am sure that I am not the one for you,
Because past is past.

It is already Friday,
Time flies really fast;
It is very fast to the point you would not notice that you are here already . . .

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