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The heroes rushed to USJ fearing the worst. They were surprised to see that most of the children were waiting outside. Most of them.

Where were the Zoldycks and Andos?

While some teachers were unfamiliar with the chaotic siblings, President Mic had heard all sorts of complaints from Aizawa.

"Where's the sibling duos?" He asked in a very hip hop tone.

"I don't know. They stayed in there with the villains. Aria kicked us out." Mina informed him.

"Aria? The quirkless one?" Cemento wondered.

"Yes. She's really smart though." Jiro stated, "I heard she scored perfect on the written test."

"Really? What about the rest of the three?" Yaoyazuru asked.

"The two Andos barely passed, though Killua had a slightly higher score. However, the other Zoldyck-Alluka, she got a decent score too." 

"Wow. Zoldycks seem to make up their quirklessness with brain huh?"

"How is that important? People could be dying in there!" Kirishima suddenly yelled. Midoriya mumbled his agreement.

Bakugo chose this as a convenient time to wake up, "DAMN YOU QUIRKLESS BASTARD I'M GOING TO KILL-"

"Shut up!" approximately 6 people said in unison. Surprisingly, it worked.

They rushed into the building, fearing the worst. Awaiting them was certainly a sight to behold.

"Are you alright?" But as President Mic observed the room, he already had an answer in mind.

"How dare you!" Shigaraki exclaimed, trying to dodge the seemingly infinite amount of rocks Aria was throwing at him. Even though her face seemed apathetic as ever, Mic saw a slight smirk flicker every now and then. One of the rocks hit Shigaraki in the knee.

Alluka yawned, sitting comfortably on Kurogiri's metal neck, "This is boring...", she said, while playing with her nails.

The rest of class 1-A entered (excluding Kalluto). They seemed equally surprised. Bakugo had been fuming when he first walked in, but even his face became one of blatant surprise when he began to process what he was seeing.

Truly, it was a sight to behold, "What's going on?" Midnight wondered.

"Use your eyes to figure that out." Killua shrugged.

"Sassy." Aria noted.

Todoroki blinked, visibly confused, "the Nomu," the bird was crumpled on the ground, ripped up and burnt almost beyond recognition, "I thought it regenerated?"

"Carbonized cells don't regenerate." Killua and Aria said in unison.

Alluka laughed.

"They'll be apprehended right?" Killua asked Cemento, purposely ignoring the bewildered look on both the teachers and students. Aria fidgeted slightly under her classmates gazes, and Alluka didn't even seem to notice.

"Yes...but...what happened?" Midnights wondered.

Before Killua could make something up, Aria answered for him, "We'll tell you later, take care of the press first." Killua wasn't sure when 'later' was, but he hoped it wasn't soon.

Sure enough though, when Killua perked his ears, he could make out the faint sound of cameras clicking and the all to familiar chastising of reporters. Kalluto would hate it, but luckily, he wasn't there. Had Aria predicted this?

However, the teachers were true to their job and cleared a small path for the students, but they couldn't mute the reporters.

"How will UA respond to this incident?" Click.

"Are the heroes in UA properly considering the safety of their students?" Click, click.

Click, "How will UA guarantee this won't happen again."

Killua shielded Alluka from any overly enthusiastic reporter, and made sure to block the flashes of the cameras. In addition, he spotted Aria hiding behind Todoroki. For once, she was taking advantage of her smaller stature.

Once they returned to UA, Killua spotted Kalluto waiting for them impatiently. The other students, who all didn't have the nerve to say a word during the bus ride, all seemed pleased to see him.

"Kalluto!" Tsuyu  waved enthusiastically alongside Iida.

"Oh... hey." Kalluto frowned, taken aback by the unwanted attention that he was suddenly receiving.

While he was distracted with the students, each awkwardly congratulating him for bringing the teachers over, Killua took this as an opportunity to slip away quietly with Alluka. Aria shot them a mildly annoyed look, but didn't put in any effort to stop them. The last Killua saw of her was when she was snapping and Bakugo, annoyed over something again. Maybe she had heard what he had said while she had been unconscious?

Whatever it was, it wasn't his problem.

After they were dismissed, Aria called them over in their apartment. A little reluctantly, the three Zoldycks gathered around. The last meeting had been about the attack on USJ and the 'big bulky bird' in which Aria had told him specifically not to kill Nomu.

That hadn't exactly gone as Aria planned so she was still probably a bit peeved at him specifically. In his defense, Killua hadn't expected the Nomu to be so fragile, in the exact way Tomura Shigaraki hadn't expected the so-called quirkless Aria to have such legendary rock throwing skills.

Aria gritted her teeth, yep, definitely peeved at him, "So let's not even TALK about Killua killing Nomu when he wasn't supposed to."

Oh boy, Killua thought, we're going to talk about Killua killing the Nomu when he wasn't supposed to. To his pleasant surprise, Aria simply shot him a single dirty look before returning her focus to the rest of the Zoldycks. Kalluto seemed a bit disappointed that Killua wasn't being chewed out, but he just sighed and returned his attention to Athena.

Aria began, "I've been informed of two important things, and probably a couple other smaller interrelated facts. First, we will be moving out of this world after the tournament coming up."

"There's  a tournament coming up?" Kalluto groaned.

"Yes, it's for both 1-a and 1-b. Other students will also be participating."

Alluka brightened, "There are other students?"

"Yeah. They're not important though." Ouch.

"I can still be friends with them though?"

Aria paused, thinking something through, before nodding, "Sure. The gold medal has the key to the next world."

Killua raised his hand, "Do we have to slap it?" He said in a bored tone.

"Contact is enough. Wearing the medal will do the job. But you have to be the first to wear it, so no stealing from the actually first place."

Kallutos shoulders fell, "So you have to be the first place?"

"You have to be first. Killua went last time, the consular (me) can't go any time, and I personally don't trust Alluka to get first place. No offence."

"None taken!" Alluka cheered, not paying much attention to Kalluto look of pure resignation.

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