Meetings and Grandma's Place

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Christopher Wilde's Dad's POV:

I walk into the room holding a cardboard figure of my son Christopher. Today is a very important day for him. I was setting down the cardboard figure when my wife says, "he's late." Sometimes I think she worries a little too much. Christopher is old enough to know what his responsibilities are.

"Oh, he'll be here." I reply.

"You need to manage him better." My wife states.

"Hello? We both manage him."

"He needs to know opportunities like this don't come everyday." She pushes.

Christopher Wilde's POV:

I'm walking down the stairs in my house when I hear my dad say, "He knows, he's not a kid."

"Yeah, what's up?" I question. Honestly I have no clue what my parents were talking about before I came down. Probably has something to do with managing me, that's all we ever talk about.

"Your late." My mom states simply.

"Sorry mom." I say as I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. After I'm done greeting my mom my dad approaches me and gives me a hug while saying, "Hey, how you doing son?"

"Ah, great. Excited." I reply. To be completely honest I'm a little nervous for this meeting, but I mean, I'm Christopher Wilde, what could possibly go wrong for me?

"Oh, honey honey honey. You could of cleaned up a little bit?" My mom somewhat scolds. "What? I'm..." I pause to sniff under my arm, "I'm totally clean." I confirm with my parents. My mom lets out a sigh, "He looks like a street kid not a movie star."

"He looks fine. Just be yourself Christopher." My dad says backing me up. The doorbell rings and my mom walks to the door to open it. "They're here." She says.

"Alright, this is it bud. Your chance at what we've always wanted." My dad tells me, trying to give me a pep talk of some sort.

"Alright." I reply.

"Allen, please come in." My mom says from the doorway.

"Sheri, Daniel. Great place you got here." Allen greets shaking my dads hand.

My dad shakes Allen's hand back while saying, "Oh, uh, it's Christopher's but we kind of work here."

Work here? They're my parents? Do they really just see it as the live with me because they're my managers?

"Haha" my mom laughs while smiling.

Allen then come up so me to shake my hand, "Christopher Wilde."

"Mr. Smith." I reply shaking his hand.

"My daughters are big fans of you." Mr. Smith or Allen, I guess informs me.

"Oh great!" My dad exclaims at the same time my mom says, "Aww."

"Wow." Allen exclaims as he walks through my house to the living room. "This is great. I love this! Rock' n' roll! Hello Cleveland!" He adds on while laughing. My mom laughs along with him. Allen picks up one of my albums as we sit on the couch. "Oh, got this album at the house. Girls love this."

"Aww." My mom says.

Allen continues on talking, "Something Wilde. Alright, let's get right to the point. Let's get right to it. I've been watching you. And, I like what I see. You are talented, talented kid. He's a talented kid. You sing, you dance, I hope you can act?"

"Yeah." I state.

"Because I like you for this movie." Allen claims.

"Ahhh!" My mom screams. Listen I have nothing against my mom, I love her very much. But I think all she cares about is my career. Although either way I smile gratefully because I am able to have an opportunity like this. "Thank you sir, I mean coming from you is such an honor, I mean to work with someone like—" I start to say, but I get cut off, apparently Allen isn't done.

"But, my people don't necessarily agree with me. See, all they see is a spoiled punk who likes to tangle with the paparazzi." Allen says while holding up a magazine.

My dad stands up, "Allen, you know how those tabloids are, they manipulate photos to—"

"Yeah, I know. I get it. I get it. Look, all I'm saying kid is a chance like this comes along once in a lifetime and I wanna give you a shot but you have to prove that you're a serious and committed actor." Allen says.

"How do I do that?" I question.

"On Monday I'm gonna meet with my people, try and sell em' on you. In the meantime, you keep your face out of the tabloids. No press. Good or bad. Ok?" Allen informs me.

I nod, "I can do that."

"In fact, stay home." Allen says with a small laugh at the end. My parents and I all stand up.

"Alright." Allen says.

I shake his hand, "Thank you sir, I appreciate it." All I have to do is stay out of the press for for a while, it shouldn't be too hard right?

Emma Olson's POV:

Our plane has landed not long ago, and now I am currently sitting with my sisters while our parents went to get the rental car. While me and Jessica were reading and Sara was pacing.

"Ugh. You are both such dorks. You brought homework?" Sara questions.

"Uhm, no. It's called reading. You should try it sometime." Jessica sasses.

"What? I read." Sara claims. So to prove a point I reach behind me and grab one of Sara's magazines that had Christopher Wilde on the front and hold it up, "This? It's all pictures?"

Sara snatches the magazine from me, "Don't touch that!"

"Gladly." I state.

"What's taking them so long? Just get me a car already so I can go meet Christopher Wilde!" Sara complains.

"Uh Sara, you can't drive." Jessica states.

"Uh, yes I can. License?" She claims while holding it up.

"Uh, no you can't. Sign." I say while pointing at the sign that was behind her. Sara turns around and reads, "You must be at least 25 years old to drive or rent a car from Los Angeles car rental? What?" Sara turns back around and faces us, "How am I supposed to do what I wanna do?" She whines just as our parents walk up.

"And what would that be?" Mom questions.

"Uh, take, Emma and Jessica sight seeing?" Sara says, but it sounds more like a question.

"I think your grandma's got a car you can borrow." Our dad says.

"Uh, sweet..." Sara says sounding relieved.

The drive to our grandma's house was not long. I spent the time reading my book, Jessica read her book and Sara was listening to music with her earbuds in. She was listening to Christopher Wilde, the reason I could tell is because, one that's what she always listens to, and two I could literally hear the music it was so loud. I'm pretty sure all of us heard it, but no one chose to comment on it.

Finally, we arrived at grandma's and as we all hour out of the car to greet grandma, mom was already fussing about grandma standing on a latter. "See what I mean? Mom, be careful."

"Oh, here comes the calvary." Grandma mumbles.

"You could fall and break a hip!" Mom exclaims.

"Oh, now Barbra, calm down!" Grandma exclaims back as she goes to hug Mom. "Howard had my back." Grandma informs.

"Oh." Mom says pulling away from the hug. "Okay, then."

Grandma then goes to hug dad. "Grandma!" Me and Jessica exclaim as we run up to hug her. Our grandma gives us both tight hugs. "Oh! Emma! Jessica! I'm so happy to see you!"

"We missed you so much!" I exclaim.

"Oh, ditto!" Grandma grins. Grandma then sees Sara looking at her car. "Oh, Sara! You can take it for a spin if you want to."

"Just give her a toon up! She runs like a top." Howard adds.

"Ahh...yeah...a super ugly top you never want to be seen in!" Sara exclaims while smiling.

"Does that mean you'll be joking us for shuffleboard?" I ask while Grandma, Jessica, and I all smile at Sara.

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