Welcome to Hellfire (Eddie x Reader)

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Imagine you ask to join the Hellfire Club and not everyone is on board with a girl joining the campaign.

1986 in Hawkins, Indiana (Season 4)

You sit at the lunch table, alone, picking at the ham sandwich you brought from home. Ever since you started your sophomore year, your appetite had practically ceased to exist. Your mom keeps saying that school will get better, but it feels like it's only getting worse. No one likes you; you're the loser that was held back in the seventh grade. What little friends you did have, eventually moved onto high school without you, leaving you to rot in a friendless world. You're a seventeen-year-old sophomore in high school, and while that doesn't seem like a big deal, your peers seem to think of you as some convicted felon.
Lunch has become a monotonous routine. You sit at the back table, furthest from the popular table, and watch. Every day you look at the jocks being assholes or the band kids being obnoxious, and every once in a while, you look for losers like you that might just let you eat lunch with them.
You had noticed the Hellfire Club before; a crew of misfits destined to be made fun of by the jocks. You had played Dungeons and Dragons before and if you tried, maybe you could fit in with them, but they weren't exactly approachable. You look over at their table to see their leader, Eddie, flipping off the guy next to him and proceeding to punch him on the shoulder. Eddie has a look you can't really forget and ever since you saw him in detention once or twice last year, you had a bit of a crush.
Besides Eddie, you didn't really recognize any of the others, until recently. They had just taken in three new members: Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. Even though he was a freshman, Dustin Henderson was placed in your sophomore level chemistry class, and he seems like a nice kid, smart too. You wouldn't be surprised if he memorized the periodic table by the end of the year.
The bell rings, signaling to everyone that it's time to trudge towards 6th period. The room becomes electric; people jump to their feet, say goodbye to their friends, and head to class. You stay quiet and slowly pack up your lunch before heading to chemistry. You enter the classroom and frown at the sight of people pairing up for the lab experiment.
"Today's experiment will be a partner project," your teacher says to you with a smile, and you throw him a look.
"Yeah, I gathered that," you say and look at your remaining options. There's James who sits in the back and picks his nose, Sarah who growls at people, and then there's Dustin. You plop your bag down next to Dustin and offer him a small smile. In return, he gives you the biggest grin and you can't help but start to match his energy.
"I'm Dustin! You're Y/N, right?" Dustin says and you give him a slightly confused look. "Don't be flattered, I know everyone in all of my classes," Dustin jokes, so you laugh lightly and shrug.
"I know no one in all of my classes," you say, and he nods. "Nice shirt," you say, wanting to keep the conversation going.
"Isn't it great?" Dustin smiles proudly at the mention of his Hellfire Club T-shirt. "A lot of people think we're some badass satanic cult, but we just play D&D. Which is badass in its own special kind of way."
It's now or never. Go for it.
"Oh, really? Is there an open spot in your campaign?" You ask, your face flushing despite your best efforts to keep your cool.
"You play D&D?" Dustin asks in utter disbelief, and you nod. "No, no. You didn't hear me right. You play D&D and you want to join our party?" Dustin is practically shouting, causing a few heads to turn and look.
"Yes. Is there any room for a rogue in Hellfire?" You say and Dustin chuckles.
"Oh, definitely. I'll talk to them, and I'll let you know tomorrow!" Dustin says excitedly and gives you another big grin. "The guys are gonna love this!"


"Guys, why not?" Dustin whines to the group after school.
"We don't have girls in our party. It's just not how it works," Gareth says, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, and we already started planning our campaign." Jeff shrugs and looks towards Gareth.
Dustin throws his hands up in the air and sighs in defeat. Mike and Lucas nervously glance around the group, not wanting to upset their new, older friends.
"Eddie?" Dustin says, looking towards the handsome dungeon master who casually sits on a nearby table, picking at his fingernails. Eddie lets out a heavy sigh and after a moment, he hops off the table and walks towards Dustin.
"Sorry, buddy, the party has spoken," Eddie says. "You'll have to find a new way to pick up chicks." Eddie smiles at Dustin and ruffles his hair.
"It's not like that! She genuinely seems cool!" Dustin argues as Eddie turns away from him.
"Enough!" Eddie shouts. "This is a safe place and we're not bringing in an outsider unless everyone is on board."
Dustin nods and sits down in a chair, accepting his defeat. The boys that argued against letting you in the party seem pleased, and Eddie sighs once again.
"Let's get started, shall we?"


You stand in front of your locker and take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You have been thinking about the Hellfire Club since yesterday and the fear of rejection is practically burning a hole in your stomach.
"Y/N!" Dustin shouts and you look up to see the smiling boy approaching you from down the hall. "Good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"
"Bad news first. Always." You tuck your hair behind your ear and brace for impact.
"So, they said no," Dustin says, and your stomach drops to the floor. You take a shaky breath and nod.
"That's okay—"
"BUT, I think if they got to meet you, you could win them over!" Dustin smiles at you and you shake your head.
"I don't know. That's a lot of pressure." You nervously scratch the back of your head and close your locker.
"Come on! Just stop by our lunch table!" Dustin says and you groan. You start walking towards the cafeteria and aim for your typical table until Dustin calls your name again. You turn around, starting to get annoyed, and he jerks his head towards the Hellfire Club's table with his typical goofy smile. You turn away and sigh, continuing to walk towards your table at the back of the lunchroom. Before you set your stuff down, you glance back towards Dustin, and he's already gone to sit with the rest of the Hellfire Club; your chance is gone.
No, fuck this.
You quickly sling your backpack over your shoulder and confidently walk towards the table of boys. You take a deep breath and instinctively tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear.
"Hey, Dustin," you say, trying to ignore the thumping of your heart in your chest.
"Y/N!" Dustin grins at you and gestures towards you. "This is Y/N."
You look at the group and give your best smile. A couple of the boys stare at you, open mouthed, before they quickly avert their gaze away from you.
"Say hi, everyone," Dustin says as if he's coaching them through their first ever interaction with a girl. They all nod and murmur some sort of greeting, except Eddie; he simply stares at you. His dark brown eyes examine every single inch of you, starting with your legs and traveling all the way up to your face. Eddie leans back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest.
"So, you want to join Hellfire?" Eddie says and everyone quickly looks to him. You stand your ground and nod, even though his intense gaze is practically melting you.
"Yes, I do," you say, and he cocks his head at you, his eyes lingering on your lips for a moment before shifting back up towards your eyes.
"Why?" He leans forward and everyone's gaze shifts to you. You feel heat spread to your face and you swallow nervously. Eddie can't help but smirk as your face turns a deep shade of crimson.
"Because I have no fucking friends," you say and after a beat, Eddie laughs. Eddie laughs hard. A few of the others chuckle and Dustin smiles proudly.
"Welcome to the club, sweetheart." Eddie jumps up from his seat and offers you his hand, his eyes shining bright.
"Eddie, shouldn't we discuss this as a group—" Gareth says, and Eddie shoots him a look.
"Sure, Gareth. Speak your mind." Eddie smiles at him and Gareth sighs.
"Maybe we can vote?" Lucas suggests and everyone nods.
"Excuse us a moment," Eddie says, and you nod, awkwardly shuffling a few feet away. You glance around the lunchroom and everyone else seems unphased. For how big of a decision this seems to be for the club, no one else seems to care. You're just losers being losers.
"Gareth, let me break this down for you, buddy." Eddie slams his hand down on the table and gets close to Gareth. "Cute girl joins club; we get to know cute girl. Then, cute girl brings in more girls and suddenly you're no longer destined to be a 30-year-old virgin." Eddie stares at Gareth, his whisper as intense as his stance. Gareth blinks a few times and then nods at Eddie.
"All in favor say 'I'!" Eddie shouts, getting a few looks from other students.
"I!" The group of boys shout back, and Eddie turns to you, offering his hand.
"Welcome to Hellfire, baby."

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