Chapter 18: 𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘔𝘺 𝘉𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘈𝘸𝘢𝘺

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I'm ok. Better than ok, actually. Sure, I have some wonderful bruising along my cheeks in the obvious shape of fingerprints, a sore back and mild headache, but those are all physical. Mentally and emotionally, I feel better than I have in months. The incident with Dash sucked, and I wish it hadn't come down to that, but I'm eternally grateful for what it gave me.

A wake up call.

All the fear and doubt I've been riddled with since the day of the crash has...diluted in a sense.

It isn't cured.

I'm not sure trauma is ever cured.

But it can be handled; coped with.

I guess I was so swathed in my own darkness I couldn't see a single light to guide me out until Dash was attacking me, spitting all the foul things I told myself, and suddenly I was forced to either allow him to rule over me, just as my fear had, or fight back like the girl I once was would have. By some miracle, I made the right choice, and my friends found me just in time. Maverick said that he might've killed Dash if Goose hadn't stayed his hand. A part of me can't help but wish he had. I mean, the guy's made my life a living Hell from day one of Top Gun and I've had to kiss his boots while juggling my inner turmoil. But if he'd died, Maverick would have faced charges. Defending someone isn't a felony, but to beat a man to death certainly is. I don't think I could've lived with myself if I lost someone else I love.

In the end, Dash's survival is the real means of vengeance.

It's as Maverick said.

"There's no way no one's gonna notice those bruises."

I raise a trembling hand to them now, allowing the tips of my fingers to skim the tender flesh with as little pressure as possible. I covered them with makeup for tonight. Apparently Carol had been planning to meet for dinner at the bar. Goose and Mav took me to Charlie as soon as I could get off the locker room floor, and she assessed the situation.

"Where is Dash?"

"In Viper's office," Goose replied.

"Then let's get this done."

Dash never had a chance.

With both Goose and Maverick as witnesses to the assault, and Viper and Charlie's just hearts, my offender was booted off campus.

Six months, Viper told him. Half a year to keep out of Top Gun, see a therapist, get his act together, and then maybe, if God was the merciful Lord everyone claims, he'd get to fly again.

Watching two Naval officers escort Dash out of Viper's office was one of the most satisfactory moments of my life.

Second to kissing Maverick for the first time.

"Hey," A hand covers my thigh under the table and lightly squeezes. I glance up at Maverick as he studies my face avidly, "Are you sure you don't wanna go home? You don't have to be here. Carol will understand. It's been a long day –"

I lay a hand atop Mav's, "I'm fine," I reply. "I'd rather be here, with all of you."

Maverick's smile is worth all the money in the world.

Of course he has to ruin the moment.

"You sure you don't want to go somewhere just you and me?"

He even adds an eyebrow wiggle that makes me laugh so hard my side cramps. The muscles stretching across the right side of my body retain a dull ache from the impact of being torn out of Dash's grasp and forced to the floor. Maverick didn't mean to hurt me, but in getting me out of the way as quickly as he could, I did get a little banged up. Not much more than I was prior to his timely rescue. Maverick laughs at my reaction until I shove my elbow into his ribs and he starts coughing instead. Across the table from us, Rooster is coloring on a napkin. Carol and Goose watch Maverick and I closely, like animals at the zoo.

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