Chapter Four

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After dropping off the evidence to the lab the two of us headed towards the break room to gather our thoughts. "Do you want some coffee, Mithran?" He shook his head smiling. "No Thank you Jack but something doesn't seem right about any of our suspects." I agreed with him all of them seemed to have a motive in killing Kayla Hayes after grabbing my cup of coffee I sat down across from him as the two of us begin to go over what we learned while looking through some of the notes noticed something quite strange it's like I've seen it before then it suddenly hit me quickly getting up from my seat Mithran just stared at me. "What's wrong Jack?" Without saying a single word, I headed towards the evidence room what I didn't tell him was that there was an unsolved murder which happened years ago for some odd reason the local police department failed to find the murder weapon after arriving I begin searching through the boxes hoping to find what I'm looking for luckily it wasn't long until I found it being extremely careful not to drop it was an old pistol I'm not sure how this is relevant to this case but only one way to find out after cleaning up I headed towards Jonah's office with his expertise in weapons he'll be able to know of this is what we're looking for maybe something more as I knocked on the door only to hear what seemed like a loud crash which made me jump. "Hey Jonah, is everything okay in there?" When he didn't respond I quickly pulled out my gun quickly kicking the door in only to realize that it was just him and Marina both of them were on the floor holding each other the three of us stared at each other for a few seconds before they scrambled to get up. "This is what not it looks like!" I didn't say anything instead I placed the pistol down on the table. "Don't worry about it I was wondering if you could take a look at this and once, you're done send this to Lars, okay?" They just stared at me before nodding turning around I headed out the door finally that was taken care of slowly closing my eyes I took a deep calming breath sighing in relief before heading back I'm very lucky to have Mithran in my life so many memories we had together in fact whenever I see Jonah and Marina together it makes me happy that's the type of relationship that I want to have with Mithran then it suddenly hit me I left him alone in the break room without wasting a single moment I rushed back hoping that he wasn't angry with me bursting through the door only to land on my face. "Ouch shouldn't have done that." As I laid on the floor trying to gather my thoughts only to be met with a shadow followed by chuckling. "You definitely know how to make an entrance Jack." Slowly looking up I saw Mithran staring down at me with a smirk across his face. "I'm glad to have made you smile for the day." Rolling his eyes holding out his hand for me to take which I happily did. "So, while you were away, I received the autopsy results from Grace it turns out that the victim died from blunt force trauma to the head not only that there was also a bullet wound on the right side of her temple luckily for us it was still lodged inside she managed to get it out and send it to Lars." I nodded as the two of us continued looking over our notes it wasn't long until Jonah came running in beads of sweat rolling down his face. "Woah Jonah what's going on is everything okay?" He shook his head trying to catch his breath. "J-Jack where did you find this gun at?!" I turned to look at him. "I found it in the evidence room is it what I think it is?" He nodded smiling. "You just found your murder weapon I'm very impressed Archer." A small smile appeared over my face followed by a blush. "Thank you Jonah I couldn't have done it without Mithran." From the corner of my eye, I could see him blushing like crazy. "Oh, and another thing I discovered a sticky substance on the trigger I had Lars take a look and its super glue not only that there were also skin cells that belongs to non-other than the victim." We just stared at him completely confused. "So, what you're telling us that the killer put super glue on the trigger and tried to place her finger on it?" He nodded. "But they made a mistake while trying to stage the crime scene they left a drop of sweat on the barrel of the gone all I can tell you is that the killer has brown hair." I nodded as Mithran wrote it down. "Thanks Jonah we still need to find more evidence let's head back to the crime scene and see what else we can find." Grabbing my jacket, the two of us headed out the door while making our way towards the parking lot when Ingrid stopped us. "Archer Mithran, we have a situation on our hands your victim's brother is getting ready to leave town!" Both of our eyes went wide. "What?! He can't leave he's a suspect!" While panicking I didn't realize that Mithran was already a few steps ahead. "Don't worry Jack he won't be leaving anytime soon I just texted Elliot asking him to contact all the bus stops and airports shutting them down immediately and to also have security keep a look out and detain him. "We just stared at him for a few seconds before I jumped over the hood of the car wrapping my arms around him. "You are absolutely brilliant I'm so glad to have you in my life!" Even though I couldn't see it he's completely flustered and smiling at the same time. "If you two are done gazing at each other we have a murder head back and see what else you can find." We nodded watching as Ingrid headed back in. "You really are amazing Mithran I don't know what I would do if you weren't here with me..." Slowly looking away I felt something warm and wet dripping down my face. "Jack...are you crying?" Before I could even respond I felt a hand on my cheek gently but carefully wiping the tears away. "Please don't cry Jack, it hurts me to see you like this I'm glad to have met you and I'm glad to have you in my life...I can't stand the thought of ever leaving you." My eyes went wide that was the sweetest thing that he ever said. "No matter what happens we'll always be together. "We just stood there for a few moments before a loud yell. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO STILL DOING OUT THERE GET BACK TO THE CRIME SCENE!" Quickly pulling away the two of us hopped into the cruiser peeling out of the parking lot both of our hearts we're thumping like crazy. "One of these days Chief Ripley is going to give me a heart attack!" Mithran nodded in agreement as we sat in silence as soon as we arrived only to see a moving truck parked in front of the building quickly stopping the two of us got out. "Woah what's going on who are you?!" A young couple came out of the apartment. "I'm Mike Smith and this is my wife Jane Smith we're the new tenants who are you?" Reaching into our pockets pulled out our badges. "I'm Secret Jack Archer and this is my partner Lab Assistant Mithran Ganesh, and this is a crime scene." Both of their faces turned pale white trying to stay calm. "Crime scene the building manager didn't say anything about that!" Both of our eyes went wide. "Excuse me did you say the building manager didn't inform you about the apartment being closed off?" They shook their heads. "No in fact he wanted to get new tenants right away." That was definitely a red flag which meant that it was time to interrogate him again. "Thank you for your time it's best if you find somewhere else to move." They nodded hopping into the moving truck speeding out of there. "That's insane what the heck was he thinking trying to destroy the crime scene." Sighing in frustration I tried my best to stay calm. "Jack I completely understand that you're getting angry, but we need to focus on solving this case please for me?" I nodded smiling. "Let's get to work!" Mithran smiled happily as we headed back to the apartment but right as we entered something seemed off at first, I didn't know what but as we looked around, I discovered that the victim's bedroom has been completely ransacked. "Hey Mithran, can you bring me some gloves and evidence bags please?" As I slowly entered the room being careful not to step on anything saw that a window was absolutely broken. "Hey Jack, I brought what you needed...what happened here?" I didn't say anything instead I started sweeping through being extremely careful not to miss anything important getting down on my hands and knees I started looking through the debris when out of the blue I spotted something shining in the distance taking a closer look I saw what looked like an earring a really expensive one at that and right beside it was a hammer with blood on the tip without wasting a moment I quickly grabbed some evidence bags placing both the earring and hammer into them sealing it placing them back into the case. "Hey Jack, did you find anything that could help us?" I nodded standing up dusting my hands off smiling. "Yeah, I found an expensive earring what about you?" He nodded pulling out a notebook along with some letters and newspapers. "I did it turns out that for the past few years she's had been receiving love letters not only that newspaper clippings of what I can't be too sure we'll need Elliot and DuPont's help on this." I nodded as the two of us headed towards the entrance only to see an elderly man standing there. "Excuse me sir but this is a crime scene you can't be here." He just looked at us. "I understand I used to be an officer years ago the reason why I'm standing here is because there's something you should know while we were in our apartment, we heard what sounded like screaming followed by a crash, so we went to see what was going on I grabbed my gun but right as we opened the door, we saw that young woman laying on the ground with a bruise across her face and a black eye my grandson immediatly saw the person and yelled at them to stop but instead they ran off and got into a vehicle speeding off in the process in fact before I forget I still have it if you're interested." We nodded quickly as the elderly man headed back inside closing the door behind him. "This could be a big break for us Mithran after all." He nodded laying his head on my shoulder sighing happily a few moments later the door opened up and the elderly man came out holding what looked like a license plate. "This fell off I'm not sure that'll be any help." A small smile appeared over both of our faces opening the evidence bag watching as he slipped it in. "If you don't mind us asking sir but do you or your grandson, remember the type or color of the vehicle that unknown person was driving?" He went quiet for a few moments before speaking. "Well, my memories not so good but I can tell you that it was a silver truck with tainted windows and what looked like a broken headlight." After writing the information down we thanked the elderly man as we headed back towards the cruiser. "I have a good feeling about this we need to get this evidence back to HQ." But right as we were about to leave my phone starts going off sighing, I reached into my pocket pulling it out only to discover that it was a text message from Elliot my eyes went wide followed by a smile texting him back placing the phone in the cup holder. "Looks like things are going our way they managed to capture Derek and the building manager trying to leave state there in the security office we'll swing by there then head back to HQ." He nodded smiling loving the idea buckling up the two of us headed towards the bus station so ready for the day to be over with so I can prepare for my date with Mithran excited for what the night holds for us.

Always By Your Side (Jack Archer x Mithran Ganesh)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz