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Cameron entered the room his friend was in. He knocked on the door before enetering seeing Shawn reading one of the letters Cameron had written. The older boy smiled at Shawn. He sat on a chair in the corner observing Shawn.

"Hey," he mumbled tapping his fingers against the chair as he bit his lip impatiently waiting for a response.

"Hey," the younger boy said with a smile appearing on his lips.

Silence filled the room.

"Thanks for writing me the letters," Shawn began looking down at the white ruffled sheets he sat on,"and for not losing hope in me."

Cameron shrugged it off as it was no big deal, even though it surely was. He stared at Shawn. Just admiring his beauty. He remembered how they were so close. How Shawn was always there to catch him when he took a jump, literally. He loved his hugs and his voice.

Cameron bit his lip even harder. He had just found out his true feelings. How he truly loved Shawn. More than a brother and more than a friend. So many thoughts raced through his head. He began to have a headache.


That voice. It killed him but also made him stronger. It killed him to know that the voice belonged to someone he loved but that someone didn't love him the same way.

"Cam, are you okay?" Shawn was at the urge of getting down the bed to comfort him, even though he wasn't allowed to get off the bed.

"No, Shawn, I um... i'm fine." He said sighing as he nodded his head,"I gotta go," he said as he got off the chair, hugging Shawn then exiting out.

Cameron left Shawn confused and worried. He ran a hand through his hair going back to reading the letters that Cameron had wrote.

Letters :: shameronWhere stories live. Discover now