I wanna be your idiot

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"Is there a dress code too?" Yelema watches as Kate approaches the bench, with each step that Yelena's heart accelerates a little more, the brown-eyed girl wore a gray plaid coat a little similar to hers, maybe she could dress simple, but still She was so beautiful, her black hair was moved by the little wind that there was and Yelena felt the need to put a lock behind her ear, perhaps in the future she would earn the right to do that. "Wow the fictitious rules are getting more and more real"

"Mmm no, I think you just copied my style" she joked the blonde still from her place.

"Kate Bishop doesn't steal from anyone" The black-haired woman puts her hand on her chest and acts offended. "Maybe you stole my style"

"... I don't think so" Says the green-eyed after pretending that she thought for a moment. "You have a style-stealing face"

"And hearts too my dear Yelena" Kate tried to put her best charming look, but the truth was that the heart that had been stolen was hers, the blonde girl was killing her without any effort, the smile she gave her, even the how she rolled his eyes at her comment was enough to give him a tachycardia. "So are you ready for that coffee?"

Yelena took the hand that Kate held out to her, helped her up, and they began to walk.

"So... are you from New York?" The brown-eyed girl tries to break the ice, neither of them knew that both of them could never stop talking about anything, her nerves were so much that they could not formulate coherent themes in her brain.

"Nope" The green-eyed woman turns to see the girl in the gray coat as they continue walking. "I grew up in Ohio and you?"

"100 percent New Yorker" Kate knew that if her friends could see her they would make fun of her, it was not common that someone with just their presence would leave her speechless, so the black-haired girl steeled herself when she saw a small flower stand a few meters away hers, was going to make this date memorable as well as breaking the tension.

"Okay" The archer stops them and gives a big sigh to relax and be able to achieve what she is about to say, the girl takes the blonde's hands and looks directly into the green eyes that are her new favorite thing . "I like you Yelena and you make me very nervous, that is affecting my ability to socialize and be cool, so I don't want you to think that I'm a weirdo who can't talk, if you don't like me that's fine, you don't have to say it yet if not you want, but I needed to get this out to get back to my normal self "

"It worked?" The green-eyed woman had a funny expression on her face, it was cute how the other girl wanted to make the situation more comfortable, she would be lying if she said she didn't want to scream and jump with excitement when Kate told her she liked her, many people had told her before , but this time it was different, she appreciates the training of the widows to be able to hide their emotions, maybe she would have already made a fool of herself and the black-haired woman had thought that she was the weird one.

"The truth is, yes" The spy feels Kate's grip loosen and she takes a more relaxed position. "Telling the truth sets you free , it's fine now that we clarify that, Yelena I promise you that I will try to make this date something memorable"

"Do you have something planned?"

"Not really" The archer scratches the back of her neck with her right hand. "I really didn't think I'd go that far, but if I'm good for something, it's for improvising" With a malicious smile, Kate drags Yelena to the flower stand without releasing her grip on the green-eyed woman's right hand, this action caused Yelena laugh.

"What are we doing here?" Asks the blonde laughing.

"Well miss..." The brown-eyed girl was slow to realize that she didn't know Yelena's last name. "Yelena tell me your last name, so I can talk with more class"

 Yelena & Kate New Legacy (Translation in English)Where stories live. Discover now