My mom decided that later, we would go over and offer some of her famous cookies. She likes to be a good neighbor and wants to settle a good example even though they're not strangers to the community.
Angela and Mark have lived here their whole life's. That was until 7 years ago when they packed their bags and left without even a goodbye.I was heartbroken, not only because I lost my bestfriend but also because he didn't even say goodbye and obviously in my 10year old mind I didn't think that maybe he was forced to move away, in my mind I only saw the most gorgeous, sweet boy that left me on my porch, dumbfounded looking at the back of moving trucks as a big slap across my face.
And now all of a sudden I'm supposed to go over and give delicious cookies and be a good semaritan. I know the whole thing wasn't his fault, but it still hurt. Not because he moved away but because he moved on.
We were kids, the only way to keep in contact was through our mothers and so we did until we were 12 and finally got our own phones. We talked everyday for two whole years at the same hour 8pm,without missing a beat. Then all of a sudden, radio silence, he stopped answering. I even went as far as texting his mom and calling her, but still nothing. And as each day passed by I felt more pushed away as if I was dirt on his brand new shoes that he kept trying to get rid of.And it was that feeling that I couldn't forget. I always had friends but never one as close as him, they didn't compare.
I tried to move on but I simply couldn't. I needed answers. Not today or yesterday, NOW. I was done being the one kept in the dark, silently crying while watching him through a glass while he was having fun and making plans. Again, I do have friends but they never compared. It wasn't like I spent my days focusing on him while he was having all the fun. No, I was too, going out with friends and during the summer we would all go out to The Creek Tavern and the beach, it was a big town but we all knew each other even if it was just from school.When I wasn't out with my friends, I was never bored. I was either at home reading, watching some movies, hanging out by the pool or hanging out with Mads. Me and Mads know each other since we were babies. Literally. Our moms were bestfriends and did everything together, including having us. So our friendship was bound to happen but got delayed by a grumpy dark haired boy that lived next door. After he left, me and Mads start hanging out more and soon we became bestfriends.
Speaking of the devil."Hey Alli, how you doing?" Mads said while gluing on some fake nails.
"You have to stop quoting Joey Tribiani, it gets exhausting."
"No, it doesnt. You're just jealous because I do a better impression of him than you do. Anyway guess what, Sheila texted me and was like do you know who's back in town and I was like no and she said " you know who" ". She did air quotes on aces name." Did you know about this!? "
"Well I didn't but my mom did. Aperantly Mark isn't coming though. It's only Antonio, Ace and Angela."
"That's weird. "
"I know right?! " I though she was reading my mind and not gonna lie I got a bit scared.
"No, not the dad staying away. All their names start with A like the Kardashians. Don't you think that's weird." Wait what, that's what she though. OMG only her mind would drift off to something like this.
"What! No, of course not. And Ace is my nickname for him, his real name is Lorenzo. " I answered kind of annoyed because everyone knows his name around town.
"I thought we weren't supposed to say his name. "
"I never said that. " I answered kind of surprised.
"Well, I'm an amazing friend so I just assumed. Anyway do you think I can come over? "
"No, I'm sorry but its getting late and we have to go give you know who cookies so we wouldn't have a lot of time to gossip. Come over tomorrow morning though, I'm in the mood for açaí bowls. "
"Will do, sugar lips. See ya tomorrow. " I laughed, I don't know how she always comes up with these crazy nicknames.
"Byee, love you triple. "
"Love you more. "As soon as the call ended, I just wanted to crawl under my sheets and go to sleep but we went over by Ace's house and gave his mother his cookies and surprisingly enough I didn't see him wich was weird since I saw him through my window. Was he avoiding me?
All of a sudden I felt something piercing through my skin. Oh no did I scratch myself again. I looked down, nop, no scratches, so what is this.
"Oh shit", I whispered as I realized what it was. It's been awhile since I felt his stare on me. It's like a warm blanket slowly wrapping around myself and fireworks exploding everywhere his eyes set upon. I missed it.That was until I looked through my window. Across me, stood the boy I had been admiring not long ago through my window. Only he was not a boy anymore, he had grown up. And with that growth so did his feelings, I'm afraid.
His stare was now cold, like ice piercing through barries until they're so deep it physically hurts. His stare had changed and the smile on my face fell. He hates me.