downfall + uprising

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Two days after the romanticism between Dorienne and Nate began, it ended abruptly. Nate's mother came home with someone whom she insisted Nate meet.

It was a girl.

She looked a lot like Dorienne, with long brown hair and blue eyes.

"Nathaniel, this is Elizabeth Hastings," his mother said. "Elizabeth, this is my son Nathaniel Van Buren, closely related to the late eighth president of these United States Martin Van Buren and soon to inherit a grand fortune that I'm sure you'd be interested in. I believe you two have met."

"You're the girl," stated Nate.

"Yes. I'm the girl that saved your life," said Elizabeth in an assertive manner.

She approached Nate and kissed him, and he was so caught up in the moment that he kissed her back, leaving his mother smiling dubiously and Dorienne running to the guest room for fear of showing her tears.

Things moved quickly for Nate and Elizabeth. Nate's mother thrust them into the relationship, and Nate had no choice but to go along with it. Elizabeth was wealthy and well-known. This was the kind of relationship he need - a steady one with someone of the same social class as he that would result in a loving marriage. This is the kind of relationship his father would've wanted for him, and Nate didn't want to disappoint his father.

Plus, as far as Nate knew, Elizabeth saved his life.

The two were engaged within a week. Dorienne was still living with them, now working as a full-time maid.

She wasn't sure whether or not she should give up on Nate. If she did, she would never have a voice again. But then again, she could learn sign language and find a man that actually loved her.

But she loved Nate; she had come to realize that. She couldn't just leave. And Dorienne could tell Nate wasn't actually happy with Elizabeth; he never smiled anymore and Elizabeth just wasn't right for him. She was far too posh - far too similar to his mother.

On the day of the wedding, Dorienne was in charge of readying the reception area. She didn't actually get to see the ceremony - not that she wanted to. She didn't think she would be able to handle it.

The reception was to be held at 6 o'clock sharp, just before the sun was expected to set.

Dorienne finished decorating at 5:30, and then sat alone in the ballroom waiting for guests to arrive. It was going to be the wedding of the year. Everyone who was anyone was invited. Dorienne was actually looking forward to seeing all of these people.

But at 6 o'clock, no one came.

At 6:15, there was still no one.

She thought maybe the wedding was running late.

At 6:20, Nate Van Buren, clad in a black tuxedo with his blonde hair slicked back, burst through the ballroom doors.

"Dori!" he shouted. "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Dorienne furrowed her brows and stuck out her hands as if asking, "Why?"

"The wedding's been canceled. I ran off the altar."

Dorienne gave another confused look.

"I don't want to marry Elizabeth," he explained. "I don't care if she saved my life; she's pretentious and annoying. And I don't love her. I love you, Dorienne."

"You do?" she asked.

"Yeah, I do," Nate answered, before realizing Dorienne had just talked.

They came to the realization at the same time.

"I can talk!" exclaimed Dorienne.

"You can talk!" repeated Nate.

They grinned at each other and ran simultaneously towards the other to hug and kiss.

"Why can you talk now?" asked Nate.

"It's a long story," sighed Dorienne.

"I have time," said Nate.

But before Dorienne could explain, Cordelia's voice was back. "You win," she said. "What'll it be - legs or a tail?"

This was quite the decision. On one hand, she had been away from her father for so long. He was probably worried sick about her, not to mention lonely. But then again, he had condemned her to life in a boring palace. He had brought this life upon her; it was he who drove her into insanity until she was forced to leave. He probably didn't even notice she was gone since she rarely left her room while in the castle.

Nate, on the other hand, loved her. He ran out of his own wedding and left behind a life of wealth and stability, all for Dorienne. It would be so easy to just run away with him and live life on land, as opposed to re-entering the ocean, finding her way back home, and facing the wrath of the Sea King, who would probably keep her locked in her room for eternity.

Dorienne kept thinking over this decision, but every time she thought of returning to her father, instead of picturing him encompassing her in his arms and reassuring her, telling her he was sorry for being so strict and that he was so glad she was back home, all she could think of was her father staring down at her with his eyes that always wore an expression of anger, and him scolding her for being so irresponsible.

So she made up her mind.

"I think I'll keep the legs," said Dorienne with content in every syllable she uttered.

Nate looked at her strangely and said, "I wasn't planning on taking them."

Dorienne laughed. It was a sound Nate was at that moment hearing for the first time, a sound Nate did not want to stop.

Nate began laughing too, and as they became overcome with happiness and laughter, Dorienne didn't even notice Cordelia in the back of her mind, laughing along with them.

Her plan had worked flawlessly.

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