Chapter 73: The Translation

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The foundations of the Purify Chamber were successfully installed. They managed to squeeze three storeys, accessible by ladder, under the high ceiling. They still prayed that Team Plasma didn't create a Shadow Wailord, because although Pokémon shrank in the Purify Chamber like they did in Poké Balls, one as large as Wailord still wouldn't fit.

Eternatus was even bigger than Wailord at 65'07". They knew it was in Team Plasma's grasp, but judging by Hop's simulations and general knowledge, they would find it incredibly difficult to turn Eternatus into a Shadow Pokémon. It would take a genius. Perhaps Jovi could do it, because her knowledge of Shadow Pokémon surpassed all others. Jamie could certainly do it. Those two never would, though, and it was beyond even Hop, the expert on Eternatus.

Zane was no scientist, but he watched his mother's work with admiration as a child. He knew enough to help with construction. His presence also meant there was another strong Trainer at the lab. Although Perry left at night, if Team Plasma attacked, they would struggle to defeat Zane, Hop, Prita and Sam, who only left when another officer was desperately needed elsewhere.

There was a knock at the door. The arrival tried to let themselves in before there was an answer, but the door was locked with the latch.

'Oops! Sorry!'

Hop answered it. He was relieved to see that it was only Amber.

'Thought we might as well come and help you lot with security and that. We've... done what we came to do, after all... well, not that we actually managed to do anything...'

'Arreet. Cheers! Come in!'

He was equally relieved to know they would stay. He knew his fears of Team Plasma trampling everyone in the lab were illogical, but when Victor's death was so fresh in his mind and his own Pincurchin was killed, how could he think logically?

Trip and Johona could actually help. She was a mechanic and Trip studied Mathematics and Engineering. Perhaps Nathan could even help. He studied Physics. There were even more people than Hop expected. Neptune shuffled in after his parents. N was a genius. He could probably help in some way. Most importantly, they were all strong Trainers.

'This is great! Thanks for coming, y'all!'

Even after all those years in Orre, Hop's Postwick accent was intact. It was bizarre to hear him say 'y'all.'

'But we'd better put in an order for camp beds...'

'You're welcome to take my bed,' Prita offered, 'I'll sleep on the sofa. Don't worry! I haven't had any football injuries!'

Amber, Trip, Johona and Nathan agreed that they could all cram into Prita's bed. Zane offered to share his dad's room so Hilda and N could take the spare room. Neptune was left with the cramped bed in the box room, but he didn't mind. He wanted to be alone. Sam returned to find himself relegated to Zane's sleeping bag, but he didn't mind, either. He could sleep anywhere. Sonia could have returned to the family home she inherited from her grandmother on Route 2, but she didn't want to be out in the sticks on her own.

There was another knock. Although the latch was pulled shut again, Jamie somehow let himself in without making a sound. Sonia blinked.

'Did I not lock it...?'

'Nah, you did. Couldn't be bothered to wait. Sorry. Anyway...'

He laid the book in its plain plastic bag on Sonia's old desk, which was now pressed against a bookcase with hardly any room to sit.

'Here you are. The Original Book.'


Sonia's eyes lit up like a child presented with a new toy.

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