"This party is getting on my damn nerve..... we seriously can't just have a little carnival theme in the backyard" Tee says
We've been back and forth on ideas and it's either she doesn't like mines or I don't like hers. She stopped by the office from her studio so we can finally get this in motion and so far, it seems like it'll be just a basic bbq style party.
"Yes I like that. A carnival theme. We can do so much with that. Cotton candy, the blow up slide and all."
"Oh thank God" she mumbles and I cut my eyes at her as she laughs"You better be glad I love you" I say
"No you better be glad I love you""And why is that?" I ask folding my arms
"Cause I could've easily bent that ass over this damn desk for giving me attitude"
"Yeah okay" I say rolling my eyes leaning back in my chairShe looks at me with raised eyebrows and I instantly feel it go straight through me. Soaking up my panties. I cross my legs trying to take the ache away.
"Anyway... I'm gonna call Momma J and see if she can make her famous Mac and cheese"
"That's cool with me" she says smirking at meBefore I could say anything a knock on my door breaks my train of thought and in walks Normani.
"I don't mean to break up this union y'all got going on, but y'all been here for an hour. It's kids! You just shove their favorite toy in their hand and it's the best day ever. But now we have to go, we have a meeting to get to" she says making me grab my note pad and pen running to the door behind her
"So you just gonna run pass me and not kiss me. Damn, stay hurting a nigga feelings" Tee says making me laugh, but earning a "Bitch please" from Normani as I go to her grabbing her chin giving her a quick peck followed by an I love you. And I run out the door to my meeting.
Oh please don't be long, I say to myself.
It's officially Chloe's birthday and being the mommy that I am, I make it a day all about her. Doing whatever she wants to do. With a day off of work I wake up early as I usually do roll to my left and come face to face with my loves. I see Mekhi right behind me with an opened mouth Chloe who has her head laid on Tee's chest.
I slowly give Mekhi a kiss on his forehead then get out the bed going over to Tee side. Giving Chloe a kiss then Tee. I pick Chloe up out the bed entirely taking her to their room. By the time I lay her on her bed, she's already up looking at me.
"Good morning sunshine"
"Good morning mommy""You know what day it is today.... Right?"
And automatically her face brightens up with the brightest smile. "My birthday!!""Yes it is!! So since it's mommy and me day. Let's get this day started!" I yell and we both dance around the room excited.
After getting ourselves ready and together we head out the door making our way to the first stop... the nail salon. Getting mani pedis with my baby girl. Next we're off to go shopping. I get her this beautiful dress she just had to have since it's her favorite color purple. Now we're sitting in this small restaurant enjoying some bbq food which my baby also loves. I just sit across from her watching as she eats her ribs. As the bbq sauce smears onto her cheeks she smiles up at me saying how good it is.
My baby, I can't believe I birthed this girl and she's three. I can't believe I was pregnant at all, but I wouldn't change it for the world."Mommy what's wrong?"
"Nothing baby. Just look at how gorgeous you are Puddin"
She giggles at her new nickname, I really just love my baby so much.Getting back home my baby is tired and is sleeping on my shoulder. I find Tee on the couch. "Hey bae"
"Hey... you done tired my baby out that she can't even blow out the candles to the cake I got her" Tee says pouting, I chuckle lightly to not wake Chloe. I give Tee a soft kiss and we swap Chloe from my arms to hers. She gives her a kiss then go upstairs taking her to bed.
Another birthday to come, now it's Mekhi's birthday. And for him he wants to spend it with all of us. And that means going to Dave and Busters because he loves games. Today I couldn't get the day off because I had court so that means I'll miss out on the fun for a little bit. But before court i have somewhere i need to be...
"Mommy... do you have to go?" Mekhi ask me as I make breakfast
"Yes baby.. I'm sorry I won't be there with you in the beginning but right after court I'll be there..... ready to beat you at every game." I say making everyone laugh
"I love you. I love you. And I love you" I say giving everyone a kiss on the forehead once I realize what time it is.
"You just gonna leave the bacon burning" Tee says making me laugh, but then says goodbye to me telling me to have a great day.
I'm so late beyond late and I know Mek is definitely upset with me. Court went longer than it should just because the defendant wanted to act up in court, prolonging it. I rush out the courthouse with Normani following behind me telling me how she handle the paperwork for me and to hurry up. I drive to Dave and Busters as fast as I can. As I hit the red light before I turn to it I dial Tee.
"Baby... Baby.. I'm so sorry for being late. I know Mek is mad at me, but I really tried.... the case ran longer than expec-" I sat getting cut off by a car slamming into me from the back. I scream as I try to hit the brakes as my car spins around fast and in the middle of traffic. Before I can even blink, I get slammed by two cars on either side of me.
Once all the glass settles and there's a calmness, I open my eyes well try to seeing nothing but a blurry vision. I feel liquid running down my face but I pay no attention to it. With a shakey hand I softly rub my belly, muttering "we're okay... we're okay"........
Peace y'all and enjoy

Us over Everything * EDITED*
FanfictionTeyana and Megan have been friends since forever. But when Megan comes crying to Teyana about another guy cheating on her, and Teyana's already hurt from her girlfriend breaking up with her. Alcohol becames the answer to solve their problems, but do...