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Well, that didn't take long.
It's been about three hours since I last wrote; it's still April 20th.
Sitting in the hospital by yourself, chained to the bed isn't exactly super exciting. I imagine I'll be writing a lot more than I initially thought.

I asked Jacob about my phone, he said they were never able to find it after the crash. I also asked about my family, if they'd be allowed to come see me, if they knew anything about my current situation. I know I'm a state away, but I wondered if they knew anyhow, if they cared at all. In spite of being the middle kid and knowing my role as such, I still hoped they'd care enough to at least come see me when in the hospital. He said they were never able to reach anyone. I guess that checks out.

I wonder how Dev and Mia are doing. I know the baby must be due any time now, I wonder if they've decided on a name for her yet.
I wonder how mom is, I wonder when the last time she tried to contact me was.
I guess they're not wondering too much about me, though.
I guess that's what happens when you're the one who leaves for school.

I wonder how Gwen is doing. Is she worried? Does she really think I did it?

I'm not sure why I'm so concerned about what my roommate for a single semester thinks of me and my "felonies". Especially with everything else I have going on, what my roommate, who's so much older than me, thought of me shouldn't be as high on the list as it is. I guess part of me realizes that she really was my only friend, even if she only really put up with me because she had to.

I miss her. A lot. Even if she was kinda annoying and mother henned me all the time, she gave a shit when she didn't have to.
I didn't even get to thank her for having my back all the time.
That's a really shitty feeling.

until next time.


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