Dear Mads,
You have always said that you will always be there for me. You have always said that you want to see me happy. You're there when I'm smiling or panicking. You try to do what's best for me because you care. You try to be so positive when all I want to be is such a negative person. You give me advice when I don't know what to do. You allowed me to trust you with something I need to trust someone with. You let me be me.
You told me to be happy with myself. Rememer that? It happened today. My response came out so naturally because I think I've just always thought it. I said, "When you're stuck in a head like mine, it's hard to get to that place where you're happy with yourself." I think of my life, my future, my everything all the time. I am so stuck in my head and it's hurting me. It scares me. No one seems to notice it.
The future scares me. College scares me. Life scares me, but I'm too scared and wrapped up in my own head to really face it. I'm going to need help.
The Girl Who is Afraid
Letter to You
Short StoryMy letters to people that will hopefully not get sent to them. But you guys can enjoy them.