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Deku On

Ahhhh how many years has it been?

How many years have I been here in this eternal suffering...

I've spent time training my soldiers so they can reach a good level of proficiency with Infernal Flames.

Many of them became even stronger... Well, good!

I also trained with the weapons I had found stuck near the Throne, and found that they all had an ego and a life of their own.

From what I've heard, the strongest beings within the "Kingdom" were called Infernal Flames from 1 to 10, but I found this name too boring to call them, so I went on to call them Kings changing according to their race.

I have battled and engaged in so many battles against the beings that live in the "Kingdom"

It was quite strange to me, as I didn't expect the "Kingdom" to be the size of Earth, Planet Earth, in real scale.

There were several kingdoms that were ruled by other Kings, but the Palace I was in was the Strongest Kingdom there was.

Even if I tried to make the transactions peacefully, no one wanted to settle it that way. So I had to go to war, but I didn't use my army, since the army is me!

I fought hundreds of millions of beings in the "Kingdom" and killed them all, so I gained respect from Fear!

Even if it's not what I wanted initially hehehe...

But it was worth it, I met a friend from a Kingdom I conquered who, in his last moments, left his daughters for me to take care of them... I welcomed them.

And I continued with my achievements!

The entire "Kingdom" already knew of my fame!

I was even Nicknamed the [Monarch of Destruction]

I put the entire "Kingdom", which I came to call the "Hellland" in the palms of my hands

Unify and I have absolute control over everything that happens

That's why I was called [The King]

Well, I was simply the owner of everything in the "Helllands"

Hahahahaha it was so much fun!

Plus I can turn into a dragon! That was the most amazing thing that ever happened!

I discovered this randomly. when it was still unifying all the "Helllands"

Izuku, the Infernal GodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora