"Give me my phone back asshat!!!" He chuckles "oh you mean this thing?" He holds it over head making me try and reach for it. "Stop floating for fucks sake Peter and just give it" he gets ready to throw it "dont you dare..." He smirks. "Dont thats very important to me Peter" "she's going home back to Neverland by the way Donna" "how did you-" "I have my ways love now we are leaving- ouch! quit that" i grab at his ass cheeks and squeeze hard he curls his lip in pain and drops the phone. Letting him go i grab the phone just in time as it almost made contact with the concrete. Peter watches me run to the car.
Getting inside i begin to search for the keys only to see that were missing "what the- where are they!!!?!?!?" Frantically looking there was a tapping on the glass. Looking over stood peter smirking he takes out a set of keys. "How the fuck did you get my keys!?!" Getting out of the car he backs up laughing. "This isnt funny now give it back!!!!" I reach for the keys as he snatches them backward as i nearly fell into his arms. "Give me a kiss and ill give it back or you can come home with me" he chirps "no way!!!" I quickly grab at the keys as he held my hand in his. Peter smirks "caught ya" pulling in his grasp he seemed to enjoy it. Looking down I spot his foot as i go to step on it he backs up raising a brow.
"Please give it back!!" I begin to beg him. He leans in planting his palm in the middle of my back. "Kiss me first" feeling disgusted i pull away from him only to be harshly pulled back by the force. "If you dont then i will" peter quickly grabs the back of my head and lands his lips on mine. I struggle in his grasp peter deepens the kiss pulling me closer. He pulls back smiling down at my shaken form "I missed your sweet lips on mine~" he whispers. "Please let go..." He sighs "afraid not love like I said your coming with me" i look up at him in fear "no I dont wanna go" i begin to struggle even more in his arms as he hugged me close. "Let's fly home to Neverland my love where eternity awaits us!" He smiles and floats off the ground holding my body close.
Tear were falling freely "help me!!!" I screamed as loud as i could nobody didnt seem to hear my cries. He uses his magic to close my eyes and the winds were kicking up as he flew into the sky. That is when everything has turned into nothing but darkness.
To be continued....

eternal love
FanfictionFelix receives the letter from the lost boys and must find. a way to rescue y/n from pan's labyrinth of neverland before its too late as he then teams up with Emma and Regina with the others rufio james and Devin must keep her hidden from pan until...