Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning, before it was even 5 a.m., with a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and I felt like shit. I turned my head around slowly to be faced with William. He was snoring softly, his chin on my right shoulder. What did I do last night? I eased from under his grip and walked cautiously to my bathroom. I was dizzy, nauseous, and confused. I looked at myself in the mirror: my eyes were dark and puffy, and not just because of the makeup that I'd failed to remove was smudged all over, I was severely hung over. I clutched the sides of my sink in an attempt not to fall over. I straightened up and walked back into the bedroom. William was still asleep in the same position. I looked down at his beautiful sleeping form and grinned as I thought about the events that had gone on the night prior.

"You are so beautiful," he commented as he pushed in and out of me rapidly. I couldn't make any words form; I just bit my bottom lip and nodded.

"Look, I just really want you to know that I really do want to get to know you. This isn't just about sex, right?" he continued, pausing in mid-stroke.

"Of course not. We can talk tomorrow but tonight let's just have some fun." I grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him back down to me as he started back up the pace.

I walked over to my dresser and quietly pulled out an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts. I didn't bother putting on any shoes or socks before walking on the cold hardwood flooring towards my door. This door was closed I thought. I'm not crazy I closed it. Did he leave out? No, I would remember that. Or would I? But no, he's still naked. I thought as I turned around and looked back to the bed.

I just disregarded the thought and walked into the kitchen, passing the living room where I saw Macy and Tiara on the cream-colored, suede sofa and Briana and Makayla on the matching futon. I rummaged through one of the many drawers lined up around the kitchen counter, in search of something that would make me feel a little better. I ended up looking through all of the drawers, not finding a single thing. I groaned out in frustration before heading over to Morgan's room.

"What's wrong wit' you?" Tiara asked me, sleepily as she turned over on the sofa.

"I'm hungover and I need some medicine or somethin'."

"I'm still a little buzzed but I think I'll be fine," she said nonchalantly.

"I feel like complete shit. Like shit from the largest, ugliest animal's ass," I complained holding on to the kitchen bar, as a series of dizziness came over me.

"Poor baby. At least you got dicked down last night," she sang cheeringly.


"Don't act like I'm crazy. I heard you last night plus you are glowing!"

"Am I a hoe?" I asked her in a concerned tone. I felt like I loved what we had done and I really wanted to get to know William and see where we could go but all I could think about was my daddy and all the rest of my family seeing me and disowning me for doing such a thing. Emery you are grown now. You have to let go of this childlike mentality and be a grownup. It's time to set your own path, start making your own decisions. I said to myself.

"No. Of course not! we've all had those nights where we just wanted to be a little spontaneous and step outside of our comfort zone."

"I just feel so dirty. But at the same time I'm glad that I did because it was amazing. But I'm sorry that you had to hear that."

"Girl don't worry about that. Morgan got some too," she giggled out.

"That was an obvious. Let me go see if she has anything."

Tiara laid back down and covered herself up with a blanket as I walked to Morgan's bedroom door and lightly knocked on it before turning the knob and walking in to see her and Justin both naked, sprawled out across her bed. I gasped lowly and slowly stepped back out of the room, closing the door. I carefully walked back down the hall to my bedroom, as my vision became blurred and my head started to spin. When I finally made it to my door, I turned the knob and walked back inside. I went over to my side of the bed and slid back into my spot, turning over so that my face was buried into his soft, chiseled chest. He wrapped his free arm around my body.

"You good?" He asked groggily with his eyes still closed.

"I'm hungover," I whispered trying not to intensify my headache

"You need me to go get you somethin'?" He asked concernedly.

"Would you please?"

"I'll run to my apartment and grab you some medicine."

"Thank you," I replied below a whisper. He slowly removed himself from the bed and stood up in search of his clothing.

"Where are my clothes?" He asked squinting his eyes toward the floor. I could see his long sausage dangling in between his legs. I just sat silently watching it swing back and forth as he walked around the bedroom. He cleared his throat, catching my attention, then looked down at himself then back up at me before smirking sexily. I bit my bottom lip as I felt my girl begin to tingle.

"I'll be right back, okay?" He asked once he was dressed and had gathered his keys and other belongings from the living room, where he'd left them the previous night.




Around 3 p.m. the next morning, everyone in the house got right up with the clothes that they'd worn the day prior and went to the place where everyone with a hangover goes.

Huddle House.

The small southern restaurant was only a few minutes away from our apartment complex, so it didn't take a long time at all to make it there. All of the women were sporting smudged makeup and sunglasses. All of the guys were perfectly fine as if nothing had gone on.

William had helped Emery out of the car, escorted her into the place, and helped her into the booth at which we sat. It was pretty obvious that she was extremely hungover. They sat across from us in the booth with one of his arms around her waist and her head lying against his shoulder. If you'd looked at them you wouldn't believe that they'd only met the night before.

"You know what you ordering?" Justin nudged me gently, holding up the menu wide enough for the both of us to view as the waitress stood with her notepad and pen, waiting. I hadn't even noticed her walk up to our table.

"I just want a sausage scrambler and a large waffle."

"I think I'll take that too," he added gathering the two menus sitting in front of us, to hand to the waitress.

"She'll take a fajita omelet and I'll take the Big Huddler," Zach ordered for himself and Emery. He passed their menus to the waitress as well.

Macy, Tiara, Briana, and Makayla were seated in the booth opposite of us. We all looked so gloomy and sick. I had it already planned out in my mind that when I made it back to the apartment I was going to get back into the bed and sleep this horrible hangover off.

"I see everybody all booed up," Briana commented, eyeing Emery and Zach together, Emery sipping her Sprite and Zach, with his arm still around her, scrolling on his phone screen.

"Oh hush," Emery mumbled as she took a quick glance up at Zach to only see him staring back down at her.

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