Chapter 5

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"Welcome Katherine. " said Korn Theerapanyaku , my father.

I gulped because this was my first time meeting my new father but also my new siblings.

I walked a bit more into the room and wai'ed to them all

"Sawasdee-Kha" I said trying to sound confident, and brave. Not weak and nervous for I was determined to make sure they knew that I'm not.

"Come take a seat Katherine. Right next to your older brother Kinn" gestured the older man to the young man who was sitting by himself on one side.

As my brother Kinn stood up I noticed he was wearing a white button up and black slacks, while the others were wearing something completely different.

"Hello Katherine" 'Kinn' said with smile as I walked over to the seat next to the one next to him

I smiled back once I took the seat in the chair next to him. Kinn sat down and I finally looked at the other two in front of me.

they both looked uninterested, but one look especially bored to even be here. 

"These are your other older brothers, TanKhun and Kimhan." said Korn 

Tankhun had short dyed brown hair, and his outfit seemed completely different from everyone else. He was wearing all white, and a jacket with white pearls adorning his shoulders.

While Kimhan had black semi long hair, and his outfit was all black outfit with a leather jacket 

I smiled at both to be friendly but instead neither really cared 

"When will we be done? I have a drama I need to go back to" said Tankhun

"And I have no interest being here" said Kimhan 

Kinn said nothing, and just swirled the drink in his hand. I assume he has no interest as well. Just wanting to please his father.

I looked at all three of my brothers and with no emotion on my face, not showing them how I truly felt.

Even if I was put in this situation I would have enjoyed to somewhat get along with my brothers but now I know not to get attached or even care for this family at all. 

"You will stay for dinner and get to know your sister!" yelled Korn 

All three brothers did not seem to care they had upset their father but still stayed still for the time being 

"Chan, please ask them to bring out the dinner" said Korn 

I looked at Chan, not knowing when he had come in, or if he was there the whole time. 

"Yes sir" said Chan as  swiftly walked out the double doors to inform he kitchen to bring the food out. 

As we waited for the food Korn smiled at me and decided to strike a small conversation 

"I hope your room is to your liking? If there is anything you want to change just let me know" he said 

"The room is nice, thank you" I said quietly

 I heard some one scoff,  and in the corner of my eye I could tell that it was Kimhan. 

I believe out of the three brothers , he seems to hate me the most. 

"Kim" said Kinn while give him a look but all Kim did was role his eyes. 

The food came out right out when Kinn seemed to want to say something more. 

"Please enjoy, Katherine" said Korn when they were putting our food in front of us

But throughout the dinner everyone seemed to be quite besides Korn. He was the only one to try to get us to talk. Especially when it came to wanting to know more about me.


"Katherine, is there anything you want to do before you start school here in Thailand? " 

"No, I don't actually. I've never been in Thailand before, so I have no idea what to even do" I say while looking down at my food 

"Okay. Im sure we  can find stuff  for you to visit and sightsee before you start school" Korn said 

"School? Am I actually going?" I said 

"Yes. We have started the process and you will have to start in about two weeks. Just until you get adjusted to your new living arrangement" 

"Okay. " I whisper

As much as I am glad not to be stuck in this home for so long. I am a bit worried about how school will be like here. Especially since now I have to worry about making friends.

Yet once the dinner was close to being  finished did the other brothers start to speak up

"I'll be leaving now. I have a drama I have to get to." said Tankhun 

"Tankhun you haven't said a word to your sister. At least say something before you go"

"Hmm fine." he turned to look at me" Goodnight" He said  as he stood up and  walked to the double doors where two men were waiting for him "Lets go Pol and Arm!" and they walked away 

"Im leaving too. I have things to do" said Kimhan

"Kim" said Korn

Kim only  turned to look at me and scoffed then proceeded to walk away to the doors.

When both brothers walked out one by one, I looked at them both while they walked. 

I could see that I would not not have to worry about getting attached to this home or family at all. 

The only two left was Korn, my father, and Kinn

"I'm sorry about our brothers Katherine. This is all new to us." said Kinn trying to make things better but it actually did not help

"And this is all new to me Kinn but  I at least was able to be nice to all of you" I said  not caring if I might have been a bit rude with that comment 

Korn didn't say anything, but it did seem like he smiled a bit after hearing my comment 

Kinn on the other hand straightened up in his seat

"Yes, you're right" Kinn replied and then took a sip from his drink before continuing "I think its time we tell Katherine about our family, dad"  

I looked at them both. I knew it had to do with what this family does for a living, considering they all live in luxury 

"Yes, you're right. She does have the right to know about the family business" Korn said 

Kinn nodded agreeing 

They both looked at me and Korn said 

"Katherine dear. You can tell by how we live that our family isn't ordinary and I think it is better we talk about this now before you find out from others " 

I looked at them both very puzzled, because I could not understand what he meant about not being ordinary. Especially since Mr.Pantya had warned me before. 

"Our family is very well known, especially for what we do Katherine. Like I said we are not an ordinary family, we have a business that many people try to stay away from. Especially there are many people who will try to harm us and now you. Our  family has been in this area of business for years now and you now being part of this family will have to understand that you will no longer have the same normal life you did in the states" he continued 

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