Harrington's Little Sister (Eddie x Reader)

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Imagine you are Steve Harrington's little sister and Eddie Munson protects you from some high school boys.

⚠️TW for SA and harsh language used towards the reader⚠️

1982 in Hawkins, Indiana (Before Season 1)

"Y/N, are you ready yet?" Steve hollers up the stairs before grabbing a pop tart from the kitchen cabinet.
You are, in fact, not ready yet. Physically, maybe, with your hair tied back and your favorite skirt fitting snuggly across your backside. But in every other aspect, you are not prepared to step foot inside Hawkins High School.
"Y/N, this is your last warning!" Steve yells, opening the front door and slinging his backpack over his shoulder.
"Alright, I'm coming...asshole," you mutter and nervously clutch the strap of your new bookbag as you head down the stairs.
Your mom sits in the faded red armchair that lies in the front room, reading the morning paper. She takes a drag from her cigarette and smiles at you. She tells you to have fun and you simply nod, knowing you don't have time to fully unload your nerves to her before Steve has a total meltdown. You approach Steve's car and get in through the passenger side door, plopping your bag down in your lap. For how concerned he was about you being ready, Steve barely notices you're sitting next to him as he perfects his hairstyle in the rear-view mirror.
"Uh huh," he says mindlessly, staring at his reflection.
"You look like an idiot," you say and flash him a smile. Steve shoots you a look and flicks your forehead before jerking the car into reverse and tearing out of the driveway.
"I don't even have my seatbelt on!" You shout and quickly reach behind you.
"If you die, you die," Steve jokes. "Anything is better than walking into my junior year with my kid sister by my side."


A heavy pit settles in your stomach as you enter the parking lot for Hawkins High. Students of all ages gather around different cars, smoking cigarettes and passing around beers. You hold your backpack close to your chest and try to swallow the lump that's forming in your throat. Steve pulls into a parking spot and looks over at you. His eyes soften and he puts a hand on your shoulder.
"It's gonna be fine," he says and then turns his car off. You look over at him and he sighs, seeing that the worry remains creased on your forehead.
"High school is not that bad. You're a freshman—just keep your head down and no one will bother you, okay?" Steve says, gesturing to Hawkins High and then chuckles. "Besides, you're walking in with me."
You offer him a small smile, which he takes as a win, and jumps out of the car. Sighing, you follow your brother out of the car and trudge towards the school building, dragging your feet with every step. Steve on the other hand, starts to walk with swagger and pulls some sunglasses onto his face before locking the car behind him.
"Rule number one of high school," Steve starts before you even realize he's talking to you. "Get a car as soon as possible because you instantly become at least 10 times cooler. Hi ladies," Steve says coolly to some blonde cheerleaders sitting in the back of a pickup truck.
You run to catch up to your brother's brisk pace and quickly glance at the girls in the truck. They whisper to each other and giggle as Steve playfully gives you a noogie.
"Rule number two, don't let anyone give you a hard time...except me." Steve grins as you fix your hair. "Stand up for yourself but try not to make some big scene or else teachers get involved and eh, it's not worth it at that point."
"Harrington!" A loud male voice calls out and you both look up to see a small group of football players hopping out of a large, expensive looking, truck. "Is that your sister?"
"Yeah, and if you even so much as look at her, I'll kill you, Darren." Steve casually calls out, making the boys laugh.
"Yo, Harrington's sister got a bubble butt!" A different football player jokes to his friends and you look over at the group of boys, your eyes wide. The pimple faced teen grins as he mimes grabbing at your butt, making his friends erupt into a fit of laughter. Before you can even register what just happened, Steve places a firm hand on your shoulder and pushes you in front of him, shielding you from the teens.
"Rule number three, never talk to any of those guys." Steve's jaw hardens and he adjusts his backpack over his shoulder. "Actually, never talk to guys. Period."
You both continue walking across the parking lot, Steve just a few paces behind you, glaring at anyone who glances in your direction. The front doors of Hawkins High are somehow equally as intimidating as the congregation of students in the parking lot, and if it weren't for those football freaks, you would turn and run all the way home.
"Alright, so I'll see you after swim practice at five, okay?" Steve says and you give him a look.
"School ends at three...am I seriously supposed to wait for you?" You ask and Steve shrugs.
"I dunno! You either wait for me to give you a ride or you take the bus home!" Steve runs his fingers through his hair and checks the clock that hangs above the entrance to school; he's supposed to meet Nancy outside of her locker in two minutes.
"I'm not doing either of those! I'll just walk."
"No, no! Y—you're not gonna walk home, Y/N," Steve says clearly, glancing back towards the parking lot. "Just do your homework by the—uh—the front office and I'll come grab you afterwards. Okay? Good. Great." Steve turns on his heel and starts to head inside the school.
"Wait, Steve!" You call out and he turns, very annoyed. "Is bubble butt a bad thing?" You say and Steve's face flushes. He glances around to make sure no one heard and stares at the ground for a few seconds.
"Just go to class, Y/N," Steve says, as if cueing the bell for first period to ring. "Great, now I'm late. See you at five."
"See you at five."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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