Beginning to an end

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a/n: I have an epilogue of when they met tell me if y'all want me to post it

I took deep breaths as I stared at myself in the mirror. I have to admit, I look cute. "No but that's what you don't understand. Chris evans is way more daddy than Chris Hemswoth, just saying facts" George discussed with Marisa "Ok no. Literally have you seen Chris Hemsworth?? He's like wooow daddy" I chuckled at their conversation while making positions on the mirror to see how I look "Okay Mia if Chris Hemsworth asked you to marry him what would you say?" Marisa asked "Well I  am dating the best man ever so I'm sorry Chris but it's a no" I said not taking my eyes off the mirror "Cute remember that today is wife by the way. But! What If Chris Evans asked you to marry him?" George asked, I giggled and shook my head "still, they don't compare" "But think about this, Chris looks like... Chris you know but, think about how good Mr.Hacker is in bed" he said and I narrowed my eyebrows "alright now think that Chris does it 10 times better" I took a deep breath and turned to them "Impossible, and your discussion is pointless because neither of you knows them, neither of you is probably going to meet them, and no matter how good the sex is. They would never compare to Vincent" I said and they chuckled "Mia! you don't know!!!" he winced "Alright i'm enjoying this but Mia you need to go, no?" Marisa said and I slowly nodded kind of terrified that everyone's eyes are going to be on me; The unknown and never seen leader's wife "Yeah you need to go and impress that fake husband of yours" he smiled clapping his hands together. Now? I have to go now? "Wait- I forgot the... how is it called?" i snapped my fingers in the air pretending to try to remember, they were looking at me confused. "The thing guys!" I tried to make it seem obvious "Mia? I think there's nothing missing" Marisa said "I'm sure that the thing you know, it's missing" George furrowed his eyebrows, sighed and picked his notepad out starting to go step by step to see what was missing, even tho i knew there was nothing missing I wasn't going to stop him



"Mi hijo, calm down, everything is going to be okay" My grandma tried to put my nerves down "Reg, you and ma are out of there by 9. Understand?" I told him sternly and he nodded "Vinnie, stop worrying, it's a celebration, not a massacre" well that's what everyone thinks isn't it? "you have your guns?" I turned to Reg "I do just stop it already" "Look your wife is coming down any minute now, i'm sure she's going to look gorgeous" ma said. My "wife". Of course she's going to look gorgeous. She could go in her pyjamas that she would still look the most beautiful woman in that place. I can already imagine the color of the dress by the details my suit has matching her dress. I don't know what she'll think, grey suit with details all over matching her rose gold dress. "Vincent are you listening?" I nodded still staring at the one point on the floor "look isn't that her dresser, she's probably coming downstairs any moment now" I immediately got up, going to the bottom of the stairs, not finding her at the top of them yet



Alright, it's just a big deal if you make it one. It's all right. I had practiced this at home, sure we are at one of his houses but here the stairs are so much longer and bigger almost like a palace.
Doesn't matter, I can do it.
I breathed heavily and opened the door, going down the hallway. Once I got to the stairs I saw so many gazes on me, this is some of Vinnie's friends, there's going to be so much more peole at the party. I put a hand on the handrail and started going downstairs. My gaze quickly met with his, wow he looks more than handsome. Oh. His suit. Is matching me. I- wow I'm still in front of hundreds of people. As I approached the end he stepped up a few steps and extended his hand for me to pick. I held his hand firmly and smiled at him, feeling my cheeks turning pink. He gave me a smile, which was like really sweet, considering that he told me he wouldn't be showing much affection in front of people like he does when we are alone and I understand, so this genuine smile is perfect. Once I stepped on the floor he held me firmly by my waist, pulling me closer to him. He looked at me in the eyes and oh...
He put a hand gently under my jaw and kissed me, a good long passionate kiss. Everyone in the mafia expects the couple to kiss so at least i have that.
I heard applause around us and we pulled away, I tried not to smile in embarrassment but even his lips were slightly curved "You look like a goddess" he whispered in my ear, and at this point I don't know if it's possible to blush more. I mouthed thank you "Alright everyone, we can leave now" he said loudly so they'd hear. He then looked at me and I gave him a side smile and he squeezed my waist a little while scanning me. I checked him out without caring to hide it, and woah, his biceps flexed on the suit everytime he moved. And the details, oh god I'm so happy George explained it to me, so I can appreciate it even more. His hair looks perfect like always, and he shaved, looking clean mister hacker. I smirked to myself "Can't believe you're actually matching" I tried to say it at a reasonable tone for him to understand since everyone was talking so much but he didn't understand. He furrowed his eyebrows and bent over to hear me better, I giggled and he smirked "I said; I can't believe that you're actually matching with me, that's so sweet" i said he straightened up looking irritated, and oh good god how relieved I was when I noticed why. He picked a glass from behind him and threw it on the floor making it shatter and take everyone's attention, I gasped and my jaw was on the floor "Now, Can you keep your tone down" He asked sternly and everything went silent. He turned back to me "what were you saying?" he asked calmly. I shook my head "oh god Vinnie, there was no need for that" I told him "However I can hear you now, so what were you saying?" His hands weren't on my waist anymore, he had them stuffed in his pockets "Well, you're very handsome and I can't actually believe that you matched your suit with me" I whispered and he nodded "It's just a few details but thank you lo-" he cut himself off with a cough. "Let's go" he said and I linked my hand with his arm. There were still a bunch of people in the house, kind of creeping me out


"Are you gonna let all of those people in the house?" I asked as he opened the limousine's door for me, he made sure to close the door before starting to talk to me "Don't worry about that, it's nothing. But look I have to tell you something very important" he lowered his voice and motioned for me to get to the very back of the limousine (it was far enough from the first door he'd opened), I scooted to there and nodded along waiting for him to start speaking "Alright tonight, something very dangerous is going to happen" he started (always with a lowered voice) and my heart rate sped up "Tonight, at the party, there's going to be an attack" i gulped nervously, while fidgeting with my fingers "But don't worry, just do what I tell you alright?" he said holding my hand and stopping me from fidgeting "Are you going to stop the attack?" I asked him "We can't do that, but we can prevent our selves from getting hurt" when he said that, my heart had already sunken to my stomach but in the next very second my breathing hitched. He rubbed his thumb on my hand calming me down "Why are we still going?" I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows and wanting to get up and make him stay, if he knows that we can get hurt, even die maybe, why are we still going? "Mia don't worry please, just do what I'm about to tell you" he said getting closer to me "This attack will happen at 10:15. If we are not out of there before 10:15... we die. So I want you to meet me at 10:05 by the back exit, that place is gigantic so there are 4 back doors, we'll meet at the third one." I just couldn't process this right, I just nodded along "From there we are going home as fast as possible. You can't tell anyone, what about Bella? -and you cannot, under no conditions stay behind to help someone. Not even if it's me. You understand?" he said sternly and I felt my eyes sting "No, Mia please don't cry" he almost whispered, he took the napkin off his suit and gave it to me. I started to gently hold the paper to my eyeball to absorb the tears before they could fall and ruin my makeup. "It's going to be alright, Reggie's gonna drive my car there, and we are going to be fine" he said caressing my cheek, I can't take it in, this seems so out of another life. And if this actually happens, I can't save myself and let the people I love there to die. "Bella? What about her? Is she going to die?" my voice got more pitched at every word "Don't worry she's with Jett" he said, he then proceeded to pick something out from behind his back. It was a gun. "This is for you, remember how to use it." oh god, now it makes sense, that's why he insisted on me learning how to use guns even though I told him I didn't want any training before this very night. He knew, but he's only telling me right now, I have like 20 minutes till we get there and that's what I have to take this all in. I took deep breaths "I'm sorry this has to happen" he whispered and I just nodded "will you help me put it under my dress please" I asked him. I don't have time to cry over this, I need to be smart if I want to survive, right? "mhm" he hummed and I pushed the skirt up "be careful darling" he said putting the gun in the white ododo's shorts I had on. He put the skirt down and looked at me in the eyes "I..." he started, he didn't finish the sentence, instead he kissed me on the lips. That kiss was supposed to be good but all I thought about was, This may be the last kiss ever, or that if he dies I'm really going to miss him. No. No, because, if this man dies.. my soul goes with him. I don't want to think about it, losing him? no, that's horrible. I felt the tears coming back up "hey..." he handed me the napkin back "it's going to be alright I cleaned up my tears as he pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his chest and he put his arm around me.

We stayed like this until we arrived there. We got out of the car and he was right.. this place was big. Really big. I took a deep breath. It's going to be okay. It has to.

I put my phone in my purse and linked arms with Vinnie.

Here goes nothing


My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now