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"Yes, mini?"

"Where's Vision?"

"With Wanda, in their room." She smiles. "Did you want me to take you there?"

"Yes, please?"

She picks him up and goes to the elevator, the doors closing, and going to their door. She knocks and it opens a few seconds later, Wanda smiling when she sees mini in Lylas hand.

"He wanted Vision." She grins.

"Aww." She squeals. "Okay."

Lyla hands her mini and Wanda jumps excitedly, making her smile before disappearing back into the elevator, opening the doors, and sitting back down.

"That was honestly the cutest thing I have ever seen." Nat shakes her head.

"I know." Lyla agrees with a happy pout.

"Vision's his uncle." Pietro chuckles.

"Yeah, he is." She gasps.

"How?" Sharon asks with attitude that Lyla did not like.

"Tony." She calls, ignoring Sharon.

"She's my kid." He points, not even looking at Sharon.


"Yeah, who're you?" Lyla tilts her head.

"Sharon Carter." She looks her up and down. "Steve's girlfriend."

"Carter?" She squints her eyes. "That sounds a bit familiar."

"Mhmm." Steve nods. "Lyla."


"Stop it."

"Okay." She shrugs and turns away.

She looks at Pietro and sees him holding in a laugh, making her chuckle as she goes to her phone.

Thor comes in a few minutes later, Jane hugging onto his arm, both smiling at everyone. Apparently, Lyla is the only one to have not met Sharon or Jane yet and so far, it's not going so good.

Jane sits next to Sharon and they get to quietly talking, Lyla already assuming she might not like Jane is she's friends with Sharon, not coming to a conclusion, yet. She hears her name being whispered and her head shoots up to look at the two, who don't notice, Sharon continuing to point with a disgusted face.

Lyla smirks and tilts her head at them, waiting for them to notice. When they do, she tilts her head the other way while staring right into their eyes.

"What're you looking at?" Sharon asks with attitude.

"You two."

"Why?" Jane asks, her own form of attitude seeping through.

"Just wondering what y'all just said about me seeing as, I just heard my name coming from your mouths and would like to know why the hell it was there in the first place."

Everyone sits, already getting nervous, hating when Lyla gets mad, Pietro getting ready to hold her back if needed.

"Just saying how you had been a bit of a bitch earlier." Sharon smirks.

"Oh, did you now?" She smiles as she moves the edge of her seat, everyone backing up into their seat.

"She did." Jane nods.

"That's wonderful news." She laughs. "Last guy who called me a bitch was nearly slammed into a locker as I threatened him. What shall I do to you?"

"Lyla." Pietro calls as he places his hand on her arm and she turns to him, face softening as she looks into his eyes. "Maybe you should go to your room before killing them?"

She hesitates before nodding and standing.

"Pietro, sit there so, they don't even touch it." She grins, pointing to her chair. "Keep their nasty asses off of it."

"I'm allowed to sit in it?" He raises his brows.

"As long as they don't, I don't give a shit."

"I could sit in it." Peter offers.

"And, I believe I said Pietro. Have fun with your girlfriends."

She steps into the elevator, doors closing, and everyone looking at each other with wide eyes and relieved sighs, Pietro doing as asked.

"Holy shit." Sam shakes his head.

"She totally would've killed you guys." Bucky throws his hands.

"Okay." They doubt.

"Who did she threaten?" Tony asks.

"Flash." Pietro answers, looking down at his phone.

"What happened?" Nat asks as everyone gets interested as to why he knows this.

"She rejected him, he assumed something that was wrong, she told him to go away, he called her a bitch, she threatened him using the Avengers."

"Oh?" They nod.

"How do you know?" Peter asks with attitude.

"She wanted to tell somebody because, she was upset 'cause, people in general and I was the closest person so, she told me." He sarcastically grins at him.

"Why'd she calm so easily from you?" Tony smirks.

"What are you guys getting at?" Pietro squints his eyes. "I suggest you stop before she comes back down here and beats the living shit out of all of you."

They nod along and drop the subject, calming his nerves as he quickly texts Lyla, asking if she needs him up there, getting a yes in return. He waits a few minutes until, Peter starts talking again. He rolls his eyes and speeds away, placing Wanda in the chair before opening Lylas door.

She lays on her bed, flat on her front, facing towards the wall, making him smile. She feels the bed dip beside her and pushes herself up, forcefully spreading his legs so, she can lay between them, her arms hugging around his waist while he watches with a sad and happy grin.

"You know how cute you are?" He chuckles.

"Hmm." She groans.

"I love it when you threaten people."

"I know."

"Definitely loved it when you pretty much just told Peter off."

"Ugh, dude. I literally said you can sit there not, Peter. Annoying. Who's there now?"


"Oh, okay. I like her so, that fine."

"That's good to know." He chuckles.


"Oh?" He smiles. "Goodnight, Ангел."

She giggles before nuzzling her head in his body, making him smile wider at how cute she really is.

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