( Chapter - 27 )

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It's been one whole week, I ignore Jennie, I'm really mad at her to hug that boy not only one time...I saw them together in campus often...

I was playing game cause it's Saturday weekend..

" Y/n !! Really !?!?! " She come out from her room with a hot temper, I just glance at her then look back to monitor

" You're ignoring me for a whole week!! Why ??? What I have done !?!? " She shout at me while clenching her fist

" It's like I doesn't exist in this world to you " She approach to me with her tearful eyes, it's also hurts me to look her with that man. But why I'm hurt when she is just my bestfriend , maybe I got feelings for her that's why I'm hurt...I should stop liking her

" Y/n please don't ignore me " She sat on my lap and grap my collar to lean closer to her

" You know I feel I'm nothing when you ignore me " She whisper while looking at my eyes, her tears fall from her eyes

" I want you to be mine not anyone's"

" Please Jen " I sigh

" Really Y/n you know I-i " She stuttered and touch my lips, she is so close I can feel her breaths on my lips

" I love you Y/n " I don't know what to reply for her sudden confession

" I love you Y/n from childhood and also I will till the end " She pressed her lips on me as a kiss

" ...... "

" Y/n ? " She frown

" ....... "

" Y/n are you okay ?? " She care my heated cheeks

" Can you kiss me again then I can respond it " I smile like crazy while said to her

She just cup my face and passionately kiss me , I didn't waste time to respond . I hold her waist and pull her more to me to deepen the kiss

" Did i take this as my answer ? " Jennie said between the passionate kiss

" Okay you can " I smile and wipe her tears

" But you know I'm still angry and upset cause you hug that guy in canteen " I sigh and care her fluffy soft cheeks

" Aww Taehyung ? He is just a friend and he also a gay, you don't have to jelous for him, hon " She peak my lip while styling my hair

" And you know he also like Jk that's why he want to know about Jk by me "

" Jinja !?!? " I widen my eyes in shock

" I was also like you after get to know that Tae like our Bunny boy "

" Okay don't think about them now , Now think about just only us " She kiss my cheeks

" Should we go out for movie " I ask her

" Yeyyy !! Yesss !! "

" Then we also can go for dinner as a date " I added and she squeal in happiness and excitement

" Okay now go and get ready for date , I'm waiting " I peak her lip and she get up and go to her room happily

" Such a baby " I rub my cheeks while smiling like idiot

Jennie's pov

I come out from my room and call my yebo ...

" Hon ? " I saw her scrolling down her phone on couch

" Ne " She look up at me and agape her mouth

" What happened Lee ?? " I smirk and walk to her, she get up from couch

" You looking so hot, babe " She peak my lip

" Okay now let's go or we will be late " I drag her to out

We came to cinema hall and also brought our tickets, we take corner seat in last row. You guys know why we brought that seats....kkkk

" Babe everything okay ?? " Y/n ask me while giving me the coke and a bucket of popcorn

" Yes, hon" I kiss her cheeks and she smile widely

" Btw did you ever take Rosé to cinema hall ?? " I ask her in curiosity, she sigh

" No I never take her to cinema hall, I just take her to restaurant twice in a month "

" So you two doesn't spend time together that much "

" Yeah " Y/n shortly replied

" Okay did you ever fuck her ? " I straight-forwardly ask her and she look at me in shock

" Never but we was about to do it but you and Lisa came and we didn't get a chance " Y/n sigh and sip her cola while looking at the movie

" Hey you're upset cause you didn't get a chance to get into her pants ?? " I sharply said and clench my jaw in anger

" Ani Nini, I just don't want to talk about my past relationship, you're my present so give attention to our present " She take my hand and kiss on my knuckles

" I love you Lee " I lean my head on her shoulder while interwined our hands

" I love you too Ruby Jane " She sweetly chuckle

After the movie we went to a famous restaurant of Seoul..We ordered our food and waited for it

" I can't forget your crying face Jen " Y/n laugh while covering her face

" Yah !! It's was sad !! The actor killed himself after get to know that lead actor's dad arrange his daughter's wedding with another man cause he didn't want to let them together " I tear up again after said

" What if it happened with us ? " Y/n wiggle her eyebrows and laugh

" Don't make me cry more " I threw the tissue to her while crying cause I can't imagine my life without my Y/n

" I hate you !! "

" Aww my mandu, I was just kidding don't cry " She rubbed her thumbs on my hand and placed a kiss on my forehead, she never felt to feel me loved

" Don't joke about this things " I pout when she wipe my tears through her fingers

" Okay I'm sorry Mandu Kim "

" Stop calling me mandu or I will stab you " I playfully show her the knife which was on table with the spoons

" Okay okay " She laugh and surrender herself, I just smirk


I just give a lil spoiler in this chapter for upcoming chapters

I hope guys you will like this chapter 🐥

Just the emojis Jisoonie use 🐰

Just the emojis Jisoonie use 🐰

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UwU ...🐥💖

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