Moving In!

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more fluff is to come! for now its sad stuff and very dramatic things :0 next chapter is a bit smutty and then its just gonna be a fluff chap after for the lovebirds <33

Like always, Blitz drove to Stolas's for a movie date. He brought a bag, just in case ;) something got out of hand, and he finally was able to walk freely into Stolas's palace. Stella was gone forever now, and now Octavia had to accept him. Blitz was a little nervous, since Octavia meant the world to Stolas, and also he basically destroyed her parents relationship entirely, but he was sure she would be okay. He got out of the car and heard Stolas calling from the balcony.

Blitz shrugged. "Old habits die hard, I guess." He ran over to the balcony and leaped up on the balcony. He saw Octavia on the bed on her phone. "Hi Blitzy!" Blitz kissed him and Stolas closed the door connecting the room and the balcony. "Look.. if she doesn't like you right away its okay.." Blitz smiled. "I'm a very likeable person." Stolas snickered. "Sure, Blitzy. Okay, so are you ready?" Blitz nodded. He opened the door and let Blitz down.

"Via!" Octavia looked up from her phone and looked at Blitz. "Hello, Blitz?" Blitz nodded and climbed on the bed and sat there with her. "Hi. We have met a few times I think?" Octavia nodded. "Like the time you were pounding the shit out of my dad and my mom caught you? Yes, we met then." Stolas gasped. "Octavia!" Octavia looked at her father. "Sorry." Blitz smiled. "Hah.. yes. That was a.. pleasant sight." Octavia sighed. "You make my dad really happy. I don't see how.. or why, but he loves you a lot. I can't argue with that. I'm ok with you being around here. I'd even be ok with you moving in."

Blitz's eyes lit up. "I just don't want any arguments all the time. That's all I ask. Oh, and I don't want to be woken up at 3 am when you two decide to get freaky. That's all." Blitz smiled and nodded. "I respect that." They hugged each other, and for the first time ever, the two actually felt comfortable in the same room. Stolas smiled. "Thank you Via, I love you." Octavia hugged her father. "He makes you happy. I love you too dad."


Stolas asked Blitz to move in, and how could he say no to that? Loona and Octavia were happy about it, because they already felt like sisters before this ever happened. Today was the day that he would officially be moved in. He was still at work for a few hours, but he couldn't wait to go home. Millie smiled and opened Blitz's door. "Your boyfriends here!"

Blitz tilted his head. "Stolas? Why are you here?" Stolas smiled. "All your stuff is moved in!" Blitz truly was excited, but was so focused on work he couldn't show it. "Oh! That's great. Thank you for telling me Stolas." Stolas smiled and shut the door. "Are you alright love?"

Blitz put his head down and shook his head no. "The business sucks, right now. I just wanna come home to you." Stolas picked him up and let him fall into Stolas's abyss of floof. His favorite thing about his uniform was that he still had a large bit of his chest fluff out, so Blitz could still enjoy it. "Want me to stay?" Blitz hummed. "Yes please." Stolas and Blitz locked lips. Blitz stopped for air. "God, I wish we were home right now." He sighed. "Soon, love." Blitz smiled and kissed Stolas one last time before being let go.

"Hey gang. Stolas is staying so.. deal with it." Stolas sat down while Blitz went to go grab papers from another room. Millie walked over to him. "Sooo.. when am I having godchildren and when is the wedding?" Blitz yelled from the other room. "Millie!" Stolas laughed. "Hopefully soon." Blitz growled. "Stolas!" Stolas smiled. "Moxxie, you're going to be the man of honor!" Blitz walked into the room and hushed Millie. "Millie! Cut it out! C'mon Stols." Stolas smiled. "Stay out here! You can take a small break from work."

Blitz looked out from his office. "I have bills!" Stolas looked at Blitz. "Blitzy. I pay the bills." Blitz sighed, walked into the room and sat in Stolas's lap. Moxxie sat down. "Now that you have a relationship, it doesn't feel amazing to be asked 20 questions about it, huh?" Blitz flipped Moxxie off. "You're lucky we don't spy on you." Blitz tried slapping him, but Stolas held Blitz. "Your ass is lucky that he's here."


"FUCKING FINALLY! Okay gang! Time to go FUCKING HOME!" Stolas left about 2 hours before. He waved bye to M&M and drove to Stolas's.

He opened the door and walked upstairs. All of his stuff was merged with Stolas's stuff in his room, as well as Loona's. Octavia was in her room. "Where's Stolas?" Octavia smiled. "He's at work." Blitz nodded. "Thanks." He picked his phone up and called Stolas.

Stolas was writing in his office, trying to come up on a report for astrology he had read about for students in college. It was much less pressure teaching Octavia about this than others, especially having Lucifer read through it. His phone rang and he rolled his eyes and picked it up. "Prince Stolas speaking." He said with a sigh.

"Why so gloomy babe?" Stolas smiled and tilted his head. "Just writing a report for astrology, as well as touching on sigils and talismans, next is on herbology, and for some fucked up reason I have to talk about how I fought in heaven? Like I'm going to talk about that?" Blitz stammered. "Uhh.. babe I don't understand a single word of what you said." Stolas laughed at Blitz and then sighed. "It's nice to hear your voice, love."

Blitz smiled. "It's nice to hear yours.. when are you coming home?" Stolas hummed and looked at the clock. "In a hour perhaps?" Blitz moaned in protest. "Nooo! I guess I'll see you then?" Stolas snickered. "Yes, love." Blitz said his goodbyes and sighed as he hung the phone up. "I can't wait an hour.." He whined. He grabbed the remote and starting watch My Hell Pony for the 50th time that month.

An hour finally passed and Blitz practically waited at the door like a lost puppy. Stolas sighed and walked through the door, only to be pounced on by Blitz. "You took forever to get home." Stolas held Blitz. "I'm sorry, darling!" He walked upstairs with Blitz in his hands and set him down to talk to Octavia. He watched Stolas come in and strip from his clothes. He slid on his robe and plopped down on the bed. "Blitzzzyyyy.." he called. "I'm getting dressed, hold on!" He wore a baggy shirt and some shorts and climbed into bed. Blitz wrapped his tail around Stolas and pulled him close. "Fuck, Stolas. I've had such a bad fucking day." Stolas kissed Blitz's neck, and kissed up to his head. "We're home now, that's what matters, hm?" Blitz kissed Stolas, locking it in for a few moments. It then escalated into something more than that, but then, Octavia called Stolas.

"Dad! You have a phone call!" Blitz groaned. "I have such a boner right now.." Stolas kissed Blitz. "After this call, I promise Blitzy." Blitz put his shorts back on and followed him. Loona and Octavia were sitting at the bar talking, as Stolas picked up the phone. "Prince Stolas speaking?" Stolas's calm expression turned into an anxious one, into an angry one.

His pupils shook with rage as he hung the phone up. "Dad?" Stolas sat down and caught his breath. Blitz helped with rubbing his back and being there for emotional support. "Your grandfather is coming.. tonight." Octavia dropped choked on her drink and held her mouth. "What's so baa- oh. I remember what you said.. yeesh." It took a lot for Stolas to not just scream. He just wanted to yell at his father's servant not to let him come. "Stolas? How about we go upstairs and just let you do what you need?" Blitz asked. Stolas nodded, unable to speak. "I'll let you guys know the info.."

Once they were upstairs, Stolas collapsed onto the bed and rolled into a ball. "Stolas.." Blitz frowned. He climbed into bed and hugged him. "I-I just don't want him here.. He judges me for every move I take.." Blitz sighed. "I can go in there with you." Stolas shook his head. "I have to do this alone, Blitzy." Blitz kissed Stolas and held his face in his hands. "I understand." 

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