My stomach was in knots as I slowly walked to the front door of Jess's house, forcing myself to take each step. This was going to be the first time I had talked to her since the incident and she was probably mad at me because I had been ignoring her at school completely. Our relationship was just so damn complicated, too me at least. I knew that she hated me, but I didn't know if her feelings had changed since the incident, because I knew mine had. But the thing was, I didn't know what my feelings toward her were.
As I got to the front door, I heard a faint booming of music coming from inside. Oh shit, is she throwing a party? Whatever was going on in there, I needed to see. I knocked on the door and waited a few moments until Jess's mom opened the door and I was relived to see a clean and empty house behind her.
"Harry! What a lovely surprise!" She said.
"Hi, Mrs. Pembroke. I was wondering if maybe Jess was here? I only need to talk to her for a quick second."
A troubled look passed over her face for a second, and then she quietly stepped out of the house and closed the door behind her.
"Harry," she said, touching my shoulder "I though that you and Jess broke up?"
I felt a pain in my stomach. "Did she say that?" I asked quietly.
She sighed. "Look Harry, I think it may be better if you went to talk to her..."
"Did she say she was going to break up with me?" I interrupted.
She looked away, and I knew the answer. "Umm, okay." I managed. "Would you mind if I went and talked too her."
She smiled at me sadly. "Of coarse, she's up in her room."
I nodded and turned to the door, but she grabbed my arm.
"You're a good boy, Harry." She smiled.
I smiled back at her and opened the front door.
The music got louder as I slowly walked up the stairs to her bedroom, and I smiled when I heard her screaming the lyrics to Justin Beiber. When I got too her closed door, I stood there for a moment. Did I really want to go in just to have her break up with me? Would it even be a big deal, since we were never really dating? But I needed to find out, so with all of the courage in my body I lightly knocked on the door. I heard the music shut off and I heard footsteps coming to the door.
"Sorry mom, I was-" She said, looking out of breath and happy. She frowned when she realized it was me, and I didn't know what too say. "Harry?"
He stood in the doorway to my room, leaned against the doorframe looking absolutely flawless. I didn't know what to say, because I hadn't talked to him. This whole situation is getting way out of hand. I mean, who cared if I had any feelings for him? He obviously had none for me, and there was no point in letting this go on any longer.
"Hey, Jess." I was surprised at the quietness in his voice. It seemed almost... Sad.
"Um, Harry. What are you doing here?"
"Do you think maybe I could come in?"
"Sure." I said as I moved out of his way and he walked across my room and stood next to my desk, not sitting down. The way he moved and talked was a side of him I had never seen before. It was the first time that he had ever seemed even remotely vulnerable.
"What are you doing here Harry?" I said with a bit of annoyance in my voice. He cant ignore me at school completely after something that big happened and then come to my house with no invitation and play with my feelings like that. I thought that he didn't know how I felt, but right now I had a weird feeling that he knew exactly how I was feeling.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me, looking at the ground.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you kidding? I almost die, and then you ignore me at school even though you are supposed to be my 'boyfriend' and then you show up at my house asking how I am feeling? Really, Harry?"
"I know I messed up." He said, looking up at me. "But I just didn't know what to say. I mean, I don't even know what to call our relationship! Its all just so confusing."
I sighed. "Harry, what do you want me to say?"
"Look, I get it if you don't want to continue whatever our relationship is. Just say the word, and I can be gone forever. I just need to know what you are feeling."
I closed my eyes and thought about all the different things I could say. I could tell him about the feelings I had for him that I wasn't even sure about or I could just end it all right now and save myself from whatever would happen if I told him I liked him.
"Jess, I get how you feel about me, okay? But, over the past couple weeks I... God, I don't know how to say this. I guess that when the whole, incident, happened, I just realized that I... I care about you."
I felt my throat tighten up as I looked up and made eye contact with him. I had no clue what to say. I didn't know how to feel, because I knew that I cared about him too, but what about Alex? What about Brittney? What would happen if I told him that I cared about him too?
I talked slowly, choosing my words carefully, and not really knowing what to say.
"Harry, I really care about you, too." His eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows.
"Really? Wait, I thought you hated me." He smiled.
"Well I thought you hated me too."
He smiled and took a step towards me.

Jealous (Harry Styles)
FanfictionHarry Style and Jessica Rose only have one thing in common: jealousy. Or so they thought. When Jess's beloved boyfriend breaks up with her, she thinks that she will never find true love again. She finds out that her boyfriend, Alex, broke up with he...