Chapter twenty four

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  *A few months time skip*

    Oikawa POV

     I serve the ball for the next team member in line to receive it. My knee was getting better and I had been "freed" to finally train again with the team. Although I still couldn't do much effort because it could cause the situation to get worse.
    "Good serve, Oikawa." The coach congratulates me and I bow thanking him for the compliment.
    Ellain passes me another ball and I serve it once again. Kindaichi goes to catch it but ends up colliding with Kunimi, who almost falls face on the floor.
    "Ouch! Watch where're you going." Kunimi complains walking away.
    "Sorry..." Kindaichi mumbles going back to the end of the line of the rest of the team.
    The training went by as usual although I couldn't help to notice that something was up with the two boys.
    "Hey Yui-chan? Here." Ellain calls me giving me a bottle of water.
    "Thank you Ellain." I take it and drink a little before hearing a voice.
    "Those were not such bad serves today, Shittykawa." I turn around to see Iwaizumi giving a little smirk while walking my way.
    "Oh really? Is that why you failed to receive them twice? Because they were 'not so bad'?" I smile and he ruffles my hair.
    "Shut it, Dumbkawa."
     "Iwa-chan stop. You're ruining my hair!" I say giggling and he flicks my forehead. "Ouch! So mean!" I pout puffing my cheeks.
    "Hey, love. You done training?" I hear a voice from behind me scaring me for a second.
    "Ya-Yamato-kun! You scared me." I hug the boy. "I just have to go change and grab my things." I tell and he gives me a nod.
    "Ok. I'll wait for you outside." He says heading to the door.
    Lately Yamato always stayed after classes and waited for me outside to keep me company walking home. He said it was not safe for a girl to walk alone by night fall and it was a boyfriend's job to get his girl home safely. I tried to tell him a few times that he didn't have to worry cause I wasn't alone since Iwa-chan always walked with me home but it all just led to a small argument.

    Iwaizumi POV

    Yamato sends me a hateful stare as he walks outside leaving the gym. I take no mind to it and just turn away.
    I help the team clean up the gym and then I go to the changing room. I couldn't stop noticing how strange Kunimi and Kindaichi were acting with each other and it was somehow pissing me off.
    "Ok, enough. What's wrong with you two?" I ask looking at the two boys in front of me.
    "Nothing." Both say at the same time.
    "Bullshit. You're ignoring each other since the last few days." I state "Look, I don't care just whatever happened, you two better fix it." I grab my bag and walk out the room.
    As I'm walking to get to the school gate I hear voices and I see Yui and Yamato on the other side of a building corner.
    "Yamato, it's not like that. We're friends..." She says putting a hand on his shoulder.
    "It doesn't seem like it! I don't like the way you are when you're with him!" Yamato says angry walking from one side to the other. "It's like you completely change whenever he's around. Whenever any guy is around actually. You don't even seem to remember you have a boyfriend." He says running a hand through his hair.
    "That's not true! Yamato-kun, you're being unfair. I told you-..." She was going to continue but he cuts her off with a punch on the wall.
    It goes close to her but it doesn't hit her. Yui it's clearly trembling and on the edge of tears and I want to do something but my body just won't move.
    "Y-Yamato... kun.." Tears fall down her face and Yamato doesn't say a word turning away and leaving.
    I wanted to move to rush and help Yui but I stay there in shock with everything. Soon Ellain spots Yui and rushes to help her.
    "Oh my God, Yui! What happened? Are you ok?" She asks but all Yui does is cry. Ellain hugs Yui trying to comfort her.
    I run out of there in search for that Yamato bastard as rage boils inside me. I see him a little past the school gates leaving home.
    "Iwaizumi-san?" I hear Tobio's voice and I stop for a little to look at him "Are... Are you ok? You seem angry..."
    I look back at the gate and Yamato was already gone.
    "Dammit!" I curse making Tobio flich.
    I go back to see if Yui was ok. She was also nowhere to be see. I try to call her and she doesn't pick up.
    "Come on, Yui. Pick up." I try to call again but unsuccessfully.

    *1 new message*

    Alien Girl

    "I'm sorry I can't pick up. I already am going home. I'm sorry I didn't wait for you."


    "Ok, no problem. But are you ok?"

    I wait a few minutes but she doesn't answer.

    "I saw what happened"

    I text to see if she replies but once again there is no answer.
    I go home and end up falling asleep with the phone in my hand looking at the messages waiting for Yui to reply but she never replied.


Hello! Thank you for reading! I hope you all liked the chapter.
I'll try to upload next chapter by next week.
Stay safe! Love you all!

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