Sting Eucliffe was not the jealous type.
Not one bit.
Sure he my come off as possessive, maybe egotistical, rude and lazy, but some people just needed to be taught a lesson. He didn't share. Not a crayon in kindergarten, an apple in third grade, money in middle school, his car in high school and defiantly not his girl.
It was simple really.
What is his is his.
Yukino Aguria was not the prettiest girl around.
There were others like the blonde that always hung out with Natsu. Sting could never remember her name. Was it Lisa? Maybe Liz? He heard Natsu call her Luigi once in sophomore year; maybe that was her name. Whatever, she was considered the prettiest girl in their school.
There was also lady Minerva. Tall, sexy and bold. He heard someone in his chemistry class say she was a wild one in bed. Sting had instantly brushed her off. He had known her for half of his life and knew her dark side. After she knocked him out in eighth grade for complementing her ass, he decided to keep some distance.
Erza Scarlet was hot. No one has ever denied that. She had the looks and the brains, but was too aggressive for his tastes. Besides, one of his mates has had his eyes on her since they were, like, twelve. He didn't know why the bloke didn't just ask her out.
Yukino Aguria was the quiet girl who always kind of hung out in the back ground of the popular group. Even tiny Levy had more spotlight on her than the silvery haired girl. She had always intrigued him. She run with the populars but didn't bask in the attention like most of the other girls.
The first real conversation he had with her was over an English report they had partnered up on. While they were supposed to be researching Charles Dickens' life story in the library, they picked out a bunch of World Records books and laughed at the silly ones.
"Man with the strongest digestive system. Ate an entire aircraft. The fuck? This does not sound plausible. Although I always thought that Gajeel totally eats steel and metal for breakfast. Have you tried to hit him? I'm sure he's made of that crap.
She laughed and said that they should be working on the essay but made no move to grab the biography across from them, instead flipped the page and made a face.
"Women with the longest fingernails. Ew gross. How can she get anything done with those things?" She huffed and glanced at her own nails. "I have enough trouble texting with long nails."
Sting snickered and rolled his eyes. "Just girly things."
"Only girls would understand." She stated.
After that they became comfortable around each other and hung out all the time. Their friends speculated that they were secretly hooking up behind their backs but the duo only laughed it off casually.
That was two years ago. They were now currently high school seniors.
Sting had grown to love Yukino over the years, Rogue always said he was totally whipped. Although he denied it he couldn't help but agree with his best friend just a little. He never knew if she liked him back during the period of time they had been friends.
She had a few boyfriends and it always pained him to see her with someone that wasn't him and tried dating some girls but it would never work. He only had eyes for her.
Sting groaned and flopped on Yukino's living room couch. "God, I'm so corny..." He mumbled bitterly.
"What was that?" Yukino questioned from the kitchen. "Did you say something?"
He sighed and fiddled around with his jacket's zipper. "I'm bored."
Yukino's laugh echoed through the room. "You can never stay still, can you?"
She entered the room with orange juice and white chocolate chip cookies. Sting snatched two from the platter and shoved one in his mouth. He let out a loud moan when the fresh baked cookie melted in his mouth.
"God, if you two are going to have sex in the living room please remain quiet and send me a memo. I do not want to see anything that would blind me and my grandkids."
Yukino jumped slightly and glared at her sister who was entering the room with her eyes covered and an arm stretched in front of her.
"Shit. Yukino you didn't tell me your sister was here. Put your underwear back on and we'll continue this in your room." Sting announced loudly and stared at Sorano with an amused expression.
The older girl shrieked.
Yukino flushed. "Sting!" She hissed.
Sorano uncovered her eyes and peeked at them suspiciously. "Didn't know it was possible to have sex with your clothes on." She eyed the plate of cookies before snatching a handful off the plate. Sting grunted disapprovingly. He didn't share.
Sorano pointed at Yukino with a cookie and glared accusingly. "I hate you. You made me ruin my diet."
Sting rolled his eyes. "Hate is a strong word."
The older woman stuck out her tongue childishly. "Fuck you." She muttered playfully.
Yukino let out a sigh. "You didn't tell me you were coming home early."
Sorano raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "Did you have something planned?" She eyed Sting suspiciously. "Were you two going to do 'the deed' all around the house?" She made a face at them.
Sting snorted. "You wish."
"No, I do not wish that. Who do you think is going to pay for all the damage you two would cause?" She flipped her hair over her shoulder and bit into another cookie.
"Would you two stop bickering. We are not even together, Sorano." Yukino scolded.
Sorano glanced briefly at the blonde. She look surprised. Sting narrowed his eyes and looked away from her judging gaze. 'You haven't asked her out?' was what she tried to say.
"Hmm. I see. well I only came back because I forgot my phone," she raised her hand showing them her iPhone 6. "I must be on my way. Please play it safe you two. Sting, take care of my baby." She pinched Yukino's cheeks on the way out and kissed her forehead lightly.
Yukino smiled when Sorano pulled Sting into a bear hug. "I'll kill you if you let anything happen to her, you hear?" She whispered into his ear.
Sting pushed her away slightly. "Yeah , yeah I know. Goodbye to you too."
Sorano finally sauntered out, blowing kisses at them before shutting the door behind her. "Your sister is weird." Sting stated laying on the couch comfortably.
Yukino slapped his arm softly and pushed his feet off to make room for her. As soon as she sat down he propped his legs on her lap. "You two always talk about me as if I'm not here." She crossed her arms.
Sting sat up and spun around to place his head on her lap. He grinned up at her cheekily. She smiled down at him and ran her fingers through his golden spikes. "your hair is weird." Sting only hummed in response, shutting both of his eyes.