Chapter 1

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I gripped onto my coffee pot handle as I poured the steaming coffee in my mario mug. You don't know how much mugs I have. Seriously. I have a lot. I held my mug carefully as I pressed my lips against the edge of it. I felt the hotness of my coffee coming closer and closer until it hit my tongue. Which burned it.

"Shit!" I mumbled rather loudly. I set my mug down on the counter which made a loud bump. It was more loud than you would think because I was alone as usual. My apartment wasn't that high, so it didn't really have a great view. Just a moldy, grey building.

I sat down on my black, comfy sofa with my mug in my hands. My tongue cooled down then. I turned on my TV and flicked through channels. Nothing was really on, except some cartoons and news. Because of that, I just turned off my TV and got out my laptop from the coffee table that was right in front of the sofa. I went on tumblr, as usual. The same old thing. I see vines using this chinese app called "My Idol." I tried using it but literally I can't understand anything on that app.

I checked youtube after that to see the channel I only watch, "AmazingPhil." I heard he lives somewhere here in London, but never found the exact location. He also has tumblr. I checked out his new video, the not-milk challenge, and checked out the comment section. I saw some people saying amazing video, you know that crap. Some saying to do collabs with KickthePj, PewDiePie, the popular youtubers. I mean, I want to make videos on youtube, but never got the guts to. I went back to tumblr to check his profile. His profile picture was him spinning his tongue in circles, and in black and white. I decided to message him for the first time. I know, what an idiot that I have NEVER messaged him on tumblr. This is what I wrote.

To: AmazingPhil
Um, heey. I'm Dan, Dan Howell, and I love your videos. You're probably going to ignore this "fanmail" because I understand how you always get these type of junk. Uh, I heard you live in London too. Maybe we can meet? Haha, hope we can talk sooner or later. So yeah, bye.

My cursor hovered over the send button. I kept reading my message over and over to see if I would really send this shitty message to my favorite youtube star.

It's worth a shot.

Send successful.

I hope he won't think I'm a stupid fool. I closed my laptop and played Halo on my xbox for about 2 or 3 hours until I heard my phone buzz. I checked my notifications and saw I got a message on my tumblr. I open my laptop, went on tumblr on chrome, and checked messages.

To: Danisnotonfire
Heyy! I love getting "fanmail" as you called it. I do live in London, but I can't tell where haha. We must get to know eachother! Here's my skype, AmazingPhil, and we can talk there! Just message me saying "phillion" and I'll know it's you. Like what I say, anyone can be friends with their favorite youtube stars.

I can't believe this. He actually messaged me back. And gave me his skype just like that. I went on skype and messaged him what he wanted me to. I got an immediate message back from him.

"Dan? Can I call you that? Hey!"

I guess anyone could be friends with their favorite youtube stars.
You just can't be afraid to say hello.

Hey! Whenever these words are bolded this is the author! I know this was a super short chapter but, YOLO. :) Anyways, I hope you like Soulmate, and I'll update soon! Bye! xx

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