I saw something

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Mom - Mary-Kate mama - Ashley

Isabelle's pov
I'm in the kitchen playing with Malibu. "Go get it" I throw a ball for her. She runs and brings it back to me. We do this for a while until she got tired. "Let get you some water" she barks so I get up and walk to the sink. Mali is patiently waiting by her bowl which is by the kitchen island. I get two cups. One for me and one for Malibu so I can pour it in her bowl. I smile and the thought that I'll be going with Scarlett and Aliyah to see Scarlett film her movie.

It should be fun. But we still have to do school which I don't mind. I know that Aliyah will not do them unless she's being forced too. I love school but Aliyah...not so much. "Okay Mali. Here you-" I look up and see him. Standing in the front yard and smiling at me. "Fuck" I drop the cup on the floor and it shatters on the floor. He's smiling at me and it's creepy. I don't know what to do.

Aliyah's pov
We heard something break downstairs so we're going to see what it was. "Izzy?" Mama speaks as she looks over as we reached downstairs. "What was that?" My sister asked as she leans over me to look. "Wait let me see. Move" I shove Scarlett off of me. She's heavy my god. "Izzy?" I see her staring into the distance. "Isabelle!" I shout but she doesn't react. She doesn't move or anything.

"Shhhh. Stop barking" I heard Lizzie trying to calm Malibu down. She's barking at the door. Why? I don't know. We rush towards her but mama stops me. Literally pushes me back. "Careful. There's glass" she informs me. "Come here, baby" I turn around and see mom opening her arms for me. I smile and happily wrap my arms and legs around her as she sets me on the counter. Mama quickly cleans the mess up as mom is trying to see what's wrong with Izzy.

"Isabelle! Wake up. I don't like this, Izzy" she says shaking her and snapping her fingers in Izzy's face. There's still nothing. That's when I realized that she's looking at something outside the window. I jump down the counter, forgetting about the glass, and walk over to Izzy. "Aliyah! What are you doing?" Scarlett is shouting at me as she puts her slippers on and she rushes to me. "Scarlett. Be careful" mama warns her.

"I'm fine" she says. "What's going on?" Lizzie ask after she stop the barking. "Yo Isabelle" I poke her side. Nothing again. I look at where she's facing but there's no one there. Nothing. Just palm trees swaying back and fourth. "Water. Get me water" Lizzie says searching for some. There was a cup full of water in front of me so I pick it up and give it to her.

"Get back" I tilt my head but don't listen. She splashed water on Isabelle's face which was like right beside mine. I close my eyes as I felt cold water drip down my face. "I swear to go Lizard" I mumble as I slowly open my eyes. "Oops" she giggles. "Why am I wet?" I look over and see Izzy standing there looking confused as hell. "Why are you wet? Wait. Why are you guys here?" The fuck?

"That doesn't matter right now. Are you alright?" Mama ask as she puts the rest of the broken pieces of glass away. "Y-yeah. I think" she looks back out the window. Like she's trying to look for something. "Did you see something?" I ask as I look outside too. "I saw someone I knew" she keeps looking around. "Are they still here? We can invite them in and-" she turns around so fast that she almost killed me. "No! I mean, no. They're gone" I raise an eyebrow.

She answered that a little too fast and too loud. "Okay? Let's go outside and go to the park!" I suggest. Everyone agrees. Izzy does too but she seems off. We all get ready for the park. It's a bit chilly today but it's still hoodie weather. I have a blue hoodie with mom jeans and some black converse. Izzy almost has the same thing but she has a purple hoodie and purple converse.

"Lock the doors!" Lizard shouts to whoever is the last person out. "Can we get cotton candy after? Oh, McDonalds!" I suggest. "Do you want McDonals?" Mom ask Isabelle who wasn't paying attention to anything. "Sure" she smiles. "Liar" I whisper so that she can also here me. "Can I tell you something?" She pulls me back and waits for everyone to pass us before we start walking again.

Scarlett gave me a weird look but I flipped her off. "Aliyah!" I heard mama say. "Sorry" I mumble. "What's up?" I ask as I intertwined our arms together. "I saw something" I raise an eyebrow. "Like what?" Lost. Once again. "A human. I know the person from a while ago. He was smiling at me and it was creepy" she shivers.

Okay. Now that she said that, I feel like someone's staring at me. I look back and see someone following us from far away. "That him?" I ask. She turns around and cussed. "Yeah...let's go" we run to the group and stay in the middle so that we don't get killed.

So this is something I guess.


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