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after steve, nancy, and robin left, meadow, dustin, and eddie immediately set to work "bat proofing" the trailer. "not bad." eddie said once they'd covered the trailer in the wire of a fence, and had drilled other miscellaneous pieces into the sides of it.

dustin nodded his agreement. "not bad at all."

eddie chuckled. "now for the fun part." he led the henderson siblings into his room, where the other version of his guitar was sitting. "jesus." he breathed. "it's like.. she was destined for an alternate dimension." he grabbed it from the wall. "what do you say, hendersons? are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?"

meadow crossed her arms over her metallica 'ride the lightning' shirt. "who do you think you're talking to?"

"was that a rhetorical question?" dustin added, looking to eddie with an awed smile.

"let's do it." eddie said before flinging his guitar over his back.

meadow helped dustin carry eddie's amplifier to the roof, using multiple extension chords to keep it plugged into the wall. "what song are you going for, munson?" she asked, looking over at him.

he shrugged. "what do you think?"

"well, i kind of assumed you were going to go for the last in line, or something."

eddie laughed. "oh, meadow. you underestimate me." he swung his guitar around. "you're a metallica fan, aren't you? you heard the new song?"

"master of puppets?" she asked, raising a brow. "that came out a few weeks ago, yeah, i've heard it. but no way do you know to play it already."

"you underestimate me." he repeated, a smile spreading onto his lips.

meanwhile, steve roamed through the upside down with nancy and robin. "uh, i don't mean to freak anyone out," robin said, "but i swear we've seen this tree before."

"that's impossible." nancy assured her.

"that would suck, right?" robin continued. "if vecna destroyed the world because.. cause we got lost in the woods?"

nancy shook her head. "we're not lost, robin." robin made a mocking chuckle before moving to run faster, making nancy call out to her. "robin, hey! watch out for the vines! hive mind, remember?"

"thank you!" robin replied, still moving ahead.

steve shook his head as he watched her leave. "and we say meadow's the pessimistic one."

nancy sighed heavily. "she's going to get herself hurt."

he shook his head again. "don't worry about her, she's just stressed. you know, scared."

"yeah. yeah, i know." nancy nodded, "it's just.."

"she's a super klutz?" steve suggested, hearing nancy chuckle her agreement.

"she did tell me that it took her longer to walk than most babies, so.."

steve laughed, but then shook his head. "i really shouldn't laugh. when i was a baby, i actually crawled backwards."

"crawled backwards?" nancy questioned.

he nodded. "you know, i'd push with my hands like this." he mimicked it. "beep, beep. always in reverse, you know? come on, it makes sense, you push to move, right?"

this must've been the longest conversation he'd had with her since they broke up, he thought, and he was glad that things were going well between them. though steve had, at some point, felt something for nancy, he felt guilty that it had been so overshadowed by how he felt for meadow.

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