CHAPTER 3-Mount Zipon

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Previously on Thanatos

As I was eating I see the same girl walking towards me and sits beside me.

We eat in silence.

I want to ask her so many things my mind has listed trillion of questions. But she seems more lost than I am.


"Ahemm" I cleared my throat to draw her attention. A hand holding water Jug comes near my face. I Stare at her face which she is hiding with a cloth. She inches the water jug nearer to my face and I take it. Is she mute. I guess she is. I'm I thirty 'Nope. But then this sweet gesture. I already like her. She seems considerate.

"Thank you" I thank her. Not expecting any response.

"Thank you too" she speaks... She is not mutt THANK GOD. I can ask her my questions. wait isn't the correct response to thank you is welcome why did she thank me then.

"Why thank me?" I ask her in questioning tone. She lifts her head high. Like thanking the God in heaven.

"You are very kind" she tells me her eyes beaming with happiness.

"oh.."that was the most convenient reply I could think of.

"What is your name?" I ask her looking to her. She doesn't reply. It's not that hard question. right

Internal sigh.

" I'm sorry if I've offended you" I tell her honestly. Without waiting for any reply I start finishing my last loaf of bread.

"109" she speaks with pain in her voice.

Is that even a name.

"could you please elaborate a little" I tell her, to which she reply with a heavy sigh. is it that bad.

"My identity or say my name is 109, we are going to Mount zipon as Level 0 workers" she blurt out directly as she stop eating her food. Her action tells this is serious.

"whats wrong being Level 0 worker, you work only? right" I press last word to get detailed answer. She hears them carefully and prepares herself to speak.

"I don't know what has been told to you but, we will be working under Captain General. He might be a life saver for this country, but in his Territory a single stain of mistake will lead you to death. He tear people into half in war. That's the reason none of the Normal person comes to work" she pauses as something bitter blocked her mind. and I am more confused than before But my curiosity is at peak.

"Its not that living inside palace was any better" she chuckles mindlessly.

what is this girl talking about. Yes girl, not 109.

"why...." I ask her my voice less audible from her words

" Why you ask want answer.." she tells and I nod yes of-course I want to know

"Let me show you instead" with that she starts opening her cloth covered in her face. Her cheeks was visible then the next thing I saw made me gasps in horror. I have never seen a person face like this. I quickly diverted my eyes from her as the look was disgusting a bit. I couldn't take more of it.

Her right eyes were golden in colour representing "Tribe Sprinz". But her left eye was gone or say it was removed because there was a hole in her left side with little infection.
It was like someone had plucked her eyes from its place.
Now I know why she had covered her face. This entire time I couldn't look at her. This sight was so scary. I tried not to make her feel bad but failed my reaction would have hurt her feelings. I haven't seen something violating. This things trigger my mind badly after my parents death.

It hurts me inside. I feel like the air is being sucked out from my body.

Others.......What about them?

There were many people who travelled with me......all of them covering their entire body.....that means. My jaw dropped at this thought. Were all of them severely injured or say tortured like her.. I froze at this thought.

"That place is hell. any simple mistake in palace will make you lose your... " her voice breaks as she ties her clothes to hide her face.

"They are all the same they are monster they are monster....... monster " with that she starts sobbing.

I couldn't do anything or say, she had gone through a lot with evidence in herself. I try to calm her. But her sobbing are powerful then my words. What more could I say........ Seeing her in this State my heart pains. is palace a horrid place. But queen seems like a sweet person.

"Please don't cry" i tell her.

More sobs erupts

"Why are you here?" she questions. not waiting for my answer she continues.

"We all are here for a reason, they consider us as waste, thinking our death is nearer they sent us here to work. As none survive in Mount zipon. But you..." She stops and looks at me. And the picture of her eyes flash in my mind. This time I don't divert my eyes from her.

" sent me... I did something" i tell her. touching the hem of my dress. Now she has composed herself.

"Good luck to you then. After going to mount zipon there is no coming back. Nobody has ever returned from there, once entered " she tells more to herself then me. I see change in her behaviour. She starts mumbling to herself. And I don't interfere.

What I knew from the conversation is, The general I know who gives us seeds is very ruthless. But the place this lady come from has more ruthless people indeed. I still think the general is not so ruthless. We have seen I mean the people of Aurum has Seen. This lady must be mistaken. But who I am to judge when I myself don't know any one except Palsi and few town people.

I look towards her and see her mumbling to herself, looking deep into her it look like two people are finding difficult making decision. When in real there is only one. It's just her. It's hard to understand. she is speaking a foreign language. Because she is Sprinz they speaks foreign language.

It's hard to understand what she is doing.

I call her.....No response.....I try to calm her down as I walk to her to hold her hands.

Next thing I knew was she ran... fast... Very fast.

It was hard to understand her movement. But then I realised and ran towards her shouting at towards Freedmen to stop her. He didn't give any response as he did not understand. As I point towards her.

He started running towards her to save her. But she ran faster, I near her closing the large gap. But 'no' my feets are weak. I have never run in my life.

But the Freedmen is faster he tries to grab her. But No...No

Before us reaching...she is almost near the end of cliff.

"Noooo" I shout loud..

"Retreat young lady. The Head master would be angered" Freedmen warns her.

The words don't seem to affect her.

Next we know she let her body fall Down from high cliff and I hear Freedmen deep sigh. Like he knew this was going to happen.

The wind starts blowing and I feel wet in my cheeks. I tough my face. I'm crying.

I try going near the cliff. Trying to look down.

But before I could reach. Freedmen pulled me towards him and started dragging me...

what is wrong with Mount zipon? NO, what is wrong with this kingdom?

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