35. Face off.

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A minute after I got out of the security trailer, I saw Nayeon unnie just got out of her car. I ran to her.

Me: I need your car. Mina's been kidnap by Ren. Ren is the mole.

She was shocked. She hurriedly gave me the keys and her phone. She took box from her bag and opened it. She put a small earpiece on my left ear and told me we could communicate thru that. I then hurriedly went to the car and drove as fast as I can.

Nayeon: Can you hear me.

Me: Yes.

Nayeon: Open my phone. The code is 2201. Swipe the screen to the last, click the app with the bunny icon. That's a tracker to Mina's car.

Me: Thank God. Whoever thought of this is a genius.

I drove fast and saw the two guards at the side of the road. I told Nayeon where they were. She told me that the police from the base is now dispatched. She's now at the car with the other guards left at the production site.

I noticed at the app the road is leading to nowhere. It's a dead end. Good thing Unnie's car is fast I could now see him ahead of me. At the app he's now near the dead end.

I reached out on my back where I tucked in my gun then pulled it out.

Ms. Kang gave me this after our meeting at the base. I was shocked seeing it. She said they acquired a license for me as suggested by the chief of police as well. She said I'd be needing this specially at these times. I took shooting lessons in some of my restdays.

I never thought I'd be using a gun again against someone. But I won't hesitate to use it just to save her. I put it back, tucked it on my pants.

I'm so worried and terrified but pull myself together for Mina needs me right now. I silently prayed. I can't lose her.

His car stopped. I saw him get out and dragged Mina away from the car. As soon as I stopped I told unnie just follow the road it's a dead end. She said they'll be here in 7 minutes. I replied 'please hurry' then I hurriedly got out.

The dead end was a cliff. I could see the sea. The only way out is through where we came, which is now blocked by my car unless he want to jump off the cliff. But he still have Mina.

Mina: What are you doing Ren!? Where are you taking me!?

He stopped when he saw me. I slowly walked away from the car towards them with my hands up, adjacent to my head.

He then held Mina with his arm by her throat while on his other hand was a dagger slowly pointing towards Mina. Mina panicked, her eyes full of fear.

Ren: Don't come nearer!

Me: No! Ren! Stop. You don't want this. You... You love her right. Is that why you're doing this? Would you kill the woman you love?

That is the only sensible reason I could think of on why Ren is doing this.

Mina: What are you saying?

Ren: Shut up! You know nothing! I've done a lot of things for her. Yes she appreciates what I've done but still it wasn't enough for her to love me. That stupid Kino almost exposed me. But thanks to you, you helped me get rid of him before he say something.

Mina: What?

Mina looked at Ren unable to believe what she's hearing

Ren: You heard me right. Kino and I have talked long before for us to have you for ourselves. But I'm not stupid like him. I want you only for myself. I used him to be my hands. To do the dirty work for me. And I am the brain. But his stupidity got Kento killed. I helped him to come here so we could lay out our plan.

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Mina: You helped the man who killed Kento! I trusted you! Let go of me you evil!

Mina wiggled on his arms but he just tightened his hold on her, almost choking her.

Ren: Blame him. So stupid he can't control his jealousy. I had a perfect plan. But you come along and ruining everything.

He pointed the dagger towards me.

Ren: So I had him come to kill you then we'll get Mina. Unfortunately you weren't on your room. Then the ever stupid Kino, knowing Mina was in the other room, can't help but be tempted. He went to her but then you appeared. He shot you and yet you lived. You even got him killed.

Ren paused then put his forehead close on Mina's head.

Ren: Now I have her.

He's sweating a lot and I noticed his hand that's holding the dagger were a bit shaking.

Ren: Yet you're still on my way! Tried everything even to threaten your family still you're always there by her side.

Me: Threaten my family?

Then I remembered Mom and Yuna's accident. The breaks of their car wasn't working.

Me: You! You almost got my mom and sister killed!

I can feel my anger starting to build up. If only killing is not a sin, I would have killed him by now. Unnie's voice were on my ear piece again. "Calm down, don't mock him. We're almost there 5 mins."

Ren: Yes. Just almost. I broke the breaks but They're still alive right?

I was looking at him and at Mina. I was gesturing at Mina the number two with my hand. Hopefully she could see it and remember the 2nd basic self defense that I taught her.

Ren: It's so easy to have you all be fooled. No one would suspect me, the 'gay' manager. You all suspected the head of the security. Which by the way thanks again for getting rid of him for me. He saw me in one of the cams which you thought he was staring at Mina. Everything went back as planned. Damn I'm so clever aren't I?

This guy has a twisted mind. I need to be very careful or I might lose Mina. I thought of ways to keep him talking buying time before the police gets here. I dunno if that's a good thing or not. I think I should do something. The police arriving might trigger him to do something stupid. I whispered, praying Nayeon would hear it. "Turn off sirens"

I spoke to Ren after whispering hoping he didn't noticed.

Me: Yes you are. You got us all fooled. So what are you planning now? You're aren't here to sight see on this cliff, right?

I said slowly inching my way closer while slowly put my hands down. Ren suddenly broke his stance he forcefully turned Mina to face him.

Ren: Oh believe me I have a lot of plans for us. As much as I want to claim my bride right away. First thing first. I'll get rid of you. Then I'll marry my princess and live happily ever after. Isn't that great my princess.

She mushed Mina's cheeks using his hand. He stared at her and saw the fear in her eyes.

Ren: Don't look at me like that!

He let go of her cheeks but brought her closer to him, his arms by her neck again making her look at me. I stared at Mina then looked down, hopefully she saw my hand signal.

Ren: She's the one you should be afraid of. Don't you know this... This disgusting lil thing is the real gay here.

He moved his head closer to Mina both their cheeks are touching while pointing the dagger at me.

Ren: That gay girl is in love with you.

Wait! How the hell did he know that.

Ren: Isn't that disgusting. What? You thought No one would know? She will never love you. She will never fell for a gay girl like you.

My patience is being tested.

Me: Who will she fall for? A mental person like you? Who kidnapped her and threatened her life? Would you think she'll fall for someone like you?

Mina: Chaeng No!

Unnie said "Don't push him"

Ren: Yes, why not? After I kill you. She'll be with me forever. She will eventually love me.

He once again put his head close to hers kissing her cheeks then licking her ears. I'm so disgusted. I can't prolong this anymore.

Me: You know what, out of all the crap you said. You only said 2 things that's true. Damn, never thought I'd be saying it this way but... One. You're right about me being gay.

The stupid looked so proud of himself.

Ren: See what did I told yah?

He said that tapping the dagger on Mina's cheeks.

Me: Dude, easy with the dagger. You'll cut your pretty wife's face with that.

He then took the dagger away and mumbled an apology to Mina.

Ren: Go on, whats the other thing.

This time I looked at Mina. I nodded at her. Though she was scared she nodded back. I looked at her straight in the eyes and said:

Me: That I love her... Now!

Mina punched Ren as hard as she could at his crotch, thus letting her go. He was still standing trying to fight the pain. He looked mad.

Me: Get down!

I drew the gun from my back. As soon as she went down on the ground, I shot him twice that hit him on the chest and stomach.

Everything happened quickly. Ren clutched his chest, Mina was about to run but Ren caught a hold of her dress. Mina shrieked.

Ren: You'll die with me!

He used all his strength as he pulled her to him. He was about to stab Mina but as her body hit his, he lost his balance. He lost his footing on the edge of the cliff making him fell backwards dragging Mina along with him. The look of horror on Mina's face as she realized what was happening.

No! I screamed running forward, trying to catch Mina's hand. But I couldn't. Then they were both out of sight. Then I heard a loud splash. Oh God No!

I looked at the edge. No! I can't see her. I prayed please let Mina live. I frantically looked, waiting to for her emerged from the water.

But she didn't. I can't believe she's gone. I kneeled as the truth hit me hard. I lost her.

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