My palms glisten as I stare at the script. My eyes slowly scan over each word, not believing what I'm reading. Could this really be happening? I know this is part of the drama. I have known it since we first started talking about it, but is it really happening? It doesn't seem real.
My mind goes back to the first time I met Tee at the auditions for 2Moons. Back then, he was so shy and such a prankster.
One thing hasn't changed through all the years. He is still just as beautiful as always. His pale skin and dark eyes pull me while his smile can lights up a room.
"Tae! Are you ready? The bed scene is next!"
The director's words repeat in my mind and stop on 'bed scene'. We have never gotten to do our famous sex scene in 2Moons. Pavel and Dome did it instead.
My cock twitches as 'sex scene' repeats in my head again. A fire ignites deep inside of me as I imagine kissing Tee's luscious lips while my hand slides up his smooth pale arm.
Wait. No. I can't be thinking about this.
I quickly shake my head and take a deep breath. Unfortunately, my shaft doesn't want to listen to me. Instead, it wants to taste the sweet treat.
Heat rushes across my face as little balls of sweat explode across my back and along my forehead. I take another deep breath, wishing for my body to listen to me. I'll be the laughingstock of the cast if I have to delay a shoot because I got a huge boner thinking about my body brushing up against Tee's delicate skin.
The director walks on the set and heads for me. "Tae! Are you ready?"
My eyes instantly snap to the nearby bed. My shaft twitches and fights against my tight underwear while I nervously pull the hem of my shirt down and turn my attention back to the director and nod. "Yeah. I'm ready."
Gulp. I'm anything but ready.
The director points off to the side of the set. "Go get your makeup touched up and then crawl into bed. I'm going to go get Tee. Remember, we will have to do many takes so don't get carried away with the kisses. I don't want yours or Tee's lips looking swollen before the kissing starts. Take it easy."
A lump forms in my throat and my mouth suddenly goes dry as I slowly nod.
Can I actually control myself and not devour Tee once I get a little taste of him? This will be my first time, but I already want to lose control and ravage him.
The director smiles and pats my shoulder as he walks past. "Don't be so stressed about it. You've got this."
I don't know, but I'll try my best. Remaining quiet, I slowly nod again.
My focus shifts to the director's back as he walks away from me. Will I be able to do this? I don't want to upset him. He has been amazing so far, and I don't want this one scene to ruin his impression of me.
My hands tighten around the edge of the script as my heartbeat quickens. If he only knew the truth, maybe I wouldn't be so worried about it.
Before I have time to worry anymore, the makeup artist rushes to me and grabs my arm. "Oh, my. You are sweating like you're in a sauna. I need to fix your face. Come sit down."
I silently let her drag me across the set to her station. My mind is lost in the scene and the script as she pushes me into a chair. She mumbles things as she frantically works to make me look perfect. The whole time, my foot doesn't stop bouncing while my stomach flutters.
A fog fills my head and I flip over into auto-drive as the makeup artist pulls me out of the chair and pushes me towards the set. My eyes instantly go back to the bed and the impending kiss scene.
My manhood has finally calmed down, but one tiny thought about the much-awaited kiss has it springing back to life. Before anyone can see the growing bulge in my flimsy pajama bottoms, I dart over to the bed and slide in under the covers to my safety. I breathe a small sigh of relief.
As I snuggle into bed, I run through my initial lines, stopping right before I ask Tee to come to sleep in bed with me.
I can do this. It is only a few kisses and then I have to straddle him.
My shaft stands at attention as my mind repeats that one word over and over again. Straddle.
No. No. No. I can't be thinking about this. I need to get into character, but not a horny perverted one.
I take another deep breath while my hand itches to try and stroke out my problem.
No. I don't have time. Plus, how do I explain why the sheets are all messy? I need to wait until I get home and then rub one out.
But for now, I have to do or think of something horrible to get rid of my boner. Plus, I don't want Tee to feel it when I slide over to him.
I nervously bite the inside of my lower lip as I try to come up with anything that will instantly turn me off and make me go limp. Unfortunately, I don't have time to figure it out before Tee walks on the set in his flimsy pajamas looking gorgeous, like always.
He flashes me a big grin. "Tae, are you ready? This will be our big scene."
Heat rushes through me as I swallow down the lump in my throat and slowly nod. I try to make my voice sound normal, even though it is cracking inside my head. "Yeah. I'm sure the fans will love it."
His smile widens and his eyes sparkle as he nods.
I wish he would be this happy for our make-out scene, too. Am I the only one who will enjoy this more than I should and hope we can continue it later at home?
No. I can't be thinking like this. We have agreed a long time ago this is only for fan service and nothing more. He has never shown me he has changed his mind, and I don't want to ruin anything by asking.
I force a smile and shift around under the covers. "I'm sure you are right. We won't have to wait too long to find out. Only a few months and this scene with air. Do you..."
The director marches onto the set and in between Tee and me. "Okay! Are the both of you ready? We are on a tight schedule today, so I'm hoping we don't need to do a lot of takes to get what I want." He glances back and forth at the two of us but doesn't wait for a response. "Tee, I need you over on the couch acting like you are trying to sleep. The pillows and blanket are already over there."
He waves his finger towards the sofa. Tee nods and obediently shuffles over to the other side of the set. Along the way, his shirt slides off the side of his shoulder, exposing his pale, smooth shoulder.
Gulp. I can do this. Stay calm.
The director turns towards me. "Tae, are you ready? Remember, as per your request, this is the last scene for today. As soon as we get all the shots we need, you are free to go for the rest of the day."
I almost want to laugh. There isn't much of the day left. It is past 8 in the evening and no matter what I do, I won't be able to go to sleep early. If my current state is any sign of what I'll be like when this is done, I'll have to spend some time taking care of a particularly large aching problem when I get home.
I pull the sheets up to my chin and wiggle into place on the bed. "Yes, I'm ready."
The director claps his hands and shuffles backwards off the set. "And action!"
Published July 17, 2022

Off Camera
FanfictionTae and Tee are finally working together as a couple on Triage, even though they have been put together as a couple since they both were on 2Moons. Will everything be up to their expectations?