Round One Results!

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First of all, thank you to everyone that participated in Round One, and a special thank you to the judges for judging the books for this round! 

Before I get to the results I would just like to say that, if you did not proceed to the next round please do not be discouraged, the difference of the scores was very tiny. Instead, take into account the reviews by your judges whether you won or not. Every story is unique and special! Once again, thank you to everyone for paticpating in this!

Now without further ado, here are the results of the first round! 

Bracket 1

Judge: tea-loverr

Leah Reeves and the Sea of Secrets by PilindielTheElf

Cover: 5/5 — It's really nice, and got everything you need to know (title, author, book one etc.).

Title: 3/5 — It's a little long. You could just call it "The Sea of Secrets" or something like that. Either way, it made me want to find out what's it about, so it's good enough. 

Blurb: 5/5 — It's really good! It tells, what the book's about, but without revealing too much. 

Plot: 7/7 — It's a really good, unique plot. I've never seen anything like it, but it's a really good idea. 

Character development: 5/6 — I really love Leah, and I love, how she slowly copes from being in Azkaban. It's slow, but that makes it more realistic, so I think it's really good! 

Grammar: 5/6 — There were a few mistakes, but overall, I think it was really good grammar! 

Total: 30/34    

The writing is extremely beautiful, and it's clear that the author's talented. There's a lot of plot twists, and that keeps the book exciting at all times. It's hard to find something bad to say, as it's a really good story, that deserves much more recognition.

Lies by Anna6307

Cover: 4/5 — It's really nice, but maybe you could add the author name or a subtitle. 

 Title: 5/5 — Short and fine. 

 Blurb: 5/5 — Really nice. Tells what the story's about, making you want to read it. 

 Plot: 6/7 — Really unique plot. There's a lot of time travelling storys, but I've never seen one like this before. 

Character development: 5/6 

Grammar: 4/6 — There's some mistakes. Some of the words are misspelled, and the punctuation isn't perfect. 

Total: 29/34 

I think the story is really good, and has some really great writing. I really like Alicia, but her character gets a bit confusing at times. Her personality changes a bit from chapter to chapter. In one chapter, she's really shy and awkward about meeting new people, but in the next chapter, she's really bubbly and energetic. The author is editing the story, and I think the edited parts are really, really great, so the story's obviously going to be better once it's edited completely. 

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Overall, I think it's a really good story.

Winner: Leah Reeves and the Sea of Secrets by PilindielTheElf

Bracket 2

Judge: wabbbleowo

Once Upon a Twisted Time by theoffcialearthling

Cover: 5/5

Title: 5/5

Blurb: 3/5

Plot: 6/7

Character Development: 1/6

Grammar: 6/6

Total: 26/34

Okay, so I LOVED the plot of this book, it was awesome, the concept was so intriguing! The cover was cute but simple, the title was perfect, the grammar was spot on. But the reason this one has a lower rate is a few things: First, there was little to no character development. The only thing that has really changed is how Lily and Lysander become more comfortable with the Order. The most interesting part for me was the introductions, but after that, I had a hard time staying on the story. Other than that, the story was really good and funny!

Turn Back Time by gryffindor7lion

Cover: 4/5 

Title: 5/5 

Blurb: 3/5 

Plot: 6/7 

Character development: 1/6 

Grammar: 6/6 

Total: 25/34

This book was great! The writing was straightforward and descriptive. The cover was cute, grammar perfect, title spot on. But there were some things I noticed that could really improve. There was almost no character development, which I guess is understandable. The thing that bothered me the most was how out of character some of the characters were, especially Ron. It is your fanfiction, but that just didn't sit with me right. Liked the story though.

Winner: Once Upon A Twisted Time by theoffcialearthling

Bracket 3

Judge: Lylian607

Rewriting Our Stars by WeaselbeeWeaseltoe

Title: 4 

Cover: 5 

Plot: 7 

Blurb: 4 

Character development: 6 

Grammar: 4.5 

Total: 30.5 

The Triplet by Razzberry24

Plot: 7 

Blurb: 3 

Grammar: 5.5 

Title: 5 

Cover: 4.5 

Character development: 6 

Total: 31 

Winner: The Triplet by Razzberry24

Bracket 4

Judge: diamond-panda

A Billion Stars by g-lil-ginny

Cover: 3/5 

Title: 3/5 

Blurb: 5/5 

Plot: 6/7 

Character development: 6/6 

Grammar: 6/6 

Total: 30/34 

Thoughts: great job, although little nitpick, the cover and title didn't match the story.

To New Beginnings by Creatively_Bankrupt

Cover: 2/5 

Title: 4/5 

Blurb: 5/5 

Plot: 6/7 

Character development: 4/6 

Grammar: 5/6 

Total: 26/34 

Thoughts: great descriptions and amazing writing the only two setbacks are; 1: the plot and storyline go very slow. And 2: the cover didn't match the story at all. Overall great job

Winner: A Billion Stars by g-lil-ginny

Well there you have it folks, the results of round one! Thank you to everyone who participated in this round, and a special thank you to the judges for taking some time out of their personal lives and judging the stories of these amazing authors! Brackets for round two will be posted tomorrow! 

Have a good day everyone! <33

-Serina and April 

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