Chapter 5 - Who are you

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A week had passed since Onyx's father Omar had been shot. The bullets had missed all of his major organs. However he did lose an alarming amount of blood causing him to need a blood transfusion. Onyx had stepped up to do it being that he was the only one related to him that was there waiting to hear something back from the doctors. His body accepted the transfusion and he was now at home in stable condition and expected to make a full recovery.

However despite the good news of Omar's well being they were still trying to figure out who shot at them. They searched the streets for answers but got dead ends each time they thought they were getting somewhere. It wasn't what Onyx was used to experiencing but he knew he'd just have to wait until someone slipped up and talked.

Onyx was stressed and his mind was clouded with a lot yet he couldn't help but think about Promise. She wasn't answering his calls or texts and despite his usual cold mentality towards women it bothered him. He liked her vibe and was truly worried about her state of mind after experiencing something so traumatic.

Quick and Xara were still in full effect but Promise was shutting him out. She had a good reason to based off everything that happened and nearly losing her job. Which was news he received from Quick through Xara.

The venue had took a lot of damage and after her boss learned that she attended the party and was seen on footage with Onyx as if they were a couple , Morgan felt like Promise had something to do with it. Onyx pulled some strings to change her mind though, money talked and was a major factor in her decision to let Promise keep her job.

Onyx wanted to make it up to her and was on his way to her condo to do just that. After sending gifts & edible arrangements to her job he still got no response from her. It made him feel played because he wasn't sympathetic and rarely apologized when he was wrong. So instead he was pulling up, he wasn't letting her have her way with ignoring him anymore.

He drove through Downtown Atlanta traffic vibing to old school R&B.
It was a cool and sunny Saturday in April and he was basking in the atmosphere the music and day was giving.

He had an acquired taste when it came to music and despite his hard exterior he preferred what he listened to, to be the opposite. He let the sounds of the singer Sade's voice soothe his ears as he prepared his self for the encounter with Promise. He knew popping up at her place was risky but didn't care.

"What's the worst that can happen?" He thought to himself.

Ten minutes later he was pulling into the parking lot of her building. He turned the car off and got out after checking his face's reflection in the rear view mirror. After locking the doors to his black G-wagon he then proceeded to walk into her building. Not even fully making it into the door he was stopped by the receptionist. He was a short chubby older black guy that looked extremely bored with his job.

"Visitors must present identification and will only be allowed access upon approval from the resident." The receptionist stated as he discreetly looked at Onyx's appearance in disdain.

Onyx pulled out his wallet to fetch his ID. After finding it he handed it to the receptionist who was looking at him in a way that rubbed him wrong. He didn't wanna cause trouble where Promise lived but wouldn't hesitate to snatch dude up if he got beside himself.

After glancing at the ID for what felt like forever the receptionist finally handed it back to Onyx before saying, "What's the name of the resident you're here to visit?"

"Promise Wilson."

The guy was shocked hearing the name , he didn't expect her to be involved with someone who looked like him. He skeptically phoned the apartment number preparing to hear she didn't know the guy standing before him.

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