When I was a little kid, I asked for this really cool remote-controlled car. And of course, my parents accepted my request with an ecstatic: 'yes.'
Just kidding. I got a double, resounding: 'no.'
And as much as I'd like to say I did the cute son face, making them give in to my request, that wasn't the case. I instead used one of the things which I knew they couldn't do without, against them - smoochy-huggy time.
Yeah, it was an actual thing, and sadly, it still is.
Let's just say I refused to accept any of their hugs and kisses. And as you can imagine, my parents were totally freaked out 'cause smoochy-huggy time was a big deal to them.
And so, in less than two days, I got the remote-controlled car in my hands. My plan was a success and I was swimming in glee - after all, I'd spent weeks dreaming of that car. So, yeah, I was pretty excited to finally have it.
However, as much as I enjoyed playing with the car, I soon found that I wasn't enjoying it as much as I always imagined I would. It was as though all the thrill I'd had stored up, slowly began to fade. Until eventually, there was none left.
At first, I couldn't understand the reason for it. I mean, how could my feelings towards the car change in so short a time? How could I like something so much for so long, and then not like it as much anymore? It made no sense to me. But later, I realized that what I'd come to dislike wasn't the car itself, but the result of having it.
Since having the car, I'd grown so obsessed with it, that I didn't care to make time for anything else. And honestly, anyone as well - in this case, Dove. Whenever she'd come sticking her head through my room door, asking me to join one of her tea parties and stuff, I'd turn her down in favor of playing with my car.
And after multiple unanswered requests, which for the record mostly ended in teary-eyed exits, she stopped coming. Thus, leaving just me and my super cool car.
The longer I spent with just me and that car, the more dissatisfied I grew, unable to discard the feeling that I was missing something important. I realized then, that what I was actually missing was Dove's company. Yeah, my little sister with all her doll talk and dress up sessions, was what I was missing.
So, upon realizing that, I was quick to return to joining her while she played. It was only then that I was finally able to break free from my earlier melancholy, my usual cheeriness returning. And the reason for that wasn't exactly that I enjoyed playing model for her make up sessions.
Rather, it was just about being able to play a part in something she enjoyed, and seeing how happy doing so made her. To me, that was more fulfilling than any toy ever was.
All of that happened like a gazillion years ago. And honestly, I barely even remembered my once obsession with that red, remote-controlled car. But now, lying in bed, idly scrolling through my phone, I couldn't help but think of how alike that whole situation was to the one which I was currently experiencing.
Well, no, there was no remote-controlled car this time around. But that feeling of missing something important, was definitely present, leaving some kind of void within me. The difference in this case though, was that I had no clue as to what could possibly be the reason for it.
I knew I should be happy, and I was - I guess.
But the point is, everything in my life was tying in exactly the way I'd always hoped it would. I had Ria - who was awesome by the way, and who I'd always dreamt of being with. And now that we were finally together, I found myself feeling this way. It honestly made no sense.
I mean, I did that whole fake dating thing with Brooke just so I could get together with Ria, and yet, here I was with all these confusing thoughts. Brooke, on the other hand, was obviously happy with Jason.
So, then, what was wrong with me? Why couldn't I stop feeling so...empty? This was the time I ought to be overflowing with love and joy and all of that mushy stuff that came with being with the one you love. So, if I really loved Ria, did it make sense for me to keep feeling this way?
Hold up, what was I even saying? If I really loved Ria? Of course I did! Or did I?
Gosh, my thoughts were driving me nuts.
Before I completely lost it though, I decided to focus my mind on something else.
And the distraction of choice was scrolling through my once-dead Instagram page which was now buzzing with followers and posts.
I stared blankly at the most recent post. It was a picture of Ria and I, and a pretty cute one too - at least that's what she said. Although, looking again, she wasn't exactly wrong. It was pretty cute though - we had this whole goofy look thing going on.
But still, despite the general fun mood of the picture, there just seemed something almost unnatural about it.
Dismissing it as my over imaginative mind, I scrolled through other ones, smiling when I saw the one with Kent, Raj from the baseball team, and some other jocks in the background.
It was at some party we were at last month, cheering ecstatically. Yeah, I'd come to learn from Kent that there was a certain thrill in chanting: 'chug.' And how right he was!
I couldn't help thinking how much happier I looked in this picture. But then again, it was Kent. He was a generally bright person, and always knew how to have a good time. I knew that because it was always an enjoyable time with him.
I was soon moving on from that post, scrolling through a few more until I finally stopped at one, lingering on it a little longer than I probably should. I traced fondly through the screen - precisely, through the girl in the image.
Jeez, when I said it like that, it sounded quite creepy.
Now, though, I felt my lips curl into a smile, my mind slipping back in time - to a time when nothing seemed to be missing with me.
*A few weeks ago*
Target locked.
My gaze moved from the bowl to the girl beside it, who was now going on about a couple at school who were trying to act cute.
Ok, she was obviously distracted. Now was the time to pull off the biggest heist ever. 'Italian Job' and 'Fast and Furious,' take a backseat, 'cause this was the real deal.
And so, the operation began, with stealthy movements of my hand towards the cache, all the while making sure to avoid suspicion by offering regular replies of: 'yeah,' and 'totally.'