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The clank of a metal is echoing around the training room as the digital monitor changed from 99 into 100. Alicia relaxed her posture, wiped the bead of sweat that trailed down on her cheek and left the said room.

The hallway is occupied with silence and the clacking of her shoes seems to echo everytime she steps. The sound of the drones nearby caught her attention as she glanced at the particular room ahead which seems to be glowing very bright. Only to be met with a seriously sleep deprived Ali bin Ghazali

He had been working nonstop, creating and upgrading prototypes at least one week in a month, not that she was informed. She had always been training---longer at least thrice a week and today is one of those days.

Ali is someone girls would always choose and like as an impression though news had been spreading that he'd only chew any of them. That, Alicia is highly aware of because of course Ali would pick her than Khai and Viktor for this matter since she's the one present. He'd always start this kind of conversation with " I got dumped, again " and she didn't know how she would react. She suppose at this moment, she should comfort him but how? and why?

Nevertheless, she would always sit beside him and lend an ear, anyone who knew Alicia would find this unbelievable, because what she is best at is rejection, rejecting suitors, rejecting unreasonable requests, and so on with her very indifferent tone. At other case (like Mia) you could go on but attention is not necessarily focused on you or what you are saying, to anyone who cross the line however, will be bombarded with the words "don't bother me" written all over her face or the statement itself from her mouth. But she has a damn soft heart, and there are warriors who dare to step into that line and that warrior himself didn't think too much about it and just continued to sigh.

They leaned on the metallic walls and looked at each other, the sound of the clock is ticking in her mind so once she became impatient, she furrowed her brows and knocked at the floor saying,

" Tell me "

In her perception, he did not arrive to the point where he'd do anything more stupid than anything he had ever done in his life as a coping mechanism of his sorrow or either be depressed. Because after twice or thrice of her doing this for him he never forget to trouble her. She would even bet her monthly allowance that even if she's at home applying masks and going to sleep,he'd call her out to accompany him even though he knew that 'you're the one present' is not applicable anymore. Sometimes the word 'accompanying' seems to mean different if it's Ali, it's like he is making her feel what he is feeling. That if he is bored, he'll call you so you are also going to be bored with him.

" Risa said I didn't notice her at all "he started and picked the prototype he made a while ago, he didn't need to work now... Alicia is much useful than working himself out. "What does she mean?"

Risa is Ali's fourth girlfriend in 20 years of existence and without exception, his fourth ex-girlfriend. In the past few years Ali had been dumped again and again from first to this one and yet the news is that it is he who chew ladies like some sort of samples. No one clarified it and majority did not believe it anyway, majority which are composed of mostly girls.It was obvious that others were chasing him at the beginning, but in the end, they all left him neatly and uniformly as if they had seen his true colors.

However, Ali had always felt guilty. His feelings are mostly fickle for every relationship. The girl who mentioned the breakup has tears in her eyes out yet he stood there as if he couldn't comprehend it. He is not merciless, but he has never been able to show reciprocal feelings as strong as theirs.

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