We all met up at my place and took off for the nearest arcade.
When we reached, we couldn't contain our excitement as we rushed inside.
"I already have a card I just need to recharge it" nayeon announced.
"I do too" "same here" "yeah me too" chae, Momo and mina added.
"ah shit I left mine at home" Jeongyeon face palmed but shortly later, walked away hand in hand with her girlfriend who looked like she had fully intended on sugar babying her today.
"Do you have one y/n?" Mina asked.
"No. It's okay I'll just buy one, you guys go ahead." I turned to the guy behind the counter as I bought a card.
When I turned around I saw Momo standing there, looking around the place.
"What are you doing?" I asked skeptically.
"I was waiting for you, duh. Now come on" she dragged me away with her.
"I hate this game it's so freaking stupid!" Nayeon yelled out in frustration as jeongyeon and I laughed our heads off after witnessing nayeon lose at the same game four times in a row.
"You emptied all your balance on this game alone, only for you to not even win it once" I choked out between laughing.
Jeongyeon was really struggling to control herself as she tried shushing me too after seeing a very annoyed nayeon.
"Whatta loser" I pouted at nayeon before running away.
I walked around a bit, trying to decide what to play. The arcade wasn't too crowded but there were still many people here.
My eyes landed on the ice hockey machine as I gasped and ran to it.
"Now who do I play this with" I asked myself as I turned around to navigate the area in hopes of finding a friend.
"Looking for an opponent?" I heard a voice say.
When I turned to see who it was, I was slightly taken aback to see the new girl from school, sana. I don't think I've ever talked to her before, ever, so this is kinda strange to me but I really wanna play so I don't really care right now.
"Yes, actually. Would you like to....?" I nodded towards the game.
"Hell yeah" she smiled wide as she went to the other side and picked her puck (idk wtf it's called sorry).
I have no idea how much time has passed but I'm now going into my 4th game of ice hockey with sana. If there's anything I've learned about her in these four games is that, she's really good and really funny.
"Girl I'm done after this my hands hurt" I said mid game.
"Excuses" she smirked as she scored.
"Pay attention to the game y/n" she continued playing, absolutely destroying me. God this is not what I had in mind.
"I am done." I turned away from the game as sana laughed and ran to my side.
"Your not too bad though. Don't lose hope" she placed her hand on my shoulder. Wow she's really pretty up close. Damn.
"So...are you here alone?" I asked her
"Oh no I brought my little brother with me. He's right there actually" I turned to the direction she pointed, where I saw a small little boy trying his very best to shoot at the screen infront of him.
"Hahah omg he's so cute" I pouted. He really was.
"Yeah he wanted to come out here so I brought him. What about you?"
"I actually came with my friends since it's the weekend, you know how that goes"
"ah" she nodded.
"Oh heyy momo!"
Momo jogged up to us as she and sana greeted each other with a hug.
"What are you doing her?" Momo asked
"I brought my little brother here. And you?"
"I came with my frien- oh she's right here actually" Momo said and pointed at me.
"Oh I already met her" sana smiled.
"Yeah" I smiled back
"Oh. That's great." Momo said
Is it just me or is this kinda awkward. You know what, sana is momo's friend I should let them hang for a bit. I also really want to play with Mina after she challenged me on our way here. What makes her think she can win against me in basketball. No sir.
"Oh look Mina's calling me. I'll see you in a bit. It was very nice playing with you sana" I said before walking away while pretending to be on call.
I found mina playing a car game and asked her to play basketball with me next which she did. We tied so that was no fun.
"I'm literally broke now" chaeyoung spoke as she recharged her card for the 11th time.
"Well stop playing then stupid" nayeon said.
"One last game I'm trying to get 600 tickets"
"Wow ok"
"I'm tired now when do we leave" Momo whined.
"Yeah let's go home now" mina added.
"Chae, you have five minutes to play whatever game it is because we are leaving" Jeongyeon warned her as she nodded and ran off.
We were all seated on some benches inside. As soon as chae comes we'll go home.
"I'm so conflicted right now guys. I can get a gift with the tickets I have, but then I'm also trying to save them." Nayeon explained her very tragic situation.
"How many tickets does your gift need?" Jeongyeon asked.
"God please if you plan on sacrificing your own ticket savings and declaring to give them all to nayeon so she can get whatever the hell she wants just so you can see her smile or some shit, please do it elsewhere" I grumbled.
"Jeez what crawled up your ass?" Jeongyeon replied.
"No one's looking at her ass which is precisely, why she's being salty" nayeon snickered.
I just rolled my eyes.
The two got up and went to get nayeon her gift. They're so cute I hate it.
I turned to Mina and momo only to see Momo already looking at me. But the minute we made eye contact she looked away.
"Okay I'm back!" Chae panted as she she ran towards us.
"Did you win?" Momo asked
"Yeah no. I needed atleast 50 more tickets but I only got 20. Stupid capitalism" she grumbled
"What on earth does capitalism have to do with you losing?" Mina asked
"I don't know but I like blaming capitalism for everything that goes wrong" chaeyoung shrugged.
"Let's start heading out. Nayeon and jeongyeon can catch up" I spoke as I stood up.
We're now all walking back to our own houses. I cant wait to go home and continue with the series I'm watching. I feel like I've been away from my tv for too long now.
"Okay I'm off, bye guys" I waved at everyone as I started walking towards my house.
"Hey y/n!!" Momo shouted out.
" I got this prize at the arcade cause I thought it was cute. I didn't know it was two pieces though so here." She placed a cute little doggy keychain in my hand.
"Oh my god this is so cute I love it" I smiled at her before looking at the keychain.
"Thank you. I'll see you later" I said as I went in for a hug she happily returned and started walking towards home.
Ah. This is the life.
Im in my comfiest clothes, my room is cold my blankets are warm and my fav show is playing. Perfect.
My phone started ringing as I let out a groan and answered it.
"Excuse you"
"Oh shoot mom, sorry. I didn't see your name."
"Mhm. Anyways I'll be home early tonight and I'll stop at the market on my way. Do you need anything?"
"Oh no, thank you mama"
"I should be another hour. Your dad gets off late again"
"He always gets off late."
"Okay I gotta go see you"
I threw the phone across my bed as I finally got comfortable without any distractions and started watching my show.
I'm such an indoor person. Literally put me in bed with the tv on and I'll the happiest person alive.
Now that I'm alone I should probably address a few things, but first, that sana girl is a real beauty. I would love to get to know her more but I don't wanna seem weird in any way.
As soon as I thought this, my phone buzzed. God who is it now.
I reached for my phone to see a new number texting me a hey is this y/n? Totally not weird. Now who can this be. I don't think anyone is out to kidnap me so this is probably someone harmless. I guess I'll just ask them.
"Yes this is y/n. And you are.....?"
"Hey! It's sana. From the arcade."
"Oh hey sana. How'd you get my number?"
"I asked Momo for it. I hope you don't mind. You just seemed like such a chill person and I wanted to get to know you more, Ofcourse if that's okay with you"
woah. The universe is really favoring me today. I guess it won't be weird if she's the one reaching out to me.
"Not at all! I'd love to hangout soon if you're cool w it?"
"I'm cool w anything. Say, tomorrow?"
Aish. This girl is moving kinda fast. But she's really pretty so who the hell am I to say no.
"Sure thing. When and where?"
"Maybe a cafe?"
So the next fifteen minutes were spent by me texting sana deciding on a place to meet at tomorrow. I wouldn't say I'm not excited. Finally I'm talking to someone other than my friends. God y/n what have you been doing all this time?
Sana could be my potential future love interest so I should probably dress to impress tomorrow. Wait would that be trying too hard? Ugh I don't wanna stress over something so minuscule right now. I'll cross this bridge when I come to it.
A/N: readers block is real as hell I spent an hour trying to end this chapter which is why it's kinda crappy. I also couldn't decide what to do with Sana's character. Apologies. N E ways ITZYS NEW TRACKLIST PICTURE?!?!