Meeting Him

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Cody was getting off the plane to meet his friend John who had come to greet him from getting off his flight "Hey Cody how was the flight?" John said, "Great only a few minor bumps here and there" Cody Explained "I have a suprise for you I think you'll like it" John said happily.

Johns car pulled up at sea world. "Wow this place looks amazing I've always wanted to look at Marine life thanks" Cody cheerfully said.

After half an hour Cody and John made it to the dolphin section where Cody saw a dolphin "A DOLPHIN!!!" He yelled and pushed John in the water (Because why not?) and ran to it, One of the Employees came to Cody. "What's the dolphins name?" Cody asked the employee "His names Freddy the Dolphin" while John at the other side of the pool was drowning because he couldn't swim but no one gave a shit. "Freddy can't stay here forever though because this place is shutting down due to bankruptcy" The employee said "and he can't survive in the ocean by himself" "I'll take him" Cody said "How can you? He can't survive in some house pool" The employee said "I know but you said he can't survive in the ocean by himself" Cody said "Well I guess then do you have a yacht?" The employee asked "No I have a giant launch with a salt water pool" Cody said "Oh then come with me we'll go get the forms to get him so they walked to the office past John who was dead in the pool floating on his stomach.

Freddy The DolphinWhere stories live. Discover now