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THE SUN HAD finally risen as I drove along the highway towards the compound. Though I tried to stay focused on the road, my eyes kept drifting to the sea beside me. I let my gaze sweep over the rolling waves, searching.

I saw nothing that could hint at something ominous beneath the waves. The rising sun cast the ocean in a bright orange glow, burying any lurking shadows beneath its light. It made the ocean unrecognizable from the black waters of the previous night, and with a sigh, I looked away and focused back on the road. Just in time to turn off the highway and into the compound.

Despite everything, I had returned.

It had taken a whole night of deliberation to come to this decision, and even know as the tall glass building came into view, I was filled with a sense of anxiety and regret. Only bad things had happened to me since stepping foot in this forsaken building. It was as if fate itself was giving me warnings, a chance to leave and never return, yet for some reason I continued to ignore these obvious red flags.

I just had to know more. Something inside me needed answers as desperately as I needed air to breathe. I needed to know what specimen had escaped and why. I needed to know more about Dr. Richard Grant and why Austin was so afraid to talk about him. I needed to know everything, and so I came back to the only place where I could get my answers; C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories.

Whether or not I would come to regret this decision though I didn't know. Only time would tell.

With a steadying breath, I stepped out of my car and made my way to the building entrance as I had done the day before. Once again I was greeted by steely security guards who scanned my access badge before letting me pass and enter the elevator. Time seemed to pass in slow motion as the elevator descended, dragging me deeper under ground and back below sea level.

With a ding, the elevator slid open and revealed the large dome room. Lab coat-clad scientists rushed across the floor, disappearing down one of the many hallways leading further into the compound.

I remembered where Flip had taken me and began to head to his office. Once at his office, I gave the door a quick knock. I heard his voice call from the other side.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and stepped inside. Flip was sitting at his desk, a flimsy pair of wire rimmed reading glasses rested low on his nose as he flipped through something on his black tablet. When I entered, he looked up, a lopsided smile forming on his face as he recognized me.

"Lani! You're back!" Flip greeted excitedly, setting down his tablet to stand up. I watched as he walked around the desk to stand in front of me. He stood awkwardly, fidgeting as he waited for my reply.

I gave him small smile. I was still mad that he had spread the word around the compound that I couldn't swim, but I tired not to blame him for the events of last night. It was Hunter's fault alone. Besides, Flip seemed genuinely happy to see me and his excitement was contagious.

"You seem surprised." I replied, hoping to prompt an explanation from Flip. I came here for answers, and I had to start somewhere.

Flip shrugged, taking off his glasses and polishing them on his lab coat. "Well we've lost some employees in the past. This place has a reputation of scaring people away." He said with a nervous chuckle.

I raised my eyebrow. Flip cleared his throat and continued, "That's why we were so excited that Dr. Grant had held a statewide contest for internship positions at the annual genetics exposition, so hopefully we could get some quality people who could handle the job." He said, putting his glasses in his lab coat pocket. He still didn't meet my eyes.

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