Well, that didn't take long.
It's been about three hours since I last wrote; it's still April 20th.
Sitting in the hospital by yourself, chained to the bed isn't exactly super exciting. I imagine I'll be writing a lot more than I initially thought.I asked Jacob about my phone, he said they were never able to find it after the crash. I also asked about my family, if they'd be allowed to come see me, if they knew anything about my current situation. I know I'm a state away, but I wondered if they knew anyhow, if they cared at all. In spite of being the middle kid and knowing my role as such, I still hoped they'd care enough to at least come see me when in the hospital. He said they were never able to reach anyone. I guess that checks out.
I wonder how Dev and Mia are doing. I know the baby must be due any time now, I wonder if they've decided on a name for her yet.
I wonder how mom is, I wonder when the last time she tried to contact me was.
I guess they're not wondering too much about me, though.
I guess that's what happens when you're the one who leaves for school.I wonder how Gwen is doing. Is she worried? Does she really think I did it?
I'm not sure why I'm so concerned about what my roommate for a single semester thinks of me and my "felonies". Especially with everything else I have going on, what my roommate, who's so much older than me, thought of me shouldn't be as high on the list as it is. I guess part of me realizes that she really was my only friend, even if she only really put up with me because she had to.
I miss her. A lot. Even if she was kinda annoying and mother henned me all the time, she gave a shit when she didn't have to.
I didn't even get to thank her for having my back all the time.
That's a really shitty feeling.until next time.
the rat that broke the cage.
Fanfiction"she wasn't supposed to be alive. by her own logic, neither were they." Luck never really was on her side. She thought her life would go back to some semblance of normalcy once she reduced the facility that ruined her life to ash. She was legally...