Chapter 3: { Shijima Mie}

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So I know I keep describing Amane and Tsukasa's eyes "beautiful
Golden " so let's change it up a bit from now on I'll describe the Yugi twins eyes "Amber" because it would be even better because when you say "beautiful Golden eyes" it sounds so wrong so let's just use "Amber" because that's what everyone uses to describe there eyes and I'm probably the only using the word "Golden" for there eyes so yeah let's just use "Amber".

Now back to the story!!!


After Nene rolled her eyes from the two boys who are currently fightng again. she sighed

" OK STOP IT MITSUBA!" Kou yelled and gaved Mitsuba another smack on the head."Ow ow ow ow! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO SOMEONE AS CUTE AS MEEEE??!!"

" one more then i am evaporating you!!!" Kou threatened Mitsuba. "oh wow yoy watch to many anime's scary..."

Do you all remember that line?

"THATS IT IM GOING TO EVAPORATE YOU!!!" Kou was filled with anger but he was only pretending to because he dint want to think that there boring.

"ahh no wait! stop fighting you two! were on school grounds its prohibited remember???" Nene finally snapped out and finally realising what was happening after she was spacing out.

"Thank you Daikon-Senpai..."Mitsuba mumbled with a small tuned voice to Nene. then everything went silent. Nene gaved Mitsuba a Head Butt.

"Ohh now why did you do that for!!??" (M)

" Oh no! Im sorry its just that you...well...."(Y)

Mitsuba was on his butt sitting on the cold for. Kou grabbed Mitsuba from the back of his collar/uniform Mitsuba turned around
to see Kou smillini.

" what are yoy smiling at lame ass-traffic earing?" Mitsuba questioned Kou. "well its just that I've never seen anyone who actually gave you a reall hit well aside from me of course"

"Huh?" Mitsuba and Nene voth said at the same time. " hmm.. you know what never mind. Anyeay Mitsuba lets go to Mie-San Senpai wanna come along with us?"

"huh me?.. well i have nothing else to do so sure why not"(Y)

" Great! now then what are we waiting for? lets gooooo"(K)

"Wooohooo..oooo....." (M)

The three of them was walking through the hallways making ther way to the Art Club. Nene's eyes was wondering around as they we're walkinh through the hallways. She always gets the feeling that.... someone was watching her the aura un the halways was pretty uneasy for Nene.

But Kou spoke up."Oh yeah by the way Senpai." Nene jump a little. " oh uh yes? what is it??"

" This is the first time we've meet and i never really see you around.... are you perhaps a new student here in Kamome Junior?"Kou asked.

"Yes I am." Nene replied.

"ohhh... what club did you join?" Kou asked another question again.

"Gardening Club... I join the Gardening Club with my best Friend Aoi." Nene replied

Kou stopped walking for a minute and Mitsuba aswell Nene looked kinda confused?

" Wait... Akane Aoi is your best friend the Vice President????"(K)


She tooked a few seconds to understand what Kou meant. Nene started waving her hands saying no. " No no your mentioning another Aoi I know that the Aoi you know is a boy but the Aoi I know is a girl!"

"ohhhhh" Kou and Mitsuba both said at the same time. " well then lets get going lame ass-traffic earing and Daikon-sanpai."

" Stop with those nicknames mitsuba💢"

Time skip because im lazyyyy Ť3Ť

Kou, Nene and Mitsuba are now infront of the Art Club. " well then lets go in"

The three of them entered the Art Room but Mie wasn't there at all. Nrne took a look around the room but Mie wasn't there.

"What the Mie isn't here?...."(K)

"She probably just went out to the cafeteria and bought some food" (Y)

"hmmm it doesn't really sound like her. Usually she always bring her own food to school so she doesn't have to buy one in the cafeteria. And she never really leaves the Art Room." (K)

"Oh shut it lame ass-traffic earing. She probably just forgot to bring one today or mybe she just wanna change it up a bit" (M)

the three of them we're talking to one another.... kinda more like fighting than chatting.... most likely Kou and Mitsuba was fighting.●︿●

Minute's have past still 'talking' but they were interupted. A girl was measuring Nene's ankles?... with a measuring tape...


" What an extremely thick ankles... incredible!" The girl spoke while slowly unwrapping Nene's poor ankles"

"Mie where wore you???" Kou questionend Mie's sudden and late arrival." oh?you we're looking for me? well i was at the cafeteria i bought some food but i ended up eating them on my way"

"See lame ass-traffic earing I told ya 〒_〒" Mitsuba spoked with a small teasing tuned voiced.

" ohh shut it!💢💢"

Ok soo uhh i know that i promised that ill publish more often now but..... our wifi ran out of load so i couldn't publish my stories Ť^Ť

But still i finally published my draft soo yeah.... Byeee see ya in next chapter Ť3Ť

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