Chapter 13

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Dabi heads into his new class spotting Mia.
He walks up to her "hey"
Mia looks at Dabi "Dabi! Hey! I am so glad you're here! Today we'll be getting info on what the heroes will be doing tomorrow!"
He sits at the desk in front of her "why? I thought we only made costumes for people"
"That's what we mainly do yeah but we also set up the heroes playground"
"You know where they train to do dangerous stuff"
"Ah alright well sounds fun"
Mia smiles "it's so fun!"
A teacher walks into the class "alright everyone settle down the papers will be handed out once the heroes finish them"

Deku looks at the paper that was handed out. He had to think of something they may have to face in the future. There are so many things though it's going to be hard to pick just one. He sighs and starts writing down ideas. Eventually he hands in the paper he had wrote about natural things. Doing that just made things easier than trying to pick just one thing that could happen with villain's. As Deku goes back to his seat only to trip over Olivia. He managed to catch himself before he fully landed on the ground.
He gets up and glares at Olivia "how dare you!"
Deku goes to punch Olivia but she uses her power to keep herself from getting hit. Though he still kept punching as the teacher came over.
They grab Deku "Midoriya calm down I'm sure it was an accident!"
Deku glares at the teacher "and I'm sure it wasn't!"
He pulls away from the teacher and looks at Olivia.
He scoffs looking away "you aren't worth my time"
Deku leaves the classroom.

Deku was sitting in the bathroom doing his best to get over what just happened. Even if Olivia didn't mean to trip him, the clearest memory he has before he became a villain was Bakugo tripping him. What followed after wasn't very pretty and he didn't want to live through something like that again. He rests his head against a wall when his phone starts ringing.
He answers "hello?"
"Hello, is this Izuku Midoriya?"
Deku stands up "yeah why?"
"I have been told to inform you that one of the people in your group has turned herself in"
Deku's eyes widened "hold on, she? Toga turned herself in?"
It's silent for a moment  "yes however she won't tell us anything so we are asking you to come in"
Deku glares at the phone "you want me to get information out of Toga? What information do you even want?"
"We just want to know where Shigaraki is"
Deku sighs running a hand through his hair "fine I'll come down but if she doesn't tell me that's not my fault"
"I'll be there tomorrow" Deku hangs up and groans "today is to much"

Dabi got his paper from the teacher they were going to be making whatever was written by the hero. He didn't get Deku's paper so he was a bit annoyed by that.
Mia groans "why would someone talk about a natural disaster? That makes it so much more boring?"
Dabi looks back at her "not really I mean think about it how could you make a tornado or an earthquake"
Mia smiles slightly "yeah those would be fun to try and make but one problem"
"They said when a volcano erupts! My power makes my hair into lava! I could easily make this work!"
"Not exactly you have to figure out to get all the lava to come out randomly you have to make things that can stand the heat and some things that can't there's a lot to you'll have plenty of fun"
Mia thinks for a moment "yeah... yeah you're right!" Mia raises her hand "teacher can me and Dabi work together?"
The teacher looks over "hm, I suppose Todoroki hand in your paper since we have one extra student I'll give it to them when they arrive"
Dabi handed over his paper then sat back by Mia.

Quirkless Villain to Quirkless Hero (Quirkless Villain Deku Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now