nightmare bonnie x nightmare foxy

52 0 3



nyway, 0/10 because I don't like the nightmares being shipped!!!
<So I was using the 'add youtube video' thing:

nyway, 0/10 because I don't like the nightmares being shipped!!!0/10!Notes?<So I was using the 'add youtube video' thing:

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(Please ignore my terrible handwriting.)

And I searched up: 'ratingg fnaf x' to look for ships. Originally, I would search up 'fnaf x' because usually ships that I could rate come up. I thought it wouldn't make that much of a difference.. but instead, I saw.. the worst thing.. well I call it the worst thing.. well I saw rule 34. Yep, the nfsw of something the fandom made called five nights at anime and.. yeah. The rest happened.

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