"Yay! Can you get the duckies off me first though?" Edison asked.
Henry took the ducks off him and held them.
Edison got off him and went into the kitchen and he got two rice crispy treats then came back into the livingroom. "I got you one too." He said and walked over.
"But I'm okay, I don't want one." Henry sat right then put the ducks on his lap.
"Noo, I got you one so you gotta eat it." Edison laughed and sat down beside him. "Please?"
"Fine." Henry took one and opened it then slowly eat.
"Yay! Edison smiled and he opened his own and began eating it.
"Thank you." Henry said.
"You're welcome." Edison said.
"So why did you not sleep upstairs?" Henry asked.
"I got lonely and couldn't sleep right." Edison said.
"Oh okay, I thought you would hate me for dragging you in here honestly." Henry said.
"No... I don't think I could ever hate you." Edison said.
"Why? I can be mean." Henry said.
"..." Edison coughed a little. "So.. Who told you that? Yourself?" He asked.
"I dragged you in here when you were scared." Henry said.
"And you won't do it again... Right?" Edison asked.
".. I can't promise I won't but I would never force you out the house but I will force you back in if I know that is what you want." Henry said.
Edison stayed quiet for a few minutes, his face unreadable which really wasn't because of what Henry said.
He was zoning out of reality, which being more used to Henry, he let himself do it though it wasn't diagnosed he did it yet because he didn't do it near anyone, especially near Remi because he didn't wanna seem weird.
Though instead of having a blank mind, he was having flashbacks, his body relaxed though, slowly finishing the rice crispy treat."I'm sorry, I know you want me to promise I won't and you want me to be better, I'm trying. I still want you to have a better life, I can't see you held up in here for years until you die. I want to have fun with you outside this house but like I said I would never force you to come out this house, I get it's your safe place, you know your okay." Henry said.
Edison moved closer to him and laid his head onto his shoulder, completely washed out from where he was except his body, his body knew he wasn't where his eyes were showing so it just went to lean against anything which that anything was Henry.
Once he finished the rice crispy treat, he put the wrapper aside then wrapped his arms around Henry's arm gently, allowing himself to be let go into this chain of flashbacks, not hearing Henry's voice at all.
Regularly this happened often which was half the reason he asked for that break, most of the days he was zoned out for hours.Henry could tell he wasn't listening so he shook his arm.
"Stoooop." Edison whined, looking at him, immediately coming out of his zoned out flashbacks.
Naturally he didn't know why Henry shook his arm but he didn't mind it, he wanted to zone back out, but it wasn't something that his body let him do."I'm sorry but you weren't paying attention to me." Henry said.
"I was busy thinking." Edison pouted then stopped. "But what did you say?" He asked and tilted his head.
"Nothing. I poured my heart out and you don't seem to care." Henry said.
"But I do care, I just zoned out, I'm sorry." Edison whined and tugged on his arm softly. "What did you say? I'm listening, I'm all here, I promise!"
"I said I'm sorry I know you want me to promise I won't and you want me to be better, I'm trying. I still want you to have a better life, I can't sit around and watch you die in here without having fun or leaving. I want to have fun with you outside this house and I said I would never force you outside this house, I promise that I get it, you feel safe in here." Henry said.
Edison listened to him, though instead of looking at his eyes, he just looked at his lips, watching him speak.
Though once he was done speaking, he looked at his eyes again. "I don't wanna have fun outside though, I like having fun in here plus I got duckies now, I'm always having fun. I appreciate you for not forcing me outside, but yeah, this is my safe zone and I don't wanna leave it.""I know but I don't want you upset that I can't promise you something I should be able to promise you." Henry said.
"I'm not gonna be upset.. Unless you do something to make me upset... Like leave me. Don't leave me alone if you take me out, you gotta be beside me." Edison said, gripping onto Henry's arm tighter. "Don't leave me alone out there."
"I would never, I'll even hold you the whole time so you know I'm right there." Henry said.
"Do you promise?" Edison asked while looking at him, making puppy eyes at him. "But I don't wanna go out there either, everyone's gonna be looking at me."
"I promise but their looking at you because your cute." Henry said.
"I'm not cute, I look stupid." Edison said and held onto his arm tighter, but not causing Henry pain. Yet. "What if I look dumb? What if my hairs a mess? Or my outfit isn't good enough? What if my eyes look weird? And what if they think my body's shaped weird and I got a weird face?" He pretty much was muttering to himself, sticking close to Henry.
"Edison listen, everything is perfect, your cute, not weird at all." Henry said.
"Noo because everyone has different thoughts and what if someone wants to kill me?!" Edison whined.

Locked Down
RomanceThis is a story of a guy who has a fear of the world, scared of going out and seeing people. He's being told the truth about his past and taught that his parents weren't really all that good.